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EFIDroid Project Management
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Partitions do not mount or still point to original during patched boot #68

Closed EvoPulseGaming closed 7 years ago

EvoPulseGaming commented 7 years ago

Bootted in patched mode, using a recovery on a slotted rom.

InternalSD - won't mount

/system - mounts after wipe, but now points to original /cache - same?

/data - does not mount, even after wipe

  1. Select twrp 3.0.2-1
  2. Select a slotted "rom"
  3. Attempt to mount all partitions
  4. Wipe all "new" partitions that would not mount in #3
  5. Observe partition size does not match created value, but actually the original partitions size (I suspect at this point, unpatched /system was wiped)
  6. Installing rom on /system will overwrite unpatched /system

Logs: cat mountinfo:

1 1 0:1 / / rw - rootfs rootfs rw,seclabel
11 1 0:11 / /multiboot rw,nosuid,relatime - tmpfs tmpfs rw,seclabel,mode=755
12 11 0:12 / /multiboot/sys rw,relatime - sysfs sysfs rw,seclabel
13 11 0:3 / /multiboot/proc rw,relatime - proc proc rw
14 11 0:13 / /multiboot/dev rw,nosuid,relatime - tmpfs tmpfs rw,seclabel,mode=755
15 11 179:25 / /multiboot/data rw,relatime - ext4 /multiboot/dev/block/mmcblk0p25 rw,seclabel
16 11 179:25 / /multiboot/bootdev rw,relatime - ext4 /multiboot/dev/block/mmcblk0p25 rw,seclabel
17 11 179:25 / /multiboot/esp rw,relatime - ext4 /multiboot/dev/block/mmcblk0p25 rw,seclabel
18 1 0:14 / /dev rw,nosuid,relatime - tmpfs tmpfs rw,seclabel,mode=755
19 18 0:9 / /dev/pts rw,relatime - devpts devpts rw,seclabel,mode=600
20 1 0:3 / /proc rw,relatime - proc proc rw
21 1 0:12 / /sys rw,relatime - sysfs sysfs rw,seclabel
22 21 0:10 / /sys/fs/selinux rw,relatime - selinuxfs selinuxfs rw
23 1 0:15 / /tmp rw,relatime - tmpfs tmpfs rw,seclabel
24 1 7:254 / /cache rw,relatime - ext4 /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:cache rw,seclabel,data=ordered
25 1 179:65 / /external_sd rw,relatime - vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 rw,fmask=0000,dmask=0000,allow_utime=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro

I don't see internalsd, or system, and esp and data are the same partition?

cat tmp/recovery.log:

__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for localtime!
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for GMT!
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules!
Starting TWRP 3.0.2-0 on Tue Jan 21 13:18:41 2014
 (pid 251)
I:Lun file '/sys/devices/msm_dwc3/f9200000.dwc3/gadget/lun0/file'
I:TW_BRIGHTNESS_PATH := /sys/devices/mdp.0/qcom,mdss_fb_primary.184/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness
I:Found brightness file at '/sys/devices/mdp.0/qcom,mdss_fb_primary.184/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness'
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:LANG: en
Starting the UI...Overlay graphics may work (mdssfb_90000), but not enabled. Use TW_TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP := true to enable.
cannot find/open a drm device: No such file or directory
fb0 reports (possibly inaccurate):
  vi.bits_per_pixel = 32
  vi.red.offset   =  24   .length =   8
  vi.green.offset =  16   .length =   8
  vi.blue.offset  =   8   .length =   8
double buffered
framebuffer: 0 (1080 x 1920)
Using fbdev graphics.
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:Loading package: splash (/twres/splash.xml)
I:Load XML directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/splash.xml' directly
I:Checking resolution...
I:Loading resources...
I:Loading variables...
I:Loading mouse cursor...
I:Loading pages...
I:Loading page splash
I:Switching packages (splash)
=> Linking mtab
=> Processing recovery.fstab
I:Processing '/boot'
I:Processing '/recovery'
I:Processing '/system'
I:Processing '/data'
I:Setting up '/data' as data/media emulated storage.
I:Created '/sdcard' folder.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
get_crypt_ftr_info crypto key location: 'footer'
Bad magic for real block device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
Could not mount /data and unable to find crypto footer.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
Unable to recreate /data/media folder.
I:Processing '/cache'
I:Processing '/efs1'
I:Processing '/efs2'
I:Processing '/efs3'
I:Processing '/external_sd'
I:Created '/external_sd' folder.
I:Processing '/modem'
I:Processing '/usbstorage'
I:Created '/usbstorage' folder.
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/TWRP/BACKUPS/e734b4ad'
I:Settings storage is '/data/media'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
Updating partition details...
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usbstorage'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
Unable to mount storage
I:Unmounting main partitions...

Partition Logs:
/boot | /dev/block/mmcblk0p14 | Size: 11MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p14
   Display_Name: Boot
   Storage_Name: boot
   Backup_Path: /boot
   Backup_Name: boot
   Backup_Display_Name: Boot
   Storage_Path: /boot
   Current_File_System: emmc
   Fstab_File_System: emmc
   Backup_Method: dd

/recovery | /dev/block/mmcblk0p15 | Size: 13MB
   Flags: IsPresent Can_Flash_Img
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p15
   Display_Name: Recovery
   Storage_Name: recovery
   Backup_Path: /recovery
   Backup_Name: recovery
   Backup_Display_Name: Recovery
   Storage_Path: /recovery
   Current_File_System: emmc
   Fstab_File_System: emmc
   Backup_Method: dd

/system | /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 | Size: 1476MB Used: 652MB Free: 823MB Backup Size: 652MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p23
   Display_Name: System
   Storage_Name: System
   Backup_Path: /system
   Backup_Name: system
   Backup_Display_Name: System
   Storage_Path: /system
   Current_File_System: ext4
   Fstab_File_System: ext4
   Backup_Method: files

/data | /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 | Size: 0MB Used: 0MB Free: 0MB Backup Size: 0MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_During_Factory_Reset Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent Can_Be_Encrypted Has_Data_Media Can_Encrypt_Backup Use_Userdata_Encryption Is_Storage Is_Settings_Storage
   Symlink_Path: /data/media
   Symlink_Mount_Point: /sdcard
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
   Length: -16384
   Display_Name: Data
   Storage_Name: Internal Storage
   Backup_Path: /data
   Backup_Name: data
   Backup_Display_Name: Data
   Storage_Path: /data/media
   Current_File_System: ext4
   Fstab_File_System: ext4
   Backup_Method: files
   MTP_Storage_ID: 65537

/cache | /dev/block/mmcblk0p24 | Size: 492MB Used: 8MB Free: 483MB Backup Size: 8MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_During_Factory_Reset Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p24
   Display_Name: Cache
   Storage_Name: Cache
   Backup_Path: /cache
   Backup_Name: cache
   Backup_Display_Name: Cache
   Storage_Path: /cache
   Current_File_System: ext4
   Fstab_File_System: ext4
   Backup_Method: files

/efs1 | /dev/block/mmcblk0p11 | Size: 14MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Has_SubPartition IsPresent
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p11
   Display_Name: EFS
   Storage_Name: EFS
   Backup_Path: /efs1
   Backup_Name: efs1
   Backup_Display_Name: EFS
   Storage_Path: /efs1
   Current_File_System: emmc
   Fstab_File_System: emmc
   Backup_Method: dd

/efs2 | /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 | Size: 3MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Is_SubPartition IsPresent
   SubPartition_Of: /efs1
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p12
   Display_Name: efs2
   Storage_Name: efs2
   Backup_Path: /efs2
   Backup_Name: efs2
   Backup_Display_Name: efs2
   Storage_Path: /efs2
   Current_File_System: emmc
   Fstab_File_System: emmc
   Backup_Method: dd

/efs3 | /dev/block/mmcblk0p13 | Size: 3MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up Is_SubPartition IsPresent
   SubPartition_Of: /efs1
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p13
   Display_Name: efs3
   Storage_Name: efs3
   Backup_Path: /efs3
   Backup_Name: efs3
   Backup_Display_Name: efs3
   Storage_Path: /efs3
   Current_File_System: emmc
   Fstab_File_System: emmc
   Backup_Method: dd

/external_sd | /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 | Size: 30195MB Used: 19829MB Free: 10365MB Backup Size: 19829MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Wipe_Available_in_GUI Removable IsPresent Is_Storage
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1p1
   Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1
   Display_Name: Micro SDcard
   Storage_Name: Micro SDcard
   Backup_Path: /external_sd
   Backup_Name: external_sd
   Backup_Display_Name: Micro SDcard
   Storage_Path: /external_sd
   Current_File_System: vfat
   Fstab_File_System: vfat
   Backup_Method: files
   MTP_Storage_ID: 65538

/modem | /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 | Size: 57MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
   Display_Name: Modem
   Storage_Name: Modem
   Backup_Path: /modem
   Backup_Name: modem
   Backup_Display_Name: Modem
   Storage_Path: /modem
   Current_File_System: emmc
   Fstab_File_System: emmc
   Backup_Method: dd

/usbstorage |  | Size: 0MB Used: 0MB Free: 0MB Backup Size: 0MB
   Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Removable Is_Storage
   Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/sda1
   Display_Name: USB Storage
   Storage_Name: USB Storage
   Backup_Path: /usbstorage
   Backup_Name: usbstorage
   Backup_Display_Name: USB Storage
   Storage_Path: /usbstorage
   Current_File_System: vfat
   Fstab_File_System: vfat
   Backup_Method: files
   MTP_Storage_ID: 65539

I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount /data/media during GUI startup.
I:Loading package: TWRP (/twres/ui.xml)
I:Load XML directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/uk.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly
parsing languageFile
parsing languageFile done
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/ui.xml' directly
I:Checking resolution...
I:Loading resources...
I:Failed to load image from indeterminate013, error -1
I:Loading variables...
I:Loading mouse cursor...
I:Loading pages...
I:Including file: /twres/portrait.xml...
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/portrait.xml' directly
I:Loading resources...
I:Loading page restore
I:Unable to open '/data/media/TWRP/BACKUPS/e734b4ad'
I:Loading page restore_read
I:Loading page select_language
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Switching packages (TWRP)
Renaming regular /file_contexts -> /file_contexts.bak
Moving /prebuilt_file_contexts -> /file_contexts
SELinux contexts loaded from /file_contexts
Full SELinux support is present.
I:Not using /misc, not defined in fstab.
I:Not using /misc, not defined in fstab.

I:Copying file /cache/recovery/log to /cache/recovery/last_log
tw_get_context failed to get selinux context
I:Failed to get default contexts and file mode for storage files.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
Unable to mount /data/media/TWRP/.twrps
I:Attempt to load settings from settings file...
I:InfoManager file '/data/media/TWRP/.twrps' not found.
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/TWRP/BACKUPS/e734b4ad'
I:Copying file /etc/recovery.fstab to /cache/recovery/recovery.fstab
I:Version number saved to '/cache/recovery/.version'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usbstorage'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0!
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules!
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly
parsing languageFile
parsing languageFile done
I:Translating partition display names
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/TWRP/BACKUPS/e734b4ad'
I:TWFunc::Fixup_Time: Pre-fix date and time: 2014-01-21--07-18-48
I:TWFunc::Fixup_Time: Setting time offset from file /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/since_epoch
I:TWFunc::Fixup_Time: will attempt to use the ats files now.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Enabling MTP during startup
I:Starting MTP
Starting MTP
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I:Unable to mount '/data'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p25', current file system: 'ext4'
I:sending message to add 65538 '/external_sd' 'Micro SDCard'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65538
MTP Enabled
I:Switching packages (TWRP)
I:Set page: 'system_readonly'
Using '/dev/mtp_usb' for MTP device.
created new mtpserver object
MtpServer::run fd: 29
mtppipe add storage 65538 '/external_sd'
MtpStorage id: 65538 path: /external_sd


                  |           |           |-{adbd}(255)
                  |           |           |-{adbd}(257)
                  |           |           |-{adbd}(259)
                  |           |           `-{adbd}(311)
                  |           |-healthd(247)
                  |           |-recovery(251)---recovery(272)-+-{recovery}(274)
                  |           |                               `-{recovery}(276)
                  |           `-ueventd(245)
M1cha commented 7 years ago

please run fastboot oem setnvvar multiboot-debuglevel 0 in uefi fastboot and then post a dmesg too.

