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tensorboard 执行中没有载入 #44

Open twjohnsontsai opened 11 months ago

twjohnsontsai commented 11 months ago

tensorboard 执行中没有载入,无法测试训练的模型是不是符合自己的要求, 跑到20000了出来的结果还是让人失望,还有继续程序执行,但也不知道是训练过头了还是还要继续执行训练! 还有日志信息显示错误是由于多进程训练时日志模块试图向已经关闭的管道写入日志,导致报错,这个问题如何解决?

effusiveperiscope commented 9 months ago

Without knowing what the quantity or quality of dataset is used it is hard to tell what quality of results should be expected. I cannot provide very much guidance on this as I personally have not completed any training using the Colab notebook. It would be helpful if you could provide the full log and traceback for the problem you encounter