effrenus / yandex-map-react-examples

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Add custom controls example #1

Open kachkaev opened 8 years ago

kachkaev commented 8 years ago

Hi Alexey,

Thanks a lot for your work on YMaps for React – this is potentially a really useful thing! I've been trying to customise the controls of the map, but did not figure out what's expected as a parameter. If this is a collection of the real controls, won't this affect the performance of the component? What would you recommend for the cases when parent control's render() method is called quite often?

It would be great if you could provide a small example of how to remove a couple of default buttons. A hint on how to add a custom control will be also handy.


effrenus commented 8 years ago

Example with custom control https://github.com/effrenus/yandex-map-react-examples/tree/develop/src I don't think, that collection may affect the performance. Is there any test case?)

kachkaev commented 8 years ago

Will have a look at this one in a couple of days. Thank you for the example!

kachkaev commented 8 years ago

It worked!