EvoPulseGaming commented 7 years ago


<6>[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0
<6>[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
<5>[    0.000000] Linux version 3.4.110-idleKernel-hlte-tmo-twrp-7.0.0 (jc@gallifrey) (gcc version 4.9.4 20150629 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG 1.20.0 - Linaro GCC 2015.06 - Cortex-A15) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Feb 7 18:10:21 EST 2016
<4>[    0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [512f06f0] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
<4>[    0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, PIPT instruction cache
<6>[    0.000000] Machine: Qualcomm MSM 8974 (Flattened Device Tree), model: Samsung HLTE rev0.7
<6>[    0.000000] qcom,ion-heap@16 reserved EBI1 size 1e00000
<6>[    0.000000] qcom,ion-heap@28 reserved EBI1 size 614000
<6>[    0.000000] Node qcom,mdss_fb_primary memblock_reserve memory 3200000-4100000
<6>[    0.000000] qcom,msm-rtb reserved EBI1 size 100000
<6>[    0.000000] qcom,msm-contig-mem reserved EBI1 size 280000
<6>[    0.000000] Node qcom,msm-mem-hole removed memory 6c00000-10200000
<6>[    0.000000] memory pool 3 (start 0xbd800000 size 2800000) initialized
<6>[    0.000000] Initialized persistent memory from bff00000-bfffffff
<6>[    0.000000] cma: CMA: reserved 16 MiB at 2b400000
<6>[    0.000000] cma: Found secure_region, memory base 0, size 165 MiB, limit 0xffffffff
<6>[    0.000000] cma: CMA: reserved 168 MiB at b3000000
<6>[    0.000000] cma: Found adsp_region, memory base 0, size 65 MiB, limit 0xffffffff
<6>[    0.000000] cma: CMA: reserved 68 MiB at aec00000
<6>[    0.000000] cma: Found qsecom_region, memory base 0, size 17 MiB, limit 0xffffffff
<6>[    0.000000] cma: CMA: reserved 20 MiB at ad800000
<4>[    0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writealloc
<6>[    0.000000] IMEM DT static mapping successful
<7>[    0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 737792
<7>[    0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c11eaf40, node_mem_map c4100000
<7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 1416 pages used for memmap
<7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
<7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 141432 pages, LIFO batch:31
<7>[    0.000000]   HighMem zone: 4728 pages used for memmap
<7>[    0.000000]   HighMem zone: 590216 pages, LIFO batch:31
<6>[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @c595f000 s15552 r0 d13120 u32768
<7>[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s15552 r0 d13120 u32768 alloc=8*4096
<7>[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [0] 2 [0] 3
<4>[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 731648
<5>[    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=null androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=31 msm_rtb.filter=0x3F androidboot.sec_atd.tty=/dev/ttyHSL0 sec_log=0x100000@0x10000008 sec_dbg=0x80000@0x10100008 sec_debug.reset_reason=0x1a2b3c00 lcd_id=0x414024 pmic_info=3 androidboot.debug_level=0x4f4c sec_debug.enable=0 sec_debug.enable_user=0 androidboot.cp_debug_level=0x55FF sec_debug.enable_cp_debug=0 cordon=38f15899df74f0be764145679298c3bb connie=SM-N900T_TMO_USA_a9c219d23d235e61ddd49b643a597793 loglevel=4 samsung.hardware=SM-N900T samsung.board_rev=8 androidboot.emmc_checksum=3 androidboot.warranty_bit=1 androidboot.bootloader=N900TUVSFPH3 androidboot.nvdata_backup=0 androidboot.boot_recovery=0 uart_dbg=0 sec_debug.pm8941_rev=3 sec_debug.pm8841_rev=2 diag=0 vmalloc=450m level=0x574f4c44 androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=e734b4ad androidboot.baseband=msm gpt rdinit=/multiboot_init androidboot.selinux=permissive
<6>[    0.000000] get_lcd_id_cmdline: LCD_ID = 0x414024, lcd_attached =1
<3>[    0.000000] synaptics_read_lcd_id: string is 414024, integer is 414024, ID2[0x04], system_rev is 8
<6>[    0.000000] /home/jc/build/idleKernel-note3/drivers/misc/max77803-muic.c get_if_pmic_inifo: switch_sel: 3 if_pmic_rev:0
<6>[    0.000000] mdss_panel_current_hw_rev : 8
<6>[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] Memory: 108MB 2774MB = 2882MB total
<5>[    0.000000] Memory: 2602504k/2602504k available, 389624k reserved, 2117632K highmem
<5>[    0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
<5>[    0.000000]     vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]     fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]          vmalloc : 0xec800000 - 0xff000000   ( 296 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]           lowmem : 0xd0200000 - 0xec400000   ( 450 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]          vmalloc : 0xc6c00000 - 0xd0200000   ( 150 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]           lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xc6c00000   ( 108 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]     pkmap   : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000   (   2 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]       .text : 0xc0008000 - 0xc0f22614   (15466 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]       .init : 0xc1000000 - 0xc110dcc0   (1080 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]       .data : 0xc110e000 - 0xc11f002c   ( 905 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]        .bss : 0xc11f0050 - 0xc1330e4c   (1284 kB)
<6>[    0.000000] SLUB: Genslabs=11, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
<6>[    0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
<6>[    0.000000]       RCU dyntick-idle grace-period acceleration is enabled.
<6>[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:16 nr_irqs:16 16
<6>[    0.000000] sched_clock: 32 bits at 19MHz, resolution 52ns, wraps every 223696ms
<6>[    0.000000] Switching to timer-based delay loop
<6>[    0.000000] Console: colour dummy device 80x30
<6>[    0.000069] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 38.40 BogoMIPS (lpj=192000)
<6>[    0.000085] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
<6>[    0.000188] Security Framework initialized
<6>[    0.000202] SELinux:  Initializing.
<7>[    0.000244] SELinux:  Starting in permissive mode
<6>[    0.000290] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
<6>[    0.000903] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
<6>[    0.000913] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
<6>[    0.000948] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
<6>[    0.001107] CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000
<6>[    0.001164] hw perfevents: enabled with ARMv7 Krait PMU driver, 5 counters available
<6>[    0.004010] Setting up static identity map for 0xa78dc0 - 0xa78e48
<6>[    0.004023] MSM Memory Dump table set up
<6>[    0.005333] CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001
<6>[    0.006045] CPU2: thread -1, cpu 2, socket 0, mpidr 80000002
<6>[    0.006749] CPU3: thread -1, cpu 3, socket 0, mpidr 80000003
<6>[    0.006826] Brought up 4 CPUs
<6>[    0.006838] SMP: Total of 4 processors activated (153.60 BogoMIPS).
<6>[    0.018060] VFP support v0.3: implementor 51 architecture 64 part 6f variant 2 rev 0
<6>[    0.018144] [suspend helper] suspend_helper_init: init done
<6>[    0.018410] dummy:
<6>[    0.026660] NET: Registered protocol family 16
<6>[    0.029681] DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
<6>[    0.032023] KPI: Bootloader start count = 28292
<6>[    0.032031] KPI: Bootloader end count = 74071
<6>[    0.032038] KPI: Bootloader display count = 59691
<6>[    0.032045] KPI: Bootloader load kernel count = 642
<6>[    0.032054] KPI: Kernel MPM timestamp = 1906716
<6>[    0.032061] KPI: Kernel MPM Clock frequency = 32768
<6>[    0.032076] socinfo_print: v8, id=126, ver=2.2, raw_id=1968, raw_ver=7, hw_plat=1, hw_plat_ver=65536
<6>[    0.032080]  accessory_chip=0, hw_plat_subtype=0, pmic_model=65537, pmic_die_revision=196609
<3>[    0.032332] msm_8974_init_gpiomux:2701 socinfo_get_version 20002
<3>[    0.032347] msm_gpiomux_install: write failure: status[-22] gpio[-1]
<3>[    0.032356] msm_gpiomux_install: write failure: status[-22] gpio[-1]
<6>[    0.032728] persistent_ram: uncorrectable error in header
<6>[    0.032738] persistent_ram: no valid data in buffer (sig = 0x00000000)
<6>[    0.033181] console [ram-1] enabled
<6>[    0.046768] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 0 to 145 on device: msmgpio
<6>[    0.063728] msm_watchdog f9017000.qcom,wdt: MSM Watchdog Initialized
<6>[    0.084118] 8841_s1: 675 <--> 1050 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.084501] 8841_s1_ao: 675 <--> 1050 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.084868] 8841_s1_so: 675 <--> 1050 mV at 675 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.085283] 8841_s2: 500 <--> 1050 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.085638] 8841_s2_corner: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.086002] 8841_s2_corner_ao: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.086351] 8841_s2_floor_corner: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.086746] 8841_s3: 1050 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.087121] 8841_s4: 815 <--> 900 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.087482] 8841_s4_corner: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.087843] 8841_s4_floor_corner: 0 <--> 0 mV at 0 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.088241] 8941_s1: 1300 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.088631] 8941_s2: 2150 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.089008] 8941_s3: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.089401] 8941_l1: 1200 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.089784] 8941_l2: 1200 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.090177] 8941_l3: 1050 <--> 1225 mV at 1050 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.090572] 8941_l4: 1225 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.090959] 8941_l5: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.091371] 8941_l6: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.091762] 8941_l7: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.092147] 8941_l8: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.092545] 8941_l9: 1800 <--> 2950 mV at 2950 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.092949] 8941_l10: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.093343] 8941_l11: 1200 <--> 1350 mV at 1300 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.093736] 8941_l12: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.094103] 8941_l12_ao: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.094496] 8941_l13: 1800 <--> 3300 mV at 2950 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.094886] 8941_l14: 1800 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.095285] 8941_l15: 2050 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.095676] 8941_l16: 2700 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.096076] 8941_l17: 2850 <--> 3000 mV at 3000 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.096494] 8941_l18: 2850 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.096881] 8941_l19: 2900 <--> 3350 mV at 2900 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.097264] 8941_l20: 2950 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.097649] 8941_l21: 2950 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.098032] 8941_l22: 2500 <--> 3000 mV at 2500 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.098414] 8941_l23: 2400 <--> 3300 mV at 3000 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.098807] 8941_l24: 3075 mV normal idle
<6>[    0.099192] 8941_lvs1:
<6>[    0.099539] 8941_lvs2:
<6>[    0.099879] 8941_lvs3:
<6>[    0.102169] PDN krait_pdn_phase_scaling_init: eFuse phase scaling factor = 3/4
<6>[    0.102180] PDN krait_pdn_phase_scaling_init: initial phase scaling factor = 3/4
<6>[    0.102462] krait0: 500 <--> 1200 mV at 900 mV fast normal idle
<6>[    0.102888] krait1: 500 <--> 1200 mV at 900 mV fast normal idle
<6>[    0.103307] krait2: 500 <--> 1200 mV at 900 mV fast normal idle
<6>[    0.103722] krait3: 500 <--> 1200 mV at 900 mV fast normal idle
<6>[    0.107831] edp_pixel_get_div: div=1
<6>[    0.107872] edp_mainlink_get_rate: rate=0 div=5
<6>[    0.107889] edp_mainlink_get_rate: rate=0 div=5
<6>[    0.135208] msm_thermal:vdd_restriction_reg_init Defer vdd rstr freq init.
<6>[    0.135226] msm-thermal qcom,msm-thermal.74: probe_ocr:Failed reading node=/soc/qcom,msm-thermal, key=qti,pmic-opt-curr-temp. KTM continues
<6>[    0.135244] msm-thermal qcom,msm-thermal.74: probe_thermal_efuse_read:Failed reading node=/soc/qcom,msm-thermal, key=qcom,efuse-data. KTM continues
<3>[    0.135390] msm_thermal:msm_thermal_get_freq_table error reading cpufreq table
<4>[    0.135919] 8941_l18: Failed to create debugfs directory
<4>[    0.135939] 8941_lvs1: Failed to create debugfs directory
<6>[    0.136488] sensor_hub_init: power on
<6>[    0.136517] hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
<6>[    0.136527] hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes.
<6>[    0.138224] 8941_boost: 5000 mV
<6>[    0.138664] 8941_mvs1:
<6>[    0.138707] 8941_mvs1: supplied by 8941_boost
<6>[    0.139136] 8941_mvs2:
<6>[    0.139176] 8941_mvs2: supplied by 8941_boost
<6>[    0.143109] sps:BAM 0xf9984000 (va:0xc6ce0000) enabled: ver:0x6, number of pipes:20
<6>[    0.143120] sps:BAM 0xf9984000 is registered.
<6>[    0.143134] sps:sps is ready.
<6>[    0.145763] gdsc_venus:
<6>[    0.146052] gdsc_mdss:
<6>[    0.146329] gdsc_jpeg:
<6>[    0.146618] gdsc_vfe:
<6>[    0.146865] gdsc_oxili_gx:
<6>[    0.146925] gdsc_oxili_gx: supplied by 8841_s4_corner
<6>[    0.147192] gdsc_oxili_cx:
<6>[    0.147422] gdsc_usb_hsic:
<3>[    0.148019] AXI: msm_bus_fabric_init_driver(): msm_bus_fabric_init_driver
<6>[    0.153350] msm_ocmem fdd00000.qcom,ocmem: OCMEM Virtual addr c7000000
<6>[    0.153871] Physical OCMEM zone layout:
<6>[    0.153882]  zone graphics        : 0xfec00000 - 0xfecfffff (1024 KB)
<6>[    0.153893]  zone lp_audio        : 0xfed00000 - 0xfed7ffff ( 512 KB)
<6>[    0.153904]  zone video   : 0xfed00000 - 0xfed7ffff ( 512 KB)
<6>[    0.172988] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
<6>[    0.173780] ethernet_phy:
<6>[    0.174021] vph_pwr:
<6>[    0.174295] platform regulator-tpd4s214.98: Driver reg-fixed-voltage requests probe deferral
<6>[    0.175550] cma: Assigned CMA region at 0 to 8.qcom,ion-heap device
<3>[    0.175634] ION-heap mm: Cannot specify alignment for this type of heap
<6>[    0.175839] cma: Assigned CMA region at 0 to 16.qcom,ion-heap device
<3>[    0.175921] ION-heap adsp: Cannot specify alignment for this type of heap
<6>[    0.176072] cma: Assigned CMA region at 0 to 1b.qcom,ion-heap device
<6>[    0.176569] ION heap wb created at 0xbd800000 with size 1e00000
<6>[    0.176603] ION heap iommuca created
<6>[    0.176629] ION heap system created
<6>[    0.176737] ION heap kmalloc created
<6>[    0.176764] ION heap mm created at 0xb3000000 with size a500000
<6>[    0.176792] ION heap adsp created at 0xaec00000 with size 4100000
<6>[    0.176815] ION heap qsecom created at 0xad800000 with size 1100000
<6>[    0.176856] ION heap audio created at 0xbf600000 with size 614000
<6>[    0.176881] ION heap pil_1 created at 0x0f500000 with size 500000
<5>[    0.178352] SCSI subsystem initialized
<6>[    0.178448] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
<6>[    0.178501] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
<6>[    0.178605] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
<6>[    0.179490] max77803 13-0066: max77803_i2c_probe
<6>[    0.179523] of_max77803_dt: irq-gpio: 102
