effyteva / Teva.Common.Cultures

The Unlicense
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nuget #2

Open olka-dev opened 4 years ago

olka-dev commented 4 years ago

Greetings @effyteva I forked your repo https://github.com/olka-dev/Teva.Common.Cultures, making some changes (improvements in my opinion). And based on that fork I published it to nuget https://www.nuget.org/packages/Teva.Common.Cultures/. If you have problems with me using your project name as the name of the package - please let me know ASAP. You are free to merge my changes back to original repo, but be aware that json serializer changed under the hood may be less desirable on .net framework consumers, as it will pull up many dependencies for system.text.json from the nuget (while having no external dependencies at all for .net core consumer).

effyteva commented 4 years ago

Thank you @olka-dev! I'm currently on vacation, once I return I'll try to merge your changes.