effekseer / EffekseerForGodot4

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Error In Addon Installation in Godot 4.2.1 #5

Open Bikimaharjan opened 5 months ago

Bikimaharjan commented 5 months ago

modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp:121 - GDScript bug: Native class "EffekseerEmitter2D" not found. modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp:121 - GDScript bug: Native class "EffekseerEmitter3D" not found. modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp:121 - GDScript bug: Native class "EffekseerEmitter2D" not found. modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp:121 - GDScript bug: Native class "EffekseerEmitter3D" not found. res://addons/effekseer/src/EffekseerEditorMenu.gd:26 - Compile Error: Identifier not found: EffekseerSystem modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:2788 - Failed to load script "res://addons/effekseer/src/EffekseerEditorMenu.gd" with error "Compilation failed". (User) modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp:121 - GDScript bug: Native class "EffekseerEffect" not found. res://addons/effekseer/src/EffekseerEffectImportPlugin.gd:53 - Compile Error: Identifier not found: EffekseerEffect modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:2788 - Failed to load script "res://addons/effekseer/src/EffekseerEffectImportPlugin.gd" with error "Compilation failed". (User) modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp:121 - GDScript bug: Native class "EffekseerEffect" not found. modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp:121 - GDScript bug: Native class "EffekseerEmitter3D" not found. modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp:121 - GDScript bug: Native class "EffekseerResource" not found. res://addons/effekseer/src/EffekseerResourceImportPlugin.gd:54 - Compile Error: Identifier not found: EffekseerResource modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:2788 - Failed to load script "res://addons/effekseer/src/EffekseerResourceImportPlugin.gd" with error "Compilation failed". (User)

And Project Reloading fails. It shuts down Godot Completely.

ueshita commented 5 months ago

I would like to have the following information?

  1. Your environment
  2. Steps to reproduce
Bikimaharjan commented 5 months ago

Well, I tested in new project. Install the addon and When I enable the addon this error appeared. Tried twice or more time in multiple new projects. Even though the error appeared I tried the Effekseer node with the example project from Effekseer samples. It worked but sometimes it crashes Godot and after addon installation Project Reloading does not works, it shuts down completely and had to open again.

ueshita commented 5 months ago

What OS do you use?

Bikimaharjan commented 5 months ago


ueshita commented 5 months ago

OK. the first time you do this, you will see some errors. Please try to Enable the plugin and restart Godot just to be sure. https://effekseer.github.io/Help_Godot/v4/en/how-to-use.html The error should no longer be output

EmilienLeroy commented 3 months ago

Hi @Bikimaharjan and @ueshita

I'm encountering the same issue with my current configuration:

Upon installing the plugin, I encounter the same error when installing. After enabling the plugin and restarting Godot doesn't trigger any error messages. However, when I add an EffekseerSystem, Godot crashes, and none of the .efkproj files I add are loaded.


I'm able to add EffekseerEmitter2D and EffekseerEmitter3D, but I can't find any .efkproj files to test the node with.

I've attempted to build and run the plugin, but I'm encountering the same issue. Additionally, I've tested using Godot 4.1.1 and plugin version 1.70e.2, but the problem persists.

Bikimaharjan commented 2 months ago

@EmilienLeroy .efkproj won't run instead of export you have to save as .efkefc file.

amaniku1234 commented 2 weeks ago

こんばんは。日本語でも大丈夫でしょうか。 私の環境でもインストール時にBikimaharjan氏と同じエラーが表示されます。 環境はMacでGodot4.2.1です。

完全に新しいプロジェクトでも状況は同じで、再起動するとエラーは出なくなりますが、.efkefcがインポートできません。 OSのFinderから所定のフォルダを見ると、.efkefcファイルは間違いなくGodotプロジェクトのフォルダに存在しているのですが、 Godotからそのファイルを見ることはできません。

また、インストール後、該当のプロジェクトを閉じようとすると高確率でGodotがクラッシュします。 何か解決手段はありますでしょうか。