<6>[    0.179530] of_max77803_dt: irq-base: 353
<6>[    0.179537] of_max77803_dt: wc-irq-gpio: 0
<6>[    0.179547] of_max77803_dt: timeout: 0
<6>[    0.179553] of_max77803_dt: duty: 0
<6>[    0.179560] of_max77803_dt: period: 0
<6>[    0.179567] of_max77803_dt: pwm_id: 0
<6>[    0.180005] max77803_i2c_probe: device found: rev.0x1, ver.0x0
<6>[    0.180898] func: max77803_irq_init, irq_gpio: 102, irq_base: 353
<3>[    0.182886] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ353
<3>[    0.183019] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ354
<3>[    0.183093] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ355
<3>[    0.183225] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ356
<3>[    0.183299] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ357
<3>[    0.183371] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ358
<3>[    0.183501] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ359
<3>[    0.183574] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ360
<3>[    0.183707] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ361
<3>[    0.183781] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ362
<3>[    0.183854] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ363
<3>[    0.183986] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ364
<3>[    0.184059] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ365
<3>[    0.184133] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ366
<3>[    0.184264] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ367
<3>[    0.184337] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ368
<3>[    0.184468] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ369
<3>[    0.184539] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ370
<3>[    0.184612] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ371
<3>[    0.184743] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ372
<3>[    0.184816] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ373
<3>[    0.184946] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ374
<3>[    0.185018] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ375
<3>[    0.185091] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ376
<3>[    0.185222] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ377
<3>[    0.185295] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ378
<3>[    0.185427] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ379
<3>[    0.185501] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ380
<3>[    0.185573] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ381
<3>[    0.185704] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ382
<3>[    0.185776] Trying to set irq flags for IRQ383
<6>[    0.187095] max77803-safeout max77803-safeout: max77803_pmic_probe
<6>[    0.187108] [/home/jc/build/idleKernel-note3/drivers/regulator/max77803-regulator.c:489] pdata->num_regulators:3
<6>[    0.187119] [/home/jc/build/idleKernel-note3/drivers/regulator/max77803-regulator.c:495] for in pdata->num_regulators:3
<6>[    0.187215] regulator regulator.59: func:max77803_reg_enable
<6>[    0.187968] regulator regulator.59: func:max77803_get_voltage
<6>[    0.187978] regulator regulator.59: func:max77803_get_voltage_register
<6>[    0.188408] regulator regulator.59: func:max77803_list_voltage_safeout
<6>[    0.188418] safeout1 range: at 4900 mV
<6>[    0.188427] regulator regulator.59: func:max77803_get_voltage
<6>[    0.188436] regulator regulator.59: func:max77803_get_voltage_register
<6>[    0.188866] regulator regulator.59: func:max77803_list_voltage_safeout
<3>[    0.188978] Error-Bad Function Input
<6>[    0.189113] [/home/jc/build/idleKernel-note3/drivers/regulator/max77803-regulator.c:495] for in pdata->num_regulators:3
<6>[    0.189193] regulator regulator.60: func:max77803_get_voltage
<6>[    0.189202] regulator regulator.60: func:max77803_get_voltage_register
<6>[    0.189634] regulator regulator.60: func:max77803_list_voltage_safeout
<6>[    0.189644] safeout2 range: at 4900 mV
<6>[    0.189653] regulator regulator.60: func:max77803_get_voltage
<6>[    0.189661] regulator regulator.60: func:max77803_get_voltage_register
<6>[    0.190091] regulator regulator.60: func:max77803_list_voltage_safeout
<3>[    0.190167] Error-Bad Function Input
<6>[    0.190242] [/home/jc/build/idleKernel-note3/drivers/regulator/max77803-regulator.c:495] for in pdata->num_regulators:3
<6>[    0.190325] regulator regulator.61: func:max77803_reg_enable
<6>[    0.191078] regulator regulator.61: func:max77803_get_voltage
<6>[    0.191087] regulator regulator.61: func:max77803_get_voltage_register
<6>[    0.191541] regulator regulator.61: func:max77803_list_voltage
<6>[    0.191551] CHARGER: 60 <--> 2580 mA at 360 mA
<6>[    0.191820] i2c-gpio i2c.86: using pins 60 (SDA) and 61 (SCL)
<6>[    0.192145] i2c-gpio i2c.90: using pins 87 (SDA) and 88 (SCL)
<6>[    0.192489] i2c-gpio i2c.91: using pins 95 (SDA) and 96 (SCL)
<6>[    0.192824] i2c-gpio i2c.92: using pins 109 (SDA) and 108 (SCL)
<4>[    0.192989] i2c-gpio: probe of i2c.93 failed with error -16
<6>[    0.193545] Linux media interface: v0.10
<6>[    0.193593] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
<6>[    0.196285] msm_iommu_v1 fda64000.qcom,iommu: device jpeg_iommu mapped at c6de0000, with 3 ctx banks
<6>[    0.197287] msm_iommu_v1 fd928000.qcom,iommu: device mdp_iommu mapped at c6e80000, with 3 ctx banks
<6>[    0.198873] msm_iommu_v1 fdc84000.qcom,iommu: device venus_iommu mapped at c6ea0000, with 5 ctx banks
<6>[    0.199822] msm_iommu_v1 fdb10000.qcom,iommu: device kgsl_iommu mapped at c6ec0000, with 3 ctx banks
<6>[    0.200717] msm_iommu_v1 fda44000.qcom,iommu: device vfe_iommu mapped at c6ee0000, with 3 ctx banks
<6>[    0.201815] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fda6c000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context jpeg_enc0 using bank 0
<6>[    0.201926] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fda6d000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context jpeg_enc1 using bank 1
<6>[    0.202033] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fda6e000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context jpeg_dec using bank 2
<6>[    0.202157] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fd930000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context mdp_0 using bank 0
<6>[    0.202289] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fd931000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context mdp_1 using bank 1
<6>[    0.202395] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fd932000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context mdp_2 using bank 2
<6>[    0.202513] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fdc8c000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context venus_ns using bank 0
<6>[    0.202631] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fdc8d000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context venus_sec_bitstream using bank 1
<6>[    0.202739] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fdc8e000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context venus_fw using bank 2
<6>[    0.202846] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fdc8f000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context venus_sec_pixel using bank 3
<6>[    0.202953] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fdc90000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context venus_sec_non_pixel using bank 4
<6>[    0.203107] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fdb18000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context gfx3d_user using bank 0
<6>[    0.203215] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fdb19000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context gfx3d_priv using bank 1
<6>[    0.203321] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fdb1a000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context gfx3d_spare using bank 2
<6>[    0.203438] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fda4c000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context vfe0 using bank 0
<6>[    0.203545] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fda4d000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context vfe1 using bank 1
<6>[    0.203651] msm_iommu_ctx_v1 fda4e000.qcom,iommu-ctx: context cpp using bank 2
<6>[    0.205139] adreno_idler: version 1.1 by arter97
<6>[    0.205147] [SENSORS CORE] sensors_class_init
<6>[    0.205286] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.25.
<4>[    0.205975] regulatory is not upadted via queue_regulatory_request.
<6>[    0.207434] Switching to clocksource arch_sys_counter
<6>[    0.237184] NET: Registered protocol family 2
<6>[    0.245287] IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
<6>[    0.245853] TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
<6>[    0.247355] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
<6>[    0.248158] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536)
<6>[    0.248173] TCP: reno registered
<6>[    0.248188] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
<6>[    0.248240] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
<6>[    0.248547] NET: Registered protocol family 1
<6>[    0.248851] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
<6>[    0.346895] Freeing initrd memory: 11120K
<6>[    0.351561] FIPS: self-tests for aes-asm (aes) passed
<6>[    0.352805] FIPS: self-tests for sha1-asm (sha1) passed
<6>[    0.352975] FIPS: self-tests for sha1-neon (sha1) passed
<6>[    0.353217] FIPS: self-tests for sha512-neon (sha512) passed
<6>[    0.353430] FIPS: self-tests for sha384-neon (sha384) passed
<6>[    0.353467] Detected 9 counters on the L2CC PMU.
<6>[    0.355380] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 992 to 1023 on device: smp2p
<6>[    0.355861] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 960 to 991 on device: smp2p
<6>[    0.355964] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 928 to 959 on device: smp2p
<6>[    0.356435] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 896 to 927 on device: smp2p
<6>[    0.356538] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 864 to 895 on device: slave-kernel
<6>[    0.357018] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 832 to 863 on device: master-kernel
<6>[    0.357163] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 800 to 831 on device: smp2p
<6>[    0.357682] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 768 to 799 on device: smp2p
<6>[    0.357786] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 736 to 767 on device: slave-kernel
<6>[    0.358283] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 704 to 735 on device: master-kernel
<6>[    0.358414] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 672 to 703 on device: smp2p
<6>[    0.358930] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 640 to 671 on device: smp2p
<6>[    0.359038] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 608 to 639 on device: slave-kernel
<6>[    0.359575] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 576 to 607 on device: master-kernel
<6>[    0.359733] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 544 to 575 on device: rdbg
<6>[    0.360273] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 512 to 543 on device: rdbg
<6>[    0.360379] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 480 to 511 on device: rdbg
<6>[    0.360925] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 448 to 479 on device: rdbg
<6>[    0.362661] pil-q6v5-lpass fe200000.qcom,lpass: using secure boot
<6>[    0.366292] pil_venus fdce0000.qcom,venus: using secure boot
<6>[    0.376135] NET: Registered protocol family 27
<1>[    0.380580] dma_test_init, minor number 65
<6>[    0.381663] clock-krait-8974 f9016000.qcom,clock-krait: PVS config version: 1
<6>[    0.381687] clock-krait-8974 f9016000.qcom,clock-krait: Speed bin: 1
<6>[    0.381699] clock-krait-8974 f9016000.qcom,clock-krait: PVS bin: 4
<6>[    0.381709] clock-krait-8974 f9016000.qcom,clock-krait: PVS version: 0
<6>[    0.384628] L2 @ 729600 KHz
<6>[    0.384792] CPU0 @ 960000 KHz
<6>[    0.384799] CPU1 @ unknown rate. Forcing new rate.
<6>[    0.384895] CPU1 @ 300000 KHz
<6>[    0.384902] CPU2 @ unknown rate. Forcing new rate.
<6>[    0.384994] CPU2 @ 300000 KHz
<6>[    0.385001] CPU3 @ unknown rate. Forcing new rate.
<6>[    0.385092] CPU3 @ 300000 KHz
<3>[    0.387554] msm_thermal:msm_thermal_get_freq_table error reading cpufreq table
<5>[    0.390905] msm_rpm_log_probe: OK
<6>[    0.394037] notifier sec_otg_register_booster 161: register max77803
<6>[    0.399153] mpm_counter: [    0.399147]:(1918743)
<6>[    0.401942] sec_thermistor: initializing thermistor driver
<6>[    0.402454] audit: initializing netlink socket (enabled)
<4>[    0.403734] highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
<6>[    0.416626] exFAT: Core Version 1.2.12
<6>[    0.416650] exFAT: FS Version 1.2.12
<6>[    0.418709] Registering sdcardfs 2.1.2
<6>[    0.419065] NTFS driver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/O].
<6>[    0.419688] fuse init (API version 7.18)
<6>[    0.420776] msgmni has been set to 1000
<7>[    0.420925] SELinux:  Registering netfilter hooks
<6>[    0.422389] FIPS: No test for cipher_null (cipher_null-generic)
<6>[    0.422804] FIPS: No test for ecb(cipher_null) (ecb-cipher_null)
<6>[    0.423196] FIPS: No test for digest_null (digest_null-generic)
<6>[    0.423581] FIPS: No test for compress_null (compress_null-generic)
<6>[    0.423967] FIPS: self-tests for non-FIPS md4-generic (md4) passed
<6>[    0.424360] FIPS: self-tests for non-FIPS md5-generic (md5) passed
<6>[    0.424961] FIPS: self-tests for sha1-generic (sha1) passed
<6>[    0.425514] FIPS: self-tests for sha224-generic (sha224) passed
<6>[    0.426037] FIPS: self-tests for sha256-generic (sha256) passed
<6>[    0.426839] FIPS: self-tests for sha512-generic (sha512) passed
<6>[    0.427729] FIPS: self-tests for sha384-generic (sha384) passed
<6>[    0.428326] FIPS: self-tests for des-generic (des) passed
<6>[    0.429033] FIPS: self-tests for des3_ede-generic (des3_ede) passed
<6>[    0.429441] FIPS: self-tests for non-FIPS twofish-generic (twofish) passed
<6>[    0.430008] FIPS: self-tests for aes-generic (aes) passed
<6>[    0.430395] FIPS: self-tests for non-FIPS arc4-generic (arc4) passed
<6>[    0.430777] FIPS: self-tests for non-FIPS deflate-generic (deflate) passed
<6>[    0.431342] FIPS: self-tests for crc32c-generic (crc32c) passed
<6>[    0.431740] FIPS: self-tests for non-FIPS lzo-generic (lzo) passed
<6>[    0.432125] FIPS: No test for stdrng (krng)
<6>[    0.461371] FIPS: self-tests for ansi_cprng (stdrng) passed
<6>[    0.461455] FIPS: No test for fips(ansi_cprng) (fips_ansi_cprng)
<3>[    0.461494] FIPS : Tcrypt Tests Start
<6>[    0.461718] FIPS: self-tests for ecb(aes-generic) (ecb(aes)) passed
<6>[    0.461795] FIPS: self-tests for ecb(aes-generic) (ecb(aes)) passed
<6>[    0.462043] FIPS: self-tests for cbc(aes-generic) (cbc(aes)) passed
<6>[    0.462141] FIPS: self-tests for cbc(aes-generic) (cbc(aes)) passed
<6>[    0.462290] FIPS: self-tests for ecb(aes-asm) (ecb(aes)) passed
<6>[    0.462356] FIPS: self-tests for ecb(aes-asm) (ecb(aes)) passed
<6>[    0.462604] FIPS: self-tests for cbc(aes-asm) (cbc(aes)) passed
<6>[    0.462689] FIPS: self-tests for cbc(aes-asm) (cbc(aes)) passed
<6>[    0.462846] FIPS: self-tests for ecb(des3_ede-generic) (ecb(des3_ede)) passed
<6>[    0.462922] FIPS: self-tests for ecb(des3_ede-generic) (ecb(des3_ede)) passed
<6>[    0.463183] FIPS: self-tests for cbc(des3_ede-generic) (cbc(des3_ede)) passed
<6>[    0.463280] FIPS: self-tests for cbc(des3_ede-generic) (cbc(des3_ede)) passed
<6>[    0.463339] FIPS: self-tests for sha1-generic (sha1) passed
<6>[    0.463387] FIPS: self-tests for sha224-generic (sha224) passed
<6>[    0.463433] FIPS: self-tests for sha256-generic (sha256) passed
<6>[    0.463559] FIPS: self-tests for sha384-generic (sha384) passed
<6>[    0.463683] FIPS: self-tests for sha512-generic (sha512) passed
<6>[    0.463737] FIPS: self-tests for sha1-asm (sha1) passed
<6>[    0.463915] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha1-asm) (hmac(sha1)) passed
<6>[    0.464053] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha1-asm) (hmac(sha1)) passed
<6>[    0.464236] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha1-generic) (hmac(sha1)) passed
<6>[    0.464387] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha1-generic) (hmac(sha1)) passed
<6>[    0.464569] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha224-generic) (hmac(sha224)) passed
<6>[    0.464716] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha224-generic) (hmac(sha224)) passed
<6>[    0.464937] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha256-generic) (hmac(sha256)) passed
<6>[    0.465185] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha256-generic) (hmac(sha256)) passed
<6>[    0.465467] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha384-generic) (hmac(sha384)) passed
<6>[    0.465878] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha384-generic) (hmac(sha384)) passed
<6>[    0.466165] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha512-generic) (hmac(sha512)) passed
<6>[    0.466573] FIPS: self-tests for hmac(sha512-generic) (hmac(sha512)) passed
<6>[    0.482378] FIPS: self-tests for fips_ansi_cprng (ansi_cprng) passed
<3>[    0.482385] FIPS : Tcrypt Tests End
<3>[    0.538021] FIPS(query_symbol_addresses): Error Invalid Addresses.
<3>[    0.538059] FIPS(do_integrity_check): Error to get start / end addresses
<3>[    0.538153] tcrypt: CRYPTO API started in FIPS mode!!!
<6>[    0.538293] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 246)
<6>[    0.538299] io scheduler noop registered
<6>[    0.538302] io scheduler deadline registered
<6>[    0.538312] io scheduler row registered
<6>[    0.538316] io scheduler sio registered (default)
<6>[    0.538325] io scheduler fiops registered
<6>[    0.538474] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 444 to 447 on device: pm8841-mpp
<6>[    0.539181] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 408 to 443 on device: pm8941-gpio
<6>[    0.540288] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 401 to 407 on device: pm8941-mpp
<6>[    0.540801] mdss_mdp_probe: mdss_mdp_probe : ++
<6>[    0.540827] mdss_mdp_probe: MDP HW Base phy_Address=0xfd900000 virt=0xc6f00000
<6>[    0.540845] mdss_mdp_probe: MDSS VBIF HW Base phy_Address=0xfd924000 virt=0xc6e9e000
<3>[    0.540932] mdss_mdp_parse_dt_prop_len: Error from prop qcom,mdss-clk-levels : spec error in device tree
<3>[    0.540997] mdss_mdp_parse_dt_prop_len: Error from prop qcom,mdss-ad-off : spec error in device tree
<6>[    0.541059] mdss_mdp_parse_dt_ad_cfg: SS is not using assertive display
<3>[    0.541069] mdss_mdp_parse_bootarg: mdss_mdp_parse_bootarg:1635:cmdline panel not set disp_idx=[  (null)]
<6>[    0.542320] mdss_mdp_probe: mdss_mdp_probe : --
<6>[    0.542724] mdss_dsi_driver_init ++
<6>[    0.542805] mdss_dsi_ctrl_probe: DSI Ctrl name = MDSS DSI CTRL->0
<6>[    0.542825] mdss_dsi_get_panel_cfg:626: cfg:[]
<4>[    0.542829] mdss_dsi_ctrl_probe:1754:dsi specific cfg not present
<6>[    0.542837] [jc] [panel init] cpufreq_screen_on = 1, screenoff_cnt = 0
<6>[    0.542841] mdss_dsi_panel_init: Panel Name = samsung amoled 1080p command mode dsi S6E3FA0 panel
<6>[    0.542895] mdss_dsi_parse_dcs_cmds: dcs_cmd=29 len=208, cmd_cnt=17 link_state=1
<6>[    0.542901] mdss_dsi_parse_dcs_cmds: dcs_cmd=5 len=18, cmd_cnt=2 link_state=1
<3>[    0.542912] mdss_samsung_parse_panel_cmd:2681, Unable to read samsung,panel-mtp-read-cmds
<3>[    0.543006] mdss_samsung_parse_panel_cmd:2681, Unable to read qcom,panel-display-unblank-cmds
<3>[    0.543076] mdss_samsung_parse_panel_cmd:2681, Unable to read qcom,panel-display-blank-cmds
<3>[    0.543225] mdss_samsung_parse_panel_cmd:2681, Unable to read qcom,panel-touchsensing-on-cmds
<3>[    0.543320] mdss_samsung_parse_panel_cmd:2681, Unable to read qcom,panel-touchsensing-off-cmds
<6>[    0.543419] mdss_dsi_panel_init:3967 Continuous splash flag not found.
<6>[    0.543527] [mdss_dsi_panel_init] CONFIG_MDNIE_LITE_TUNING ok ! init class called!
<3>[    0.543532] [mdnie lite] start!
<3>[    0.543601] [mdnie lite] end!
<6>[    0.543638] dsi_panel_device_register : ++
<6>[    0.543673] mdss_dsi_regulator_init: vregn(3)
<6>[    0.543817] dsi_panel_device_register:2027, broadcast (0)
<3>[    0.543841] dsi_panel_device_register:2074, Disp_en_gpio (421)
<3>[    0.543913] dsi_panel_device_register:2364, Disp_te_gpio (12)
<3>[    0.543996] dsi_panel_device_register:2413, Disp_rst_gpio (426)
<6>[    0.544123] mdss_dsi_retrieve_ctrl_resources: ctrl_base=c6eb2800 ctrl_size=1f8 phy_base=c6ed2b00 phy_size=2b0
<6>[    0.544226] dsi_panel_device_register : splash disabled..panel_power_on (0)
<6>[    0.544395] mdss_register_panel: adding framebuffer device fd922800.qcom,mdss_dsi
<6>[    0.544530] dsi_panel_device_register: Panel data initialized
<6>[    0.544535] mdss_dsi_ctrl_probe: Dsi Ctrl->0 initialized
<6>[    0.544548] mdss_dsi_ctrl_probe: DSI Ctrl name = MDSS DSI CTRL->1
<6>[    0.544567] mdss_dsi_get_panel_cfg:626: cfg:[]
<4>[    0.544570] mdss_dsi_ctrl_probe:1754:dsi specific cfg not present
<3>[    0.544575] mdss_dsi_pref_prim_panel:can't find panel phandle
<3>[    0.544610] mdss_dsi_ctrl_probe: can't find panel node
<6>[    0.544904] mdss_dsi_driver_init --
<6>[    0.544909] mdss_dsi_status_init: DSI status check interval:5000
<6>[    0.545063] hdmi_tx_get_dt_data : drm_orkaround = true
<6>[    0.545076] hdmi_tx_init_resource: 'core_physical': start = 0xc6eda100, len=0x370
<6>[    0.545084] hdmi_tx_init_resource: 'phy_physical': start = 0xc6edc500, len=0x7c
<6>[    0.545093] hdmi_tx_init_resource: 'qfprom_physical': start = 0xc6ef8000, len=0x60f0
<6>[    0.545518] mdss_register_panel: adding framebuffer device fd922100.qcom,hdmi_tx
<6>[    0.546189] mdss_register_panel: adding framebuffer device qcom,mdss_wb_panel.7
<6>[    0.546840] mdss_fb_register: FrameBuffer[0] 1080x1920 registered successfully!
<7>[    0.546893] Registered led device: lcd-backlight
<6>[    0.546907] [mdss_dsi_panel_registered] CONFIG_MDNIE_LITE_TUNING ok ! init class called!
<6>[    0.546911] mdss_dsi_panel_registered:2189, Panel registered succesfully
<6>[    0.546920] mdp4_reg_csc_fs: kobject_uevent(KOBJ_ADD)
<6>[    0.548288] mdss_fb_register: FrameBuffer[1] 640x480 registered successfully!
<6>[    0.548338] mdp4_reg_csc_fs: kobject_uevent(KOBJ_ADD)
<6>[    0.548394] mdss_fb_register: FrameBuffer[2] 1920x1080 registered successfully!
<6>[    0.548422] mdp4_reg_csc_fs: kobject_uevent(KOBJ_ADD)
<6>[    0.548683] kcal_ctrl_init: registered
<6>[    0.548687] sii8240_init sii8240: check mhl
<6>[    0.548725] gpio: mhl_irq = 31
<6>[    0.548744] gpio: mhl_reset = 405
<6>[    0.548748] of_sii8240_parse_dt() gpio_mhl_reset_type = 3
<6>[    0.548759] gpio: mhl_scl = 52
<6>[    0.548769] gpio: mhl_sda = 51
<6>[    0.548784] gpio: mhl_en = 404
<6>[    0.548788] of_sii8240_parse_dt() gpio_mhl_en_type = 3
<6>[    0.548793] swing_level = 0x25
<6>[    0.548797] barcode_emul = false
<6>[    0.548800] drm_workaround = true
<3>[    0.548820] sii8240,vcc_1p2v is not exist in device tree
<3>[    0.548864] sii8240,vcc_1p8v is not exist in device tree
<3>[    0.548934] sii8240,vcc_3p3v is not exist in device tree
<6>[    0.549002] of_sii8240_parse_dt: hdmi_pdev [0Xead0cc00] to pdata->pdev
<6>[    0.549052] sii8240_mhlv2dt 9-0039: success client_addr 0x39
<6>[    0.549211] sii8240_mhlv2dt 9-0039: sii8240 irq : 329
<6>[    0.549219] sii8240_mhlv2dt 9-0039: sii8240: registering input device
<6>[    0.549287] input: sii8240_rcp as /devices/virtual/input/input0
<6>[    0.549471] sii8240_mhlv2dt 9-0049: success client_addr 0x49
<6>[    0.549485] sii8240_mhlv2dt 9-004d: success client_addr 0x4D
<6>[    0.549497] sii8240_mhlv2dt 9-0059: success client_addr 0x59
<6>[    0.549510] sii8240_mhlv2dt 9-0064: success client_addr 0x64
<6>[    0.561488] msm_serial_hsl_probe: detected port #0 (ttyHSL0)
<6>[    0.561586] f991e000.serial: ttyHSL0 at MMIO 0xf991e000 (irq = 140) is a MSM
<6>[    0.566061] msm_serial_hsl_init: driver initialized
<6>[    0.569293] diagchar initialized now
<3>[    0.570152] kgsl: adreno_of_read_property: Unable to read 'qcom,pm-qos-latency'
<4>[    0.571450] kgsl bus ib [0] = 2400000000
<4>[    0.571458] kgsl bus ib [1] = 4656000000
<4>[    0.571465] kgsl bus ib [2] = 7464000000
<4>[    0.571471] kgsl bus index is 2 for pwrlevel 0
<4>[    0.571477] kgsl bus index is 1 for pwrlevel 1
<4>[    0.571484] kgsl bus index is 1 for pwrlevel 2
<4>[    0.571489] kgsl bus index is 0 for pwrlevel 3
<6>[    0.572311] kgsl kgsl-3d0: |kgsl_iommu_init| MMU type set for device is IOMMU
<6>[    0.574087] GPU_SYSFS ----------- gpu_sysfs_init -- 224
<6>[    0.574468] GPU_SYSFS ----------- gpu_sysfs_probe -- 158
<6>[    0.574476] GPU_SYSFS ----------- gpu_sysfs_device_init -- 144
<6>[    0.574483] GPU_SYSFS ----------- gpu_sysfs_create_sysfs_files -- 29
<6>[    0.574520] GPU_SYSFS ----------- gpu_sysfs_create_sysfs_files -- 115
<6>[    0.574527] GPU_SYSFS ----------- gpu_sysfs_probe -- 178
<6>[    0.574550] GPU_SYSFS ----------- gpu_sysfs_init -- 250
<6>[    0.574610] barcode_emul_ice4_hlte: barcode_emul_probe probe!
<6>[    0.574719] barcode_emul_ice4_hlte: 8 system_rev!
<6>[    0.574726] barcode_emul_ice4_hlte: barcode_emul_probe setting gpio config.
<6>[    0.574732] barcode_emul_ice4_hlte: barcode_gpio_config
<3>[    0.575104] barcode_emul_ice4_hlte: probe complete barcode_emul_probe
<6>[    0.579473] brd: module loaded
<6>[    0.581696] loop: module loaded
<4>[    0.582281] QSEECOM: qseecom_probe: support_bus_scaling=0x1
<4>[    0.582291] QSEECOM: qseecom_probe: disk-encrypt-pipe-pair=0x2
<4>[    0.582300] QSEECOM: qseecom_probe: file-encrypt-pipe-pair=0x0
<4>[    0.582308] QSEECOM: qseecom_probe: hlos-ce-hw-instance=0x1
<4>[    0.582315] QSEECOM: qseecom_probe: qsee-ce-hw-instance=0x0
<4>[    0.582361] QSEECOM: qseecom_probe: secure app region addr=0x7500000 size=0xb00000
<6>[    0.582748] init tzic
<6>[    0.582985] func:max77803_muic_init
<6>[    0.583228] func:max77803_muic_probe
<6>[    0.583242] max77803-muic max77803-muic: adc:368 chgtype:372, adc1k371
<6>[    0.583250] max77803-muic max77803-muic: input->name:max77803-muic
<6>[    0.583396] input: max77803-muic as /devices/i2c.86/i2c-13/13-0066/max77803-muic/input/input1
<6>[    0.583485] max77803_muic_init_cb: MUIC ret=0
<6>[    0.583496] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_set_adcdbset value:2
<6>[    0.583917] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_set_adcdbset: ADCDBSET(0x20)
<6>[    0.585340] max77803_muic_probe: CDETCTRL1(0x0d)
<6>[    0.585395] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_irq_init
<6>[    0.586801] max77803-muic max77803-muic: adc:368 chgtype:372 adc1k:371 vbvolt:376
<6>[    0.587215] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_irq_init: reg=7, val=9
<6>[    0.587572] barcode_emul_ice4_hlte: barcode_fpga_fimrware_update_start
<6>[    0.587764] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_irq_init: reg=8, val=11
<6>[    0.588176] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_irq_init: reg=9, val=0
<6>[    0.588588] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_irq_init: reg=1, val=0
<6>[    0.588999] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_irq_init: reg=2, val=0
<6>[    0.589410] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_irq_init: reg=3, val=0
<6>[    0.589893] max77803_set_jig_state: 0
<6>[    0.589903] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_uart_uevent: state:0
<4>[    0.590024] i2c-core: driver [tabla-i2c-core] using legacy suspend method
<4>[    0.590032] i2c-core: driver [tabla-i2c-core] using legacy resume method
<4>[    0.590142] i2c-core: driver [wcd9xxx-i2c-core] using legacy suspend method
<4>[    0.590150] i2c-core: driver [wcd9xxx-i2c-core] using legacy resume method
<6>[    0.590438] SCSI Media Changer driver v0.25
<4>[    0.590802] spi_qsd f9923000.spi: msm_spi_dt_to_pdata pdata->use_bam: 1
<3>[    0.590891] sps: BAM device 0xf9904000 is not registered yet.
<6>[    0.597522] sps:BAM 0xf9904000 is registered.
<6>[    0.597735] sps:BAM 0xf9904000 (va:0xc6f80000) enabled: ver:0x13, number of pipes:24
<4>[    0.602578] spi_qsd f9967000.spi: msm_spi_dt_to_pdata pdata->use_bam: 0
<6>[    0.607798] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
<6>[    0.607801] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <maxk@qualcomm.com>
<6>[    0.607850] rmnet_init: BAM devices[9]
<6>[    0.610140] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
<6>[    0.610187] PPP BSD Compression module registered
<6>[    0.610191] PPP Deflate Compression module registered
<6>[    0.610319] FIPS: self-tests for non-FIPS ecb(arc4-generic) (ecb(arc4)) passed
<6>[    0.610344] PPP MPPE Compression module registered
<6>[    0.610349] NET: Registered protocol family 24
<6>[    0.610355] SLIP: version 0.8.4-NET3.019-NEWTTY (dynamic channels, max=256) (6 bit encapsulation enabled).
<6>[    0.610358] CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California.
<6>[    0.610379] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
<6>[    0.610396] usbcore: registered new interface driver net1080
<6>[    0.610411] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_subset
<6>[    0.610426] usbcore: registered new interface driver zaurus
<6>[    0.610479] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
<6>[    0.637921] max77803-muic:max77803_muic_dock_detect CONTROL1:9
<6>[    0.638375] max77803-muic:max77803_muic_dock_detect STATUS1:0x3f, 2:0x41
<6>[    0.638379] max77803-muic:max77803_muic_dock_detect adc:1f adcerr:0 chgtyp:1 vb:40 dxovp:0 cable_type:20
<6>[    0.777491] Governor: enter mode 0x1
<6>[    0.862159] dwc3-msm: sec_otg_init is called.
<6>[    0.862164] sec_otg_init: register notifier
<3>[    0.862169] get_vbus_detect_gpio, cannot get vbus-detect-gpio, ret=-22
<6>[    0.862727] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
<6>[    0.862732] cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
<6>[    0.862735] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
<6>[    0.862750] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
<6>[    0.862753] USB Mass Storage support registered.
<6>[    0.862767] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-alauda
<6>[    0.862781] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-cypress
<6>[    0.862794] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-datafab
<6>[    0.862807] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums_eneub6250
<6>[    0.862820] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-freecom
<6>[    0.862833] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-isd200
<6>[    0.862846] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-jumpshot
<6>[    0.862859] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-karma
<6>[    0.862875] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-onetouch
<6>[    0.862888] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr09
<6>[    0.862901] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr55
<6>[    0.862914] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-usbat
<6>[    0.862947] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
