efi / gephi-cw

Chinese Whispers Clustering Plugin for Gephi (not yet compatible with 0.9 since there the Clusterer API is still temporarily missing)
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Where I can get Reference for this line #2

Closed didiroesmana closed 9 years ago

didiroesmana commented 9 years ago


at line 138 - 140 you use propagation ( TOP, LOG , DIST LOG and VOTE ) where can I find the reference about that formula ? I need to know the reference for my UndergraduateThesis

Thanks in advance

efi commented 9 years ago

Hi. The different propagation methods are adopted from the explanation page of the original implementation: http://wortschatz.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~cbiemann/software/CW.html

The scientific paper for this is available at http://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/~cbiemann/pub/2006/BiemannTextGraph06.pdf