efento / NB-IoT-sensors-integration

This quick tutorial will show you how to set up a simple CoAP server, which receives the data from Efento NB-IoT sensors and saves it to a PostgreSQL database.
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Start points for major acc channels #12

Open JohnnyPicnic opened 11 months ago

JohnnyPicnic commented 11 months ago

It seems the default start points for acc channels 3 and 5 are "2" and "4". Is this accounted for when summing up major value and minor values?

piotr-szydlowski commented 11 months ago

Yes. Decoding / summing up example below:

Example of data decoding:

Channel 1:


Channel 2:


Channel 1 values (startPoint + sampleOffsets):

34+0 = 34, 34+0 = 34, 34+0 = 34

Channel 2 values (startPoint + sampleOffsets):

564-18 = 546, 564-18 = 546, 564 + 18 = 582

Decoded values:

Channel 1:

34 = 4*8 +2 -> value = 8, metadata = 2 (to get these values: value = floor(34/4) = 8 (metadata factor for this type of sensor = 4); metadata = 34 mod 4 = 2)

Major value = 8 hectolitre, metadata = 2 -> sensor has been reset, value may be understated

Channel 2:

546 = 91*6 + 0 -> value = 91, metadata = 0 (to get these values: value = floor(546/6) = 91 (metadata factor for this type of sensor = 6); metadata = 546 mod 6 = 0)

Minor value = 91 litres, the channel is a minor water meter for major water meter on channel 1

Total value = 800 + 91 = 891 litres

JohnnyPicnic commented 11 months ago

This is what I'm working with.


When calculating the value for the minor channels the start setpoints "2" and "4" throw off the values.


Another example with values for channels 2 and 3.



{"PULSE_CNT_ACC_1":[{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_1","value":0},{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_1","value":0},{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_1","value":400}], "PULSE_CNT_ACC_2":[{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_2","value":0.3333333333333333},{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_2","value":300.3333333333333},{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_2","value":0.3333333333333333}], "PULSE_CNT_ACC_3":[{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_3","value":0.6666666666666666},{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_3","value":400.6666666666667},{"type":"PULSE_CNT_ACC_3","value":0.6666666666666666}]}