<6>[    0.862952] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
<6>[    0.862965] usbcore: registered new interface driver pl2303
<6>[    0.862980] USB Serial support registered for pl2303
<6>[    0.863130] host_notifier host-notifier.44: notifier_probe
<6>[    0.863133] barcode_emul_ice4_hlte: FPGA firmware update success
<7>[    0.863569] usb: android_bind disconnect
<6>[    0.863595] mbim_init: initialize 1 instances
<6>[    0.863630] mbim_init: Initialized 1 ports
<6>[    0.864413] rndis_qc_init: initialize rndis QC instance
<6>[    0.864551]  gadget: Mass Storage Function, version: 2009/09/11
<6>[    0.864556]  gadget: Number of LUNs=1
<6>[    0.864560]  lun0: LUN: removable CD-ROM file: (no medium)
<3>[    0.864638] conn_gadget_function_init(#) call conn_gadget_setup
<6>[    0.864700] conn_gadget_setup
<7>[    0.864850] usb: composite_bind idVendor=0x0, idProduct=0x0
<7>[    0.864854] usb: composite_bind bcdDevice=0x0
<7>[    0.864857] usb: composite_bind composite_manufacturer=
<6>[    0.864862]  gadget: android_usb ready
<6>[    0.865190] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
<3>[    0.865315] cypress_touchkey_init
<3>[    0.865443] cypress_parse_dt: SCL:96, SDA:95, INT:436, ID:101, VDD_GPIO:-22 ,VCC_EN:-22, FW_UPDATE:0
<6>[    0.865597] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: cypress_power_onoff: power on
<6>[    1.017547] Governor: exit mode 0x0
<6>[    1.017714] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: touchkey id = CYPRESS
<6>[    1.019280] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: tkey_i2c_check: ic_fw_ver = 12, module_ver = 9
<6>[    1.058582] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: cypress_touchkey_interrupt_set_dual: interrupt set: 0x1
<6>[    1.059074] input: sec_touchkey as /devices/i2c.91/i2c-21/21-0020/input/input2
<6>[    1.059329] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: gpio_to_irq IRQ 622
<6>[    1.060198] tkey/hlte_cypress_tkey.fw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<6>[    1.060242] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: the fw 0x12 is loaded (size=8192)
<6>[    1.060279] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: tkey_flash_fw : IC aleady have latest firmware (fw:0x12 module:0x9)
<6>[    1.063221] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: cypress_touchkey_auto_cal: data[0]=50 data[1]=12 data[2]=9 data[3]=1
<6>[    1.169864] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: cypress_touchkey_probe: done
<3>[    1.170036] cypress_touchkey_init: init done 0
<3>[    1.170866] wacom_get_dt_coords: x_invert = 1, y_invert = 0, xy_switch = 1
<3>[    1.171619] wacom_parse_dt: fwe1: 80, reset_n: 79, pdct: 145, insert: 427, model: SM-N9005, mpu: 2c, irq_flags=2
<6>[    1.171979] wacom_request_gpio: request gpio
<3>[    1.172338] wacom_i2c_probe: wacom : gpio_to_irq : 327
<6>[    1.172975] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_compulsory_flash_mode: FWE1 is LOW
<6>[    1.173006] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_start
<6>[    1.377649] wacom_i2c_init_firm_data: Digitizer type is B968
<3>[    1.377677] wacom_i2c_probe: wacon ic turn on
<6>[    1.378032] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_i2c_query: start
<6>[    1.488107] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_i2c_query: 0th ret of wacom query=9
<6>[    1.488146] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_i2c_query: x_max=0x3120, y_max=0x1BA2
<6>[    1.488158] , pressure_max=0x3FF
<6>[    1.488189] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_i2c_query: fw_version=0x0 (d7:0x1,d8:0x74)
<6>[    1.488227] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_i2c_query: F, 37, 0, 22, 60, 3, FF, 1, 74
<6>[    1.488755] input: sec_e-pen as /devices/f9928000.i2c/i2c-6/6-0056/input/input3
<6>[    1.488800] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_i2c_input_open
<6>[    1.488827] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_i2c_enable
<6>[    1.489535] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_load_fw_from_req_fw
<6>[    1.489568] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_load_fw_from_req_fw: MPU type: 2c , BOOT ver: 0
<6>[    1.489607] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_load_fw_from_req_fw: firmware name: epen/W9010_0174.bin, size: 65535
<6>[    1.489642] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_load_fw_from_req_fw: firmware version = 174
<6>[    1.489674] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_firmware_update: firmware update does not need.
<3>[    1.491185] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: synaptics_rmi4_probe start.
<3>[    1.491638] synaptics_parse_dt: power= 416, tsp_int= 437, X= 1079, Y= 1919, project= H, config[0][0][0][0], tablet = 0 reset= -22
<3>[    1.657699] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: synaptics_rmi4_f51_init: f51 query feature feature1:51, feature2:3
<6>[    1.664059] input: sec_touchscreen as /devices/f9924000.i2c/i2c-2/2-0020/input/input4
<3>[    1.664112] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: synaptics_rmi4_start_device already power on
<6>[    1.674556] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: synaptics_rmi4_fwu_init: [IC] [F01 product info, ID] [0x0000 0x0000, s5050]
<6>[    1.674925] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: fwu_read_f34_queries: F34 Query : ID: V606
<3>[    1.683132] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: rmidb_scan_pdt: Failed to find FDB
<6>[    1.684350] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: synaptics_rmi4_fw_update_on_probe: Load firmware : tsp_synaptics/synaptics_s5050_h.fw
<6>[    1.684406] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: synaptics_skip_firmware_update: [FW size, version] [95744, 0xA030/0xA030(BIN/IC), prog bit[0]
<6>[    1.684442] synaptics_rmi4_i2c 2-0020: synaptics_skip_firmware_update: Do not need to update
<6>[    1.687620] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_i2c_resume_work
<6>[    1.688557] using rtc device, qpnp_rtc, for alarms
<6>[    1.688628] qcom,qpnp-rtc qpnp-rtc-ead35400: rtc core: registered qpnp_rtc as rtc0
<3>[    1.688964] qcom,qpnp-rtc qpnp-rtc-ead35400: Probe success !!
<6>[    1.689490] i2c /dev entries driver
<7>[    1.695971] msm_vidc: 1: Failed to read qcom,load-freq-tbl from device tree
<7>[    1.696001] msm_vidc: 1: no elements in frequency table
<7>[    1.696029] msm_vidc: 1: Failed to read qcom,reg-presets from device tree
<7>[    1.696346] msm_vidc: 1: Failed to read qcom,buffer-type-tz-usage-table from device tree
<7>[    1.696391] msm_vidc: 1: Q6 hfi device probe called
<7>[    1.697247] msm_vidc: 1: debugfs_create_file: fail
<4>[    1.699375] msm_probe : Succeed!
<3>[    1.701911] cam_dummy_init_module:182
<3>[    1.702238] cam_dummy_platform_probe:87
<4>[    1.709137] msm_cci_probe : Succeed!
<3>[    1.720867] msm_camera_request_gpio_table:549 invalid gpio_tbl   (null) / size 0
<6>[    1.720905] msm_camera_config_single_vreg enable cam_vio
<6>[    1.723265] msm_eeprom_match_id: read 0xf8 0x14, check 0xf8 0x14
<6>[    1.724718] msm_eeprom_verify_sum: checksum pass 0x94a7353f
<6>[    1.724727] msm_eeprom_verify_sum: checksum pass 0xd9894472
<6>[    1.724731] msm_eeprom_verify_sum: checksum pass 0xb5682a98
<6>[    1.724737] msm_eeprom_verify_sum: checksum pass 0x4e351c16
<6>[    1.724742] msm_camera_config_single_vreg disable cam_vio
<3>[    1.726975] msm_camera_request_gpio_table:549 invalid gpio_tbl   (null) / size 0
<4>[    1.727075] msm_eeprom_spi_setup success result=0 supported=1f X
<4>[    1.727213] MSM-SENSOR-DRIVER msm_sensor_driver_init:627 msm_sensor_driver_init : Enter
<4>[    1.727910] MSM-SENSOR-DRIVER msm_sensor_driver_parse:604 g_sctrl[0] c3e12c00
<4>[    1.728231] MSM-SENSOR-DRIVER msm_sensor_driver_parse:604 g_sctrl[2] c3e12d00
<4>[    1.728243] MSM-SENSOR-DRIVER msm_sensor_driver_init:631 probe success
<3>[    1.729516] __msm_jpeg_init:895] Jpeg Device id 0
<3>[    1.729644] __msm_jpeg_init:895] Jpeg Device id 1
<3>[    1.729816] __msm_jpeg_init:895] Jpeg Device id 2
<3>[    1.744196] QCTKD: camss_top_ahb_clk[1:1] Enable
<3>[    1.744299] QCTKD: vfe_clk_src[1:1] Enable
<3>[    1.744340] QCTKD: camss_vfe_vfe_clk[1:1] Enable
<3>[    1.744381] QCTKD: iface_clk[1:1] Enable
<3>[    1.744453] QCTKD: cpp_core_clk[1:1] Enable
<3>[    1.744493] QCTKD: cpp_iface_clk[1:1] Enable
<3>[    1.744535] QCTKD: cpp_bus_clk[1:1] Enable
<3>[    1.744602] QCTKD: micro_iface_clk[1:1] Enable
<3>[    1.744664] MSM-CPP cpp_init_hardware:800 stream_cnt:0
<3>[    1.744726] MSM-CPP cpp_init_hardware:823 cpp_dbg: end of cpp_init_hardware
<3>[    1.744914] QCTKD: micro_iface_clk[0:0] Disable
<3>[    1.744978] QCTKD: cpp_bus_clk[0:0] Disable
<3>[    1.745013] QCTKD: cpp_iface_clk[0:0] Disable
<3>[    1.745050] QCTKD: cpp_core_clk[0:0] Disable
<3>[    1.745114] QCTKD: iface_clk[0:0] Disable
<3>[    1.745150] QCTKD: camss_vfe_vfe_clk[0:0] Disable
<3>[    1.745212] QCTKD: vfe_clk_src[0:0] Disable
<3>[    1.745248] QCTKD: camss_top_ahb_clk[0:0] Disable
<6>[    1.746440] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 230
<6>[    1.746448] IR NEC protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.746455] IR RC5(x) protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.746461] IR RC6 protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.746467] IR JVC protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.746473] IR Sony protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.746480] IR RC5 (streamzap) protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.746486] IR SANYO protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.746492] IR MCE Keyboard/mouse protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.746498] IR LIRC bridge handler initialized
<6>[    1.746504] gspca_main: v2.14.0 registered
<6>[    1.746557] usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
<6>[    1.746564] USB Video Class driver (1.1.1)
<6>[    1.798664] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.22.0-ioctl (2011-10-19) initialised: dm-devel@redhat.com
<6>[    1.799055] cpuidle: using governor ladder
<6>[    1.799063] cpuidle: using governor menu
<6>[    1.799094] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
<6>[    1.799101] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
<6>[    1.799566] mmc0: SDCC Version: 0x00000038
<6>[    1.802961] mmc0: bam physical base=0xf9884000
<6>[    1.802969] mmc0: bam virtual base=0xc6f30000
<6>[    1.802979] sps:BAM 0xf9884000 is registered.
<6>[    1.802986] mmc0: BAM device registered. bam_handle=0xc3f0ce00
<6>[    1.803301] sps:BAM 0xf9884000 (va:0xc6f30000) enabled: ver:0x6, number of pipes:6
<6>[    1.803710] mmc0: Qualcomm MSM SDCC-BAM at [mem 0xf9884000-0xf988afff flags 0x200] [irq 252 flags 0x400]
<6>[    1.803748] mmc0: Qualcomm MSM SDCC-DML [mem 0xf98a4800-0xf98a48ff flags 0x200]
<3>[    1.803783] mmc0: No card detect facilities available
<6>[    1.807153] mmc0: Qualcomm MSM SDCC-core [mem 0xf98a4000-0xf98a47ff flags 0x200] [irq 157 flags 0x400],0 dma -1 dmacrcri -1
<6>[    1.807163] mmc0: Controller capabilities: 0x00007ffe
<6>[    1.807170] mmc0: 8 bit data mode disabled
<6>[    1.807176] mmc0: 4 bit data mode enabled
<6>[    1.807182] mmc0: polling status mode disabled
<6>[    1.807190] mmc0: MMC clock 400000 -> 200000000 Hz, PCLK 0 Hz
<6>[    1.807197] mmc0: Slot eject status = 0
<6>[    1.807203] mmc0: Power save feature enable = 1
<6>[    1.807209] mmc0: SPS-BAM data transfer mode available
<6>[    1.807732] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
<3>[    1.810627] sdhci_msm_vreg_enable: vdd-io Cannot find Regulator
<3>[    1.810936] sdhci_msm_vreg_disable: vdd-io Cannot find Regulator
<6>[    1.812282] mmc1: no vmmc regulator found
<6>[    1.814437] mmc1: SDHCI controller on msm_sdcc.1 [msm_sdcc.1] using ADMA
<7>[    1.819667] sdhci_msm_probe : Change sysfs Card Detect
<6>[    1.820773] mmc2: no vmmc regulator found
<6>[    1.823011] mmc2: SDHCI controller on msm_sdcc.3 [msm_sdcc.3] using ADMA
<7>[    1.824091] Registered led device: led:rgb_red
<7>[    1.824424] Registered led device: led:rgb_green
<7>[    1.824759] Registered led device: led:rgb_blue
<7>[    1.825319] Registered led device: led:flash_0
<7>[    1.825743] Registered led device: led:flash_1
<7>[    1.825912] Registered led device: led:flash_torch
<7>[    1.826678] Registered led device: wled:backlight
<7>[    1.827291] Registered led device: leds-sec1
<7>[    1.831339] Registered led device: torch-sec1
<6>[    1.837353] Successfully registered hid_synaptics_driver
<6>[    1.837450] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
<6>[    1.837461] usbhid: USB HID core driver
<6>[    1.838542] ashmem: initialized
<6>[    1.839737] sps:BAM 0xf9304000 is registered.
<6>[    1.839762] sps:BAM 0xf9a44000 is registered.
<3>[    1.839773] usb_bam_ipa_create_resources: Failed to create USB_PROD resource
<6>[    1.840235] qcom,qpnp-power-on qpnp-power-on-ead34000: PMIC@SID0 Power-on reason: Triggered from Hard Reset and 'warm' boot
<6>[    1.840259] qcom,qpnp-power-on qpnp-power-on-ead34000: PMIC@SID0: Power-off reason: Triggered from PS_HOLD (PS_HOLD/MSM controlled shutdown)
<6>[    1.840501] input: qpnp_pon as /devices/virtual/input/input5
<6>[    1.841593] qpnp_coincell_charger_show_state: enabled=Y, voltage=3000 mV, resistance=2100 ohm
<6>[    1.842484] PMIC@SID4: PM8841 v2.1 options: 0, 0, 2, 2
<6>[    1.842576] PMIC@SID0: PM8941 v3.1 options: 0, 0, 0, 0
<3>[    1.843100] sdhci_msm_vreg_enable: vdd-io Cannot find Regulator
<6>[    1.843407] mckernelapi : Mobicore API module initialized!
<6>[    1.843439] MobiCore mcd: MobiCore Driver, Build: Sun Dec  6 22:07:33 2015
<6>[    1.843449] MobiCore mcd: MobiCore mcDrvModuleApi version is 1.1
<6>[    1.843692] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fuelgauge_probe: SEC Fuelgauge Driver Loading
<6>[    1.843846] fuelgauge_parse_dt reading fg_irq = 433
<6>[    1.843997] fuelgauge_parse_dt reading bat_int_gpio = 407
<6>[    1.844013] fuelgauge_parse_dt: fg_irq: 433, calculation_type: 0x17, fuel_alert_soc: 2,
<6>[    1.844017] repeated_fuelalert: 0
<6>[    1.844025] board_fuelgauge_init : assign battery data
<6>[    1.844039] board_fuelgauge_init: RCOMP0: 0x73, RCOMP_charging: 0x8d, temp_cohot: -1000, temp_cocold: -4350, is_using_model_data: 1, type_str: SDI, capacity_max: 990, capacity_max_margin: 50, capacity_min: -7,
<6>[    1.844828] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: MAX17048 Fuel-Gauge Ver 0x0012
<3>[    1.846509] max17048_get_current: Fail to get psy (sec-charger)
<3>[    1.846653] max17048_get_current_average: Fail to get psy (sec-charger)
<3>[    1.846732] max17048_get_current_average: Fail to get psy (battery)
<6>[    1.849217] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_scaled_capacity: scaled capacity (7.4)
<3>[    1.849229] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_atomic_capacity: capacity (old 0 : new 7)
<3>[    1.849316] power_supply sec-fuelgauge: driver failed to report `energy_full' property: 4294967274
<3>[    1.850297] max17048_get_current: Fail to get psy (sec-charger)
<3>[    1.850438] max17048_get_current_average: Fail to get psy (sec-charger)
<3>[    1.850515] max17048_get_current_average: Fail to get psy (battery)
<6>[    1.852963] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_scaled_capacity: scaled capacity (7.4)
<3>[    1.852975] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_atomic_capacity: capacity (old 0 : new 7)
<3>[    1.853119] power_supply sec-fuelgauge: driver failed to report `energy_full' property: 4294967274
<6>[    1.854709] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fuelgauge_probe: fg_irq = 627
