eficode / JavaFXLibrary

Robot Framework library for JavaFX automation based on TestFX
Apache License 2.0
21 stars 10 forks source link

Does this thing actually work? #60

Closed EssJayAitch closed 3 years ago

EssJayAitch commented 3 years ago

I wish to use JavaFxLibrary to test my application. As per instructions, I have put both the JavaFxLibrary jar and my application jar in the CLASSPATH. I start the remote server then I run this robot script.

*** Settings ***
Library  Remote   http://localhost:8270   WITH NAME    JavaFXLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Start MyApplication    Launch Javafx Application   au.com.myapp.load.MyApplication   

MyApplication at this point should do nothing more than display an empty stage.

I get this result

Start MyApplication                                                        [ ERROR ] FxRobot not initialized, launch test application with the library
| FAIL |
Unable to launch application: au.com.myapp.load.MyApplication

MyApplication is in a different directory to the JavfaFxLibrary. If I run the jar standalone or via Eclipse, MyApplication works as expected. I have tried both eclipse and PyCharm, the robot script always gives this FAIL

Just how do you set up JavaFxLibrary?

Second question: Are there keywords to identify Alert displays?

EssJayAitch commented 3 years ago

Hello, you can ignore this issue. Please close this. I have managed a workaround.