efidroid / projectmanagement

EFIDroid Project Management
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Lenovo P2 (kuntao row) Support #127

Open coderobe opened 6 years ago

coderobe commented 6 years ago

I have attempted to port EFIDroid to the Lenovo P2a42 (kuntao_row)

It's a MSM8953, i used this LA.UM tree and DEFINES += WITH_2NDSTAGE_DISPLAY_DMA_TRIGGER has to be set for the display to work. The NOUEFI LK boots[1] but the uefi_boot.img[2] just reboots the device.

I have the feeling this might be a case of https://github.com/efidroid/projectmanagement/issues/89 Can anyone confirm that? I have attached the uefi_boot.img below.


[1] nouefi_lk
[2] uefi_boot.img.zip

M1cha commented 6 years ago

This is a well known problem and one of the reasons why EFIDroid currently is being completely rewritten on top of a UEFI-only solution (no more LK). Unfortunately that's still gonna take a lot of time until it's ready.

coderobe commented 6 years ago

I see. Is there a repo/branch to track the progress?