<6>[    1.855426] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fuelgauge_probe: SEC Fuelgauge Driver Loaded
<6>[    1.855785] max77803_charger_probe: MAX77803 Charger driver probe
<3>[    1.856076] max77803-charger max77803-charger: max77803_charger_probe : Failed to get charger int
<6>[    1.856981] max77803_irq_thread: interrupt source(0x01)
<6>[    1.857402] max77803_irq_thread: charger interrupt(0x40)
<6>[    1.860793] max77803_charger_probe: device found: ver.0x4
<6>[    1.861759] max77803_get_health_state: battery is okaybut its voltage is low
<3>[    1.861771] max77803_get_health_state: Fail to get psy (battery)
<6>[    1.863920] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 450mA
<6>[    1.865194] max77803_get_health_state: battery is okaybut its voltage is low
<3>[    1.865205] max77803_get_health_state: Fail to get psy (battery)
<6>[    1.867296] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 450mA
<6>[    1.870662]
<6>[    1.870665] #####################################################
<6>[    1.871535] input: pressure_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input6
<6>[    1.871722] input: gesture_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input7
<6>[    1.871899] input: light_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input8
<6>[    1.872074] input: proximity_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input9
<6>[    1.872250] input: temp_humidity_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input10
<6>[    1.872426] input: sig_motion_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input11
<6>[    1.872601] input: step_cnt_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input12
<6>[    1.872778] input: meta_event as /devices/virtual/input/input13
<6>[    1.872957] [SSP]: requesting IRQ 621
<6>[    1.873931] [SSP] ssp_enable, enable = 1, old enable = 1
<6>[    1.873946] [SSP] change_rev = 1
<6>[    1.880629] [SSP] MCU Firm Rev : Old = 15041500, New = 15041500
<6>[    1.892593] [SSP] MCU device ID = 85, reading ID = 85
<6>[    1.892603] [SSP] Sensor Posision A : 6, G : 6, M: 3
<3>[    1.907361] [SSP]: get_sensor_scanning_info - 0 3 255 255
<6>[    1.913712] input: ssp_context as /devices/virtual/input/input14
<6>[    1.914391] [SSP]: ssp_probe - setup debuglevel 0!
<6>[    1.914399] [SSP]: ssp_probe - probe success!
<6>[    1.914407] #####################################################
<6>[    1.914411]
<6>[    1.914564] usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
<6>[    1.916290] +[ES325]=es325_init()
<6>[    1.916392] =[ES325]=es325_init(): slim_driver_register()
<6>[    1.916424] -[ES325]=es325_init()
<6>[    1.927081] msm-compr-dsp msm-compr-dsp: msm_compr_probe: dev name msm-compr-dsp
<6>[    1.927884] msm-pcm-lpa msm-pcm-lpa: msm_pcm_probe: dev name msm-pcm-lpa
<6>[    1.928918] platform qcom,msm-voip-dsp.53: Driver msm-voip-dsp requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.929441] platform qcom,msm-pcm-voice.54: Driver msm-pcm-voice requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.932633] ocmem: Notifier registered for 5
<6>[    1.933370] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.933463] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.935310] oprofile: using arm/armv7-krait
<6>[    1.935380] Mirror/redirect action on
<6>[    1.935389] u32 classifier
<6>[    1.935394]     Actions configured
<6>[    1.935403] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
<6>[    1.935453] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max)
<6>[    1.935733] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
<6>[    1.935770] NF_TPROXY: Transparent proxy support initialized, version 4.1.0
<6>[    1.935777] NF_TPROXY: Copyright (c) 2006-2007 BalaBit IT Ltd.
<6>[    1.935975] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
<6>[    1.935990] 939-23012-001-quicksec-vpnclient-for-android-3.3.1-2811-b2567729009d-2015-01-30_13-36-53
<6>[    1.935997] vpnclient kernel spd loaded.
<6>[    1.936245] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
<6>[    1.936445] arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
<6>[    1.936490] TCP: cubic registered
<6>[    1.936496] TCP: westwood registered
<6>[    1.936502] Initializing XFRM netlink socket
<6>[    1.936836] NET: Registered protocol family 10
<6>[    1.938325] Mobile IPv6
<6>[    1.938340] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
<6>[    1.938416] IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
<6>[    1.938629] NET: Registered protocol family 17
<6>[    1.938645] NET: Registered protocol family 15
<5>[    1.938674] Bridge firewalling registered
<6>[    1.938683] Ebtables v2.0 registered
<5>[    1.939222] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
<6>[    1.943534] mmc1: BKOPS_EN bit = 0
<6>[    1.943787] zswap: loading zswap
<6>[    1.943882] zswap: using lzo compressor
<6>[    1.944575] ethernet_phy: disabling
<6>[    1.944583] gdsc_oxili_gx: disabling
<6>[    1.944595] gdsc_mdss: disabling
<6>[    1.944600] gdsc_venus: disabling
<6>[    1.944671] gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs 300 to 315 on device: ice-fpga-gpio
<6>[    1.945054] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.945136] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<3>[    1.945547] reg-fixed-voltage regulator-tpd4s214.98: Could not obtain regulator enable GPIO 425: -16
<4>[    1.945634] reg-fixed-voltage: probe of regulator-tpd4s214.98 failed with error -16
<6>[    1.945869] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.946012] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.946306] sec_jack_probe : Registering jack driver
<6>[    1.946327] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : earjack-detect-gpio =429
<6>[    1.946338] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : earjack-sendend-gpio =77
<6>[    1.946354] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : earjack-micbias-gpio =441
<6>[    1.946371] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : earjack-fsa_en-gpio =418
<6>[    1.946432] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : 4, 3, 10000, 10, 0
<6>[    1.946474] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : 4, 936, 10000, 10, 0
<6>[    1.946531] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : 4, 2400, 10000, 10, 1
<6>[    1.946607] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : 4, 9999, 10000, 10, 1
<6>[    1.946630] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : 3, 0, 0, 162
<6>[    1.946669] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : 3, 1, 163, 325
<6>[    1.946726] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata : 3, 2, 326, 645
<6>[    1.946731] sec_jack_populate_dt_pdata - mpp-channel-scaling - 4 1 3
<6>[    1.947001] sec_jack_detect_work: detect_irq(0)
<6>[    1.947236] mpp_control : mpp diable =======
<6>[    1.947424] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.947614] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.948545] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.948690] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<3>[    1.949127] gpio-keys gpio_keys.96: [Keys] no regulator: ignoring
<6>[    1.949194] gpio-keys gpio_keys.96: gpio_keys_get_devtree_pdata: label:home_key, gpio:410, code:172, type:1, debounce:15
<6>[    1.949215] gpio-keys gpio_keys.96: gpio_keys_get_devtree_pdata: label:volume_down, gpio:409, code:114, type:1, debounce:15
<6>[    1.949235] gpio-keys gpio_keys.96: gpio_keys_get_devtree_pdata: label:volume_up, gpio:412, code:115, type:1, debounce:15
<6>[    1.949253] gpio-keys gpio_keys.96: [Hall_IC] device tree was founded
<6>[    1.949644] input: gpio-keys as /devices/gpio_keys.96/input/input15
<7>[    1.949652] [HALL_IC] : gpio_keys_open
<6>[    1.950042] gpio_keys_gpio_report_event: home_key key is released
<6>[    1.950078] gpio_keys_gpio_report_event: volume_down key is released
<6>[    1.950091] gpio_keys_gpio_report_event: volume_up key is released
<6>[    1.950313] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.950456] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.950667] qcom,qpnp-rtc qpnp-rtc-ead35400: setting system clock to 2014-01-22 13:15:14 UTC (1390396514)
<6>[    1.950673] Driver for 1-wire Dallas network protocol.
<3>[    1.950902]
<3>[    1.950904] w1_gpio_msm_probe start
<6>[    1.951039] input: w1 as /devices/onewire.87/input/input16
<3>[    1.951095] w1_uevent master_dev name = w1_bus_master1
<6>[    1.951327] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.951467] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.951505] w1_add_master_device : W1 thread will start
<6>[    1.952025] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.952162] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.952381] msm_thermal:interrupt_mode_init Interrupt mode init
<6>[    1.953280] sec_bat_parse_dt reading bat_int_gpio = 407
<6>[    1.953289] sec_bat_parse_dt: ta_irq_attr is Empty
<6>[    1.953298] sec_bat_parse_dt: chg_temp_check: 0
<6>[    1.953437] sec_bat_parse_dt: vendor : SDI SDI, technology : 2, cable_check_type : 4
<6>[    1.953439] cable_source_type : 1, use_wireless_to_pogo : 0, event_waiting_time : 600
<6>[    1.953441] polling_type : 1, initial_count : 3, check_count : 0
<6>[    1.953442] check_adc_max : 1440, check_adc_min : 0
<6>[    1.953443] ovp_uvlo_check_type : 3, thermal_source : 2
<6>[    1.953445] temp_check_type : 2, temp_check_count : 1
<6>[    1.953449] board_battery_init : assign temp adc table
<6>[    1.954685] mmc1: new HS200 MMC card at address 0001
<6>[    1.954861] [mmc_blk_probe]mmcblk0: mmc1:0001 MBG4GC 29.1 GiB , card->type:0
<6>[    1.954935] mmcblk0rpmb: mmc1:0001 MBG4GC partition 3 512 KiB
<6>[    1.957283]  mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 p19 p20 p21 p22 p23 p24 p25
<6>[    1.958726] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    1.958882] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<6>[    1.959548] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 450mA
<6>[    1.959889] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 450mA
<3>[    1.959894] max17048_get_current_average: Fail to get psy (battery)
<6>[    1.987549] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: pen_insert_work: pen instert
<6>[    1.987583] wacom_g5sp_i2c 6-0056: wacom_stop
<3>[    1.988036] max17048_rcomp_update: Fail to get psy (battery)
<6>[    1.989335] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_scaled_capacity: scaled capacity (7.0)
<6>[    1.989343] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3526mV),Inow(450mA),Imax(0mA),SOC(7%),Tbat(337),is_hc_usb(0)
<6>[    1.989618] sec-battery battery.94: sec_pogo_get_property: pogo charger is online (0)
<6>[    1.989645] sec-battery battery.94: sec_pogo_get_property: pogo charger is online (0)
<6>[    1.989654] sec-battery battery.94: sec_pogo_get_property: pogo charger is online (0)
<6>[    1.991616] cable_initial_check : current_cable_type : (1)
<3>[    1.991977] cable_initial_check: ta_int_gpio is 0 or not assigned yet(cable_type(1))
<6>[    1.996702] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 450mA
<6>[    1.997081] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 450mA
<6>[    1.998302] sec_bat_check_cable_result_callback set ldo on
<4>[    1.998388] 8941_l11: Failed to create debugfs directory
<6>[    1.999311] sec_bat_check_cable_result_callback set ldo off
<4>[    1.999370] 8941_l11: Failed to create debugfs directory
<6>[    1.999824] sec-battery battery.94: sec_battery_probe: SEC Battery Driver Loaded
<6>[    2.000818] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    2.001686] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<7>[    2.003352] tspdrv: tspdrv_probe.
<7>[    2.003693] ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_Initialize.
<4>[    2.003778] 8941_l23: Failed to create debugfs directory
<6>[    2.004935] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    2.005791] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<6>[    2.006673] clock_late_init: Removing enables held for handed-off clocks
<4>[    2.011206] dsi_pll_disable: mdss GDSC disabled before disabling DSI PLL
<6>[    2.015167] ALSA device list:
<6>[    2.015187]   No soundcards found.
<4>[    2.015396] Warning: unable to open an initial console.
<6>[    2.015564] Freeing init memory: 52K
<6>[    2.016696] frandom: Seeded global generator now (used by erandom)
<4>[    2.019517] D/INIT(1:1): parse cmdline
<4>[    2.020088] D/INIT(1:1): parse /sys/block
<6>[    2.026709] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_scaled_capacity: scaled capacity (7.0)
<6>[    2.026716] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3526mV),Inow(450mA),Imax(0mA),SOC(7%),Tbat(337),is_hc_usb(0)
<6>[    2.026721] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_battery_cable_check: Battery Connected
<6>[    2.026727] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Discharging), Mode(None), Health(Good), Cable(1), Vendor(SDI SDI), level(100%)
<4>[    2.029444] D/INIT(1:1): mount /multiboot/dev
<4>[    2.029523] V/UTIL(1:1): mount(tmpfs, /multiboot/dev, tmpfs, 2, 0x10e688) = 0
<4>[    2.029531] D/INIT(1:1): build dev fs
<4>[    2.030033] V/INIT(1:1): verify hw name
<4>[    2.030040] V/INIT(1:1): create /multiboot/bin
<4>[    2.030063] D/INIT(1:1): extract /multiboot/fstab.multiboot
<4>[    2.030104] D/INIT(1:1): extract /multiboot/file_contexts
<4>[    2.030132] D/INIT(1:1): extract /multiboot/file_contexts.bin
<4>[    2.030160] V/INIT(1:1): create symlink /multiboot/bin/trigger->/multiboot_init
<4>[    2.030179] V/INIT(1:1): create symlink /multiboot/bin/busybox->/multiboot_init
<4>[    2.030198] V/INIT(1:1): create symlink /multiboot/bin/mke2fs->/multiboot_init
<4>[    2.030214] D/INIT(1:1): parse /multiboot/fstab.multiboot
<4>[    2.030287] D/INIT(1:1): parse ROM fstab: /fstab.qcom
<4>[    2.030369] V/INIT(1:1): get ESP from fs_mgr
<4>[    2.030376] V/INIT(1:1): get blockinfo for ESP
<4>[    2.030387] I/INIT(1:1): Booting from {00000019-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}/media/0/multiboot/test/multiboot.ini
<4>[    2.030394] D/INIT(1:1): search for boot device
<4>[    2.033183] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram0 not found
<4>[    2.035041] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram1 not found
<4>[    2.036706] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram2 not found
<4>[    2.038357] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram3 not found
<4>[    2.039500] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram4 not found
<4>[    2.040625] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram5 not found
<4>[    2.041785] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram6 not found
<4>[    2.042910] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram7 not found
<4>[    2.044046] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram8 not found
<4>[    2.045185] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram9 not found
<4>[    2.099066] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/loop0 not found
<4>[    2.099386] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/loop1 not found
<4>[    2.099701] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/loop2 not found
<4>[    2.100015] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/loop3 not found
<4>[    2.100330] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/loop4 not found
<4>[    2.100643] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/loop5 not found
<4>[    2.100958] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/loop6 not found
<4>[    2.101273] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/loop7 not found
<4>[    2.102441] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram10 not found
<4>[    2.103589] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram11 not found
<4>[    2.104845] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram12 not found
<4>[    2.106027] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram13 not found
<4>[    2.107179] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram14 not found
<4>[    2.108685] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/ram15 not found
<4>[    2.112093] V/INIT(223:223): Device /dev/block/mmcblk0rpmb not found
<6>[    2.321323] mmc2: new high speed SDHC card at address 59b4
<6>[    2.322352] [mmc_blk_probe]mmcblk1: mmc2:59b4 NCard 29.4 GiB , card->type:1
<6>[    2.325670]  mmcblk1: p1
<6>[    2.328389] msm8974-asoc-taiko fe02b000.sound: msm8974_asoc_machine_probe(): hdmi audio support present
<6>[    2.329541] platform fe02b000.sound: Driver msm8974-asoc-taiko requests probe deferral
<4>[    2.380764] I/INIT(1:1): Boot device: mmcblk0p25
<4>[    2.380833] V/UTIL(1:1): search fstab.multiboot for /data
<4>[    2.380881] V/UTIL(1:1): get blockinfo for /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata
<6>[    2.397977] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p25): recovery complete
<6>[    2.399103] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p25): mounted filesystem with writeback data mode. Opts: (null)
<4>[    2.399144] V/UTIL(1:1): mount(/multiboot/dev/block/mmcblk0p25, /multiboot/data, ext4, 0, (nil)) = 0
<4>[    2.399161] D/INIT(1:1): mount boot device
<4>[    2.405701] V/UTIL(1:1): mount(/multiboot/dev/block/mmcblk0p25, /multiboot/bootdev, ext4, 0, (nil)) = 0
<4>[    2.406804] I/INIT(1:1): layout_version: 3
<4>[    2.406824] V/INIT(1:1): scan mounted volumes
<4>[    2.407068] V/INIT(1:1): search mounted bootdev
<4>[    2.407093] D/INIT(1:1): bootdev has bind mount support
<4>[    2.407119] D/INIT(1:1): parse /multiboot/bootdev/media/0/multiboot/test/multiboot.ini using mbini_count_handler
<4>[    2.412946] D/INIT(1:1): parse /multiboot/bootdev/media/0/multiboot/test/multiboot.ini using mbini_handler
<4>[    2.413056] D/INIT(1:1): patch sepolicy
<4>[    2.413098] D/INIT(1:1): setup replacements
<4>[    2.419243] V/UTIL(1:1): mount(/multiboot/dev/block/mmcblk0p25, /multiboot/esp, ext4, 0, (nil)) = 0
<4>[    2.421079] I/INIT(1:1): Booting recovery
<4>[    2.421485] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): new process pid=239 tid=239 ppid=-1 cpid=-1
<4>[    2.421564] V/SYSCALLS(1:1): SYSC_execve(/init, 0xbe8c4c40, 0xbe8c7e2c)
<4>[    2.422429] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [239][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=239
<4>[    2.422474] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): native execve
<5>[    2.436583] init: init started!
<7>[    2.440206] SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 4805 rules.
<6>[    2.440263] SELinux:  Android master kernel running Android M policy in compatibility mode.
<7>[    2.441001] SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 4805 rules.
<7>[    2.441009] SELinux:  1 users, 2 roles, 527 types, 0 bools, 1 sens, 1024 cats
<7>[    2.441015] SELinux:  87 classes, 4805 rules
<7>[    2.441482] SELinux:  Completing initialization.
<7>[    2.441486] SELinux:  Setting up existing superblocks.
<7>[    2.441497] SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
<7>[    2.441506] SELinux: initialized (dev rootfs, type rootfs), uses genfs_contexts
<7>[    2.441859] SELinux: initialized (dev bdev, type bdev), not configured for labeling
<7>[    2.441868] SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts
<7>[    2.441881] SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
<7>[    2.441894] SELinux: initialized (dev debugfs, type debugfs), uses genfs_contexts
<7>[    2.446753] SELinux: initialized (dev sockfs, type sockfs), uses task SIDs
<7>[    2.446763] SELinux: initialized (dev pipefs, type pipefs), uses task SIDs
<7>[    2.446773] SELinux: initialized (dev anon_inodefs, type anon_inodefs), not configured for labeling
<7>[    2.446782] SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses transition SIDs
<7>[    2.446799] SELinux: initialized (dev selinuxfs, type selinuxfs), uses genfs_contexts
<7>[    2.446850] SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
<7>[    2.446879] SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts
<7>[    2.447134] SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
<7>[    2.447237] SELinux: initialized (dev mmcblk0p25, type ext4), uses xattr
<7>[    2.447326] SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
<7>[    2.447596] [keys] flip_cover_work : 1 code 0x15
<5>[    2.461920] init: (Initializing SELinux non-enforcing took 0.03s.)
<4>[    2.465952] V/SYSCALLS(1:1): SYSC_execve(/init, 0xbeb46d20, 0xbeb46e3c)
<4>[    2.466521] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [239][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=239
<4>[    2.466539] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): native execve
<5>[    2.471585] init: init second stage started!
<6>[    2.677505] Governor: enter mode 0x1
<6>[    3.044002] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 450mA
<6>[    3.044600] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 450mA
<6>[    3.074818] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_scaled_capacity: scaled capacity (7.0)
<6>[    3.074832] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3680mV),Inow(450mA),Imax(0mA),SOC(7%),Tbat(337),is_hc_usb(0)
<6>[    3.074844] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_battery_cable_check: Battery Connected
<6>[    3.074856] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Discharging), Mode(None), Health(Good), Cable(1), Vendor(SDI SDI), level(100%)
<6>[    3.597541] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_init_detect
<6>[    3.598154] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_detect_dev CONTROL1:9
<6>[    3.598875] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_detect_dev irq:-1 ret:0
<6>[    3.598885] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_detect_dev: STATUS1:0x3f, 2:0x41
<6>[    3.598900] max77803-muic max77803-muic: adc:1f adcerr:0 chgtyp:1 vb:40 dxovp:0 cable_type:20
<6>[    3.598910] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_detect_dev: ATTACHED
<6>[    3.598919] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_handle_attach st1:3f st2:41 cable_type:20
<6>[    3.598931] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_attach_usb_type adc:1f cable_type:20
<6>[    3.598940] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_attach_usb_type:USB
<6>[    3.598950] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_set_charging_type cable_type:1: force_disable:0
<6>[    3.598977] max77803_muic_charger_cb: cable type : 1
<6>[    3.598985] max77803_muic_charger_cb: cable type for charger: cable_type(1), previous_cable_type(0)
<6>[    3.598997] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_set_property: current_cable(4), wc_status(0), wire_status(4)
<6>[    3.599018] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_set_usb_path path:0, cable_type:1
<6>[    3.599027] max77803_muic_set_safeout: MUIC safeout path=0
<6>[    3.599033] sec_bat_check_cable_result_callback set ldo on
<4>[    3.599095] 8941_l11: Failed to create debugfs directory
<6>[    3.600488] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_set_usb_path: AP_USB_MODE
<6>[    3.600498] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_set_usb_path: Set manual path
<6>[    3.604702] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_set_usb_path: CNTL1(0x09)
<6>[    3.605867] max77803-muic max77803-muic: max77803_muic_set_usb_path: CNTL2(0x3e)
<6>[    3.638113] max77803_get_vbus_state: VBUS is invalid. CHGIN < CHGIN_UVLO
<6>[    3.788102] max77803_get_vbus_state: VBUS is invalid. CHGIN < CHGIN_UVLO
<6>[    4.028044] max77803_get_vbus_state: VBUS is invalid. CHGIN < CHGIN_UVLO
<6>[    4.029536] max77803_check_slow_charging: slow charging on : set_current_reg(0x10), cable type(4)
<6>[    4.030903] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_cable_work: Status:Charging, Sleep:No, Charging:Yes, Short Poll:Yes
<6>[    4.030909] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_cable_work: Polling time is reset to 30 sec.
<6>[    4.031417] max77803_irq_thread: interrupt source(0x01)
<6>[    4.031946] max77803_irq_thread: charger interrupt(0x40)
<6>[    4.534001] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 400mA
<6>[    4.534603] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 400mA
<6>[    4.565662] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_scaled_capacity: scaled capacity (7.0)
<6>[    4.565677] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3653mV),Inow(400mA),Imax(1200mA),SOC(7%),Tbat(337),is_hc_usb(0)
<6>[    4.570125] sec_bat_check_callback: (211mV) is connected.
<6>[    4.570167] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_battery_cable_check: Battery Connected
<6>[    4.572525] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), Mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(4), Vendor(SDI SDI), level(100%)
<3>[    4.903196] init: waitpid failed: No child processes
<3>[    4.906388] init: property_set("ro.hardware", "qcom") failed
<5>[    4.908653] init: (Loading properties from /default.prop took 0.01s.)
<3>[    4.910268] init: /init.rc: 57: invalid command 'load_all_props'
<3>[    4.910547] init: could not import file '/init.recovery.logd.rc' from '/init.rc'
<5>[    4.911189] init: (Parsing /init.recovery.usb.rc took 0.00s.)
<5>[    4.911687] init: (Parsing /init.recovery.qcom.rc took 0.00s.)
<5>[    4.911787] init: (Parsing /init.rc took 0.00s.)
<5>[    4.912704] init: Starting service 'ueventd'...
<4>[    4.913086] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [239][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=244
<4>[    4.913101] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): new process pid=244 tid=244 ppid=239 cpid=239
<4>[    4.913125] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [244] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    4.913348] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:245): [244] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    4.913371] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:245): got first sigstop
<5>[    4.913635] init: Starting service 'healthd'...
<4>[    4.913980] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [239][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=246
<4>[    4.913996] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): new process pid=246 tid=246 ppid=239 cpid=239
<4>[    4.914013] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [246] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    4.914132] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:247): [246] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    4.914156] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:247): got first sigstop
<4>[    4.915215] V/SYSCALLS(1:245): SYSC_execve(/sbin/ueventd, 0xb6e73178, 0xa6654)
<4>[    4.915248] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:245): stop tracing 244
<4>[    4.915266] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:245): stopped 244
<4>[    4.915870] V/SYSCALLS(1:247): SYSC_execve(/sbin/healthd, 0xb6e033f8, 0xa6654)
<4>[    4.916189] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:247): [246][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=246
<4>[    4.916200] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:247): native execve
<5>[    4.917290] ueventd: ueventd started!
<3>[    4.921668] healthd: wakealarm_init: timerfd_create failed
<3>[    5.090283] w1_uevent master_dev name = w1_bus_master1
<6>[    5.142917] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 400mA
<6>[    5.159564] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 400mA
<6>[    5.160096] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 400mA
<6>[    5.162840] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_scaled_capacity: scaled capacity (7.0)
<3>[    5.162849] power_supply sec-fuelgauge: driver failed to report `energy_full' property: 4294967274
<6>[    5.583994] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 400mA
<6>[    5.584590] max77803_get_input_current: get input current: 400mA
<6>[    5.614805] sec-fuelgauge 19-0036: sec_fg_get_scaled_capacity: scaled capacity (7.0)
<6>[    5.614820] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3627mV),Inow(400mA),Imax(1200mA),SOC(7%),Tbat(337),is_hc_usb(0)
<6>[    5.619264] sec_bat_check_callback: (210mV) is connected.
<6>[    5.619306] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_battery_cable_check: Battery Connected
<6>[    5.621639] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_time_management: Charging Time : 2 secs
<6>[    5.621651] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_temperature: HLT(2000) HLR(2000) HT(490), HR(440), LT(-45), LR(0)
<6>[    5.621663] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
<6>[    5.621676] sec-battery battery.94: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), Mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(4), Vendor(SDI SDI), level(100%)
<3>[    5.857524] dwc3 f9200000.dwc3: dwc3_otg_init_sm: completion timeout
<6>[    5.863009] msm-dwc3 msm_dwc3: DWC3 in low power mode
<6>[    6.007826] sec-battery battery.94: sec_pogo_get_property: pogo charger is online (0)
<5>[    6.200280] ueventd: Coldboot took 1.28s.
<6>[    6.203532] [imoseyon] thermal-engine restarting due to init.
<5>[    6.203954] init: Waiting for /dev/.coldboot_done...
<5>[    6.204373] init: Waiting for /dev/.coldboot_done took 0.00s.
<7>[    6.213864] SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs
<3>[    6.226667] EXT4-fs (loop251): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<6>[    6.237389] usb: enabled: 0, dev->enabled: 0
<5>[    6.251693] init: write_file: Unable to open '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_ffs/aliases': No such file or directory
<5>[    6.252810] init: (Loading properties from /system/build.prop took 0.00s.)
<5>[    6.253252] init: (Loading properties from /vendor/build.prop took 0.00s.)
<5>[    6.253718] init: (Loading properties from /factory/factory.prop took 0.00s.)
<3>[    6.254854] init: /recovery not specified in fstab
<5>[    6.255557] init: (Loading properties from /data/local.prop took 0.00s.)
<3>[    6.255763] init: Unable to open persistent property directory "/data/property": No such file or directory
<5>[    6.260027] init: Starting service 'set_permissive'...
<4>[    6.260344] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [239][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=248
<4>[    6.260359] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): new process pid=248 tid=248 ppid=239 cpid=239
<4>[    6.260380] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [248] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.260476] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): [248] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.260496] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): got first sigstop
<4>[    6.262176] V/SYSCALLS(1:249): SYSC_execve(/sbin/permissive.sh, 0xb6e730b8, 0xa6654)
<4>[    6.262867] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): [248][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=248
<4>[    6.262887] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): native execve
<3>[    6.269476] init: Warning!  Service recovery needs a SELinux domain defined; please fix!
<5>[    6.269592] init: Starting service 'recovery'...
<4>[    6.269883] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [239][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=250
<4>[    6.269897] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): new process pid=250 tid=250 ppid=239 cpid=239
<4>[    6.269914] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [250] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.270047] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:251): [250] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.270067] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:251): got first sigstop
<6>[    6.270579] usb: enabled: 0, dev->enabled: 0
<4>[    6.271360] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_execve(/sbin/recovery, 0xb6e738f8, 0xa6654)
<4>[    6.271836] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:251): [250][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=250
<6>[    6.271848] usb: enabled: 1, dev->enabled: 0
<7>[    6.271854] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:mtp
<4>[    6.271858] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:251): native execve
<7>[    6.271864] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:adb
<7>[    6.271867] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:hid
<7>[    6.271873] usb: enable_store vendor=4e8,product=685e,bcdDevice=232
<7>[    6.271876] ,Class=0,SubClass=0,Protocol=0
<7>[    6.271880] usb: enable_store next cmd : usb_add_config
<5>[    6.272096] init: Starting service 'adbd'...
<4>[    6.272391] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [239][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=252
<4>[    6.272404] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): new process pid=252 tid=252 ppid=239 cpid=239
<4>[    6.272423] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [252] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<6>[    6.272943] usb: enabled: 0, dev->enabled: 1
<6>[    6.274236] usb: enabled: 1, dev->enabled: 0
<7>[    6.274241] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:mtp
<7>[    6.274245] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:adb
<7>[    6.274248] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:hid
<7>[    6.274254] usb: enable_store vendor=4e8,product=6860,bcdDevice=232
<7>[    6.274257] ,Class=0,SubClass=0,Protocol=0
<7>[    6.274261] usb: enable_store next cmd : usb_add_config
<6>[    6.274651] usb: enabled: 0, dev->enabled: 1
<5>[    6.274837] init: Service 'adbd' is being killed...
<6>[    6.275246] usb: enabled: 1, dev->enabled: 0
<7>[    6.275252] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:mtp
<7>[    6.275256] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:adb
<7>[    6.275260] usb: enable_store f_holder->f:hid
<7>[    6.275265] usb: enable_store vendor=4e8,product=6860,bcdDevice=232
<7>[    6.275269] ,Class=0,SubClass=0,Protocol=0
<7>[    6.275273] usb: enable_store next cmd : usb_add_config
<4>[    6.275485] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [252] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.275495] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): got first sigstop
<6>[    6.277502] Governor: exit mode 0x0
<4>[    6.279864] V/SYSCALLS(1:253): SYSC_execve(/sbin/adbd, 0xb6e03318, 0xa6654)
<4>[    6.280253] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [252][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=252
<4>[    6.280263] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): native execve
<4>[    6.285699] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [252][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE clone_pid=254
<4>[    6.285715] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): new process pid=252 tid=254 ppid=239 cpid=252
<4>[    6.285773] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [254] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.286032] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:255): [254] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.286052] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:255): got first sigstop
<6>[    6.286726] adb_open
<6>[    6.286737] mtp_bind_config
<6>[    6.286773] adb_bind_config
<6>[    6.286786] hid keyboard
<6>[    6.286796] hidg_bind: creating device ea6b9700
<6>[    6.287570] hid mouse
<6>[    6.287576] hidg_bind: creating device c3615100
<6>[    6.287619] schedule_usb_gadget_connect_work: schedule_usb_gadget_connect_work
<4>[    6.288958] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [252][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE clone_pid=256
<4>[    6.288973] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): new process pid=252 tid=256 ppid=239 cpid=252
<4>[    6.289419] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [256] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.289891] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [252][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE clone_pid=258
<4>[    6.289911] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): new process pid=252 tid=258 ppid=239 cpid=252
<6>[    6.297538] usb_gadget_connect_work: usb_gadget_connect_work: speaker_status: 0, speaker_check_count 0
<4>[    6.300158] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [258] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.304995] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:257): [256] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.305027] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:257): got first sigstop
<4>[    6.305089] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:259): [258] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.305100] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:259): got first sigstop
<4>[    6.308704] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): [248][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=260
<4>[    6.308720] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): new process pid=260 tid=260 ppid=248 cpid=248
<4>[    6.308759] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): [260] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.308930] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:261): [260] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[    6.308953] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:261): got first sigstop
<4>[    6.309294] V/SYSCALLS(1:261): SYSC_execve(/sbin/setenforce, 0xb6c8e08c, 0xb6c8e09c)
<4>[    6.309864] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:261): [260][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=260
<4>[    6.309883] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:261): native execve
<4>[    6.346337] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:261): [260] exit with 0
<4>[    6.346350] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:261): stopping 260
<4>[    6.346360] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:261): stopped 260
<4>[    6.346453] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): [248] stopped with SIGCHLD 0x00000011
<4>[    6.346825] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): [248] exit with 0
<4>[    6.346836] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): stopping 248
<4>[    6.346845] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:249): stopped 248
<4>[    6.346915] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:1): [239] stopped with SIGCHLD 0x00000011
<5>[    6.347288] init: Service 'set_permissive' (pid 248) exited with status 0
<6>[    6.382563] mdss_fb_set_backlight: [BL1] bkl_lvl (255), bl_updated(0), power(0)
<6>[    6.394725] mdss_fb_set_backlight: [BL1] bkl_lvl (255), bl_updated(0), power(0)
<6>[    6.395263] mdss_mdp_overlay_on: mdss_mdp_overlay_on: ++
<6>[    6.395282] [jc] [dsi event] 8: RESUME (cpufreq_screen_on = 1)
<6>[    6.396574] mdss_hw_init: MDP Rev=10020000
<6>[    6.399063] mdss_mdp_cmd_tearcheck_cfg: te->tear_check_en = 1, res=1920 vclks=a5 height=65520 init=1920 rd=1921 start=1920
<6>[    6.399072] thrd_start =4 thrd_cont=4
<6>[    6.400189] mdss_dsi_on+: ctrl=eafd1010 ndx=0
<6>[    6.400198] mdss_dsi_on: success [disp_te_gpio] gpio_ltmm_config..
<6>[    6.400206] mdss_dsi_panel_power_on: enable=1 vregn(3)
<6>[    6.400212] mdss_dsi_panel_power_on : Set High LCD Enable GPIO
<6>[    6.431388] mdss_dsi_host_init: Broadcast mode (0).
<6>[    6.517601] mdss_dsi_on-:
<6>[    6.517619] mdss_dsi_panel_on: DSI_MODE = 1 ++
<6>[    6.522915] mipi_samsung_manufacture_id: manufacture_id1=41
<6>[    6.529432] mipi_samsung_manufacture_id: manufacture_id2=40
<6>[    6.535606] mipi_samsung_manufacture_id: manufacture_id3=24
<6>[    6.535637] mipi_samsung_manufacture_id: manufacture_id=414024
<6>[    6.535665] set_panel_rev : 0x24 EVT1_H_REV_J
<3>[    6.535697] mipi_samsung_disp_send_cmd : cmd_size is zero!..
<6>[    6.542160] nv_size= 33, nv_read_cmds->num_of_cmds = 1
<6>[    6.604770] read_reg : C8[33] : 00 30 00 14 00 69 5d .5e 5d 59 5b 58 46 47 .46 4d 52 4d 5b 61 62 .5e 63 5f 44 5a 4d 3c .5a 49 02 03 02 .
<3>[    6.609760] mipi_samsung_disp_send_cmd : cmd_size is zero!..
<6>[    6.615072] nv_size= 1, nv_read_cmds->num_of_cmds = 1
<6>[    6.630179] read_reg : D7[1] : c6 .
<6>[    6.635093] mdss_dsi_panel_dimming_init:ldi_fps register otp value = 0x46
<3>[    6.635110] mipi_samsung_disp_send_cmd : cmd_size is zero!..
<6>[    6.640383] nv_size= 1, nv_read_cmds->num_of_cmds = 1
<6>[    6.655298] read_reg : D7[1] : 04 .
<6>[    6.660224] mdss_dsi_panel_dimming_init:vddm_offset = 4 , ldi_vddm_lut[4][1] = 16
<6>[    6.660245] gamma_cell_determine ldi_revision: 0x414024
<6>[    6.660431] generate_gray_scale end
<6>[    6.660446] gamma_init_H_revJ : start !!
<3>[    6.662083] mipi_samsung_disp_send_cmd : cmd_size is zero!..
<6>[    6.667364] nv_size= 7, nv_read_cmds->num_of_cmds = 1
<6>[    6.682383] read_reg : C8[7] : 01 1c 01 1b 01 21 05 .
<3>[    6.687324] mipi_samsung_disp_send_cmd : cmd_size is zero!..
<6>[    6.692536] nv_size= 15, nv_read_cmds->num_of_cmds = 1
<6>[    6.727622] read_reg : C8[15] : 82 7f 81 7c 7b 7c 7b .7c 7b 7d 7c 7d 80 7f .7d .
<3>[    6.732546] mipi_samsung_disp_send_cmd : cmd_size is zero!..
<6>[    6.737806] nv_size= 4, nv_read_cmds->num_of_cmds = 1
<6>[    6.752722] read_reg : A1[4] : 01 0b 80 96 .
<6>[    6.757665] coordinate_tunning x : 267, y : 32918, tune_number : 3
<6>[    6.757682] mdss_dsi_panel_on: ldi_fps register value = 0x46
<6>[    6.800647] mdss_dsi_panel_on: done
<3>[    6.809484] [mdnie lite] is negative Mode On = 0
<3>[    6.826079] [mdnie lite] mDNIe_Set_Mode end , UI_MODE(0), AUTO(4), OUTDOOR_OFF_MODE(0), ACCESSIBILITY_OFF(0)
<6>[    6.826298] [jc] [dsi event] 18: MDNIE_DEFAULT_UPDATE + is_negative_on()
<6>[    6.877211] get_elvss_control_set for SMART_ACL
<6>[    6.877820] ELVSS for normal cd_idx=0, cmd_idx=0
<6>[    6.877852] [jc] [backlight]: bright_level = 0
<6>[    6.886119] [jc] [dsi event] 15: FRAME_UPDATE, wait_disp_on = 1 (sending PANEL_DISPLAY_ON + PANEL_BRIGHT_CTRL)
<6>[    6.886609] mdss_mdp_overlay_on: mdss_mdp_overlay_on: --
<6>[    6.886655] mdss_fb_blank_sub: done (fb_num = 0, blank_mode = MDSS_FB_UNBLANK)
<6>[    6.889101] mdss_fb_set_backlight: [BL1] bkl_lvl (0), bl_updated(0), power(1)
<6>[    7.032810] mdss_dsi_panel_off: done
<6>[    7.032847] mdss_dsi_off+: ctrl=eafd1010 ndx=0
<6>[    7.034785] mdss_dsi_panel_power_on: enable=0 vregn(3)
<6>[    7.037189] mdss_dsi_off-:
<6>[    7.037716] [jc] [dsi event] 6: unknown panel event
<6>[    7.037863] [jc] [dsi event] 7: SUSPEND (cpufreq_screen_on = 0, screenoff_cnt = 1)
<6>[    7.037994] mdss_fb_blank_sub: done (fb_num = 0, blank_mode = MDSS_FB_BLANK)
<6>[    7.057612] mdss_mdp_overlay_on: mdss_mdp_overlay_on: ++
<6>[    7.057653] [jc] [dsi event] 8: RESUME (cpufreq_screen_on = 1)
<6>[    7.061994] mdss_mdp_cmd_tearcheck_cfg: te->tear_check_en = 1, res=1920 vclks=a5 height=65520 init=1920 rd=1921 start=1920
<6>[    7.062019] thrd_start =4 thrd_cont=4
<6>[    7.064800] mdss_dsi_on+: ctrl=eafd1010 ndx=0
<6>[    7.064823] mdss_dsi_on: success [disp_te_gpio] gpio_ltmm_config..
<6>[    7.064844] mdss_dsi_panel_power_on: enable=1 vregn(3)
<6>[    7.064861] mdss_dsi_panel_power_on : Set High LCD Enable GPIO
<6>[    7.091948] mdss_dsi_host_init: Broadcast mode (0).
<6>[    7.177819] mdss_dsi_on-:
<6>[    7.177858] mdss_dsi_panel_on: DSI_MODE = 1 ++
<6>[    7.177885] mdss_dsi_panel_on: ldi_fps register value = 0x46
<3>[    7.223989] [mdnie lite] is negative Mode On = 0
<3>[    7.230542] [mdnie lite] mDNIe_Set_Mode end , UI_MODE(0), AUTO(4), OUTDOOR_OFF_MODE(0), ACCESSIBILITY_OFF(0)
<6>[    7.231026] mdss_dsi_panel_on: done
<6>[    7.312687] get_elvss_control_set for SMART_ACL
<6>[    7.312715] ELVSS for normal cd_idx=0, cmd_idx=0
<6>[    7.312742] [jc] [backlight]: bright_level = 0
<6>[    7.321213] [jc] [dsi event] 15: FRAME_UPDATE, wait_disp_on = 1 (sending PANEL_DISPLAY_ON + PANEL_BRIGHT_CTRL)
<6>[    7.321601] mdss_mdp_overlay_on: mdss_mdp_overlay_on: --
<6>[    7.321631] mdss_fb_blank_sub: done (fb_num = 0, blank_mode = MDSS_FB_UNBLANK)
<4>[    7.369028] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369111] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369186] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369259] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369333] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369406] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369479] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369552] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369597] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369613] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369628] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369643] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369658] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369673] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369688] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369703] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369718] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369733] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369748] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369763] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369778] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369793] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<4>[    7.369808] vm_start=b59d0000 vm_end=b69c0000 vm_page_prot=1799
<6>[    7.384224] mdss_fb_set_backlight: [BL1] bkl_lvl (0), bl_updated(0), power(1)
<6>[    7.523707] mdss_dsi_panel_off: done
<6>[    7.523739] mdss_dsi_off+: ctrl=eafd1010 ndx=0
<6>[    7.525677] mdss_dsi_panel_power_on: enable=0 vregn(3)
<6>[    7.528101] mdss_dsi_off-:
<6>[    7.528765] [jc] [dsi event] 7: SUSPEND (cpufreq_screen_on = 0, screenoff_cnt = 2)
<6>[    7.528908] mdss_fb_blank_sub: done (fb_num = 0, blank_mode = MDSS_FB_BLANK)
<6>[    7.529313] mdss_mdp_overlay_on: mdss_mdp_overlay_on: ++
<6>[    7.529356] [jc] [dsi event] 8: RESUME (cpufreq_screen_on = 1)
<6>[    7.534085] mdss_mdp_cmd_tearcheck_cfg: te->tear_check_en = 1, res=1920 vclks=a5 height=65520 init=1920 rd=1921 start=1920
<6>[    7.534111] thrd_start =4 thrd_cont=4
<6>[    7.537137] mdss_dsi_on+: ctrl=eafd1010 ndx=0
<6>[    7.537158] mdss_dsi_on: success [disp_te_gpio] gpio_ltmm_config..
<6>[    7.537180] mdss_dsi_panel_power_on: enable=1 vregn(3)
<6>[    7.537197] mdss_dsi_panel_power_on : Set High LCD Enable GPIO
<6>[    7.572669] mdss_dsi_host_init: Broadcast mode (0).
<6>[    7.657764] mdss_dsi_on-:
<6>[    7.657797] mdss_dsi_panel_on: DSI_MODE = 1 ++
<6>[    7.657817] mdss_dsi_panel_on: ldi_fps register value = 0x46
<3>[    7.703932] [mdnie lite] is negative Mode On = 0
<3>[    7.710202] [mdnie lite] mDNIe_Set_Mode end , UI_MODE(0), AUTO(4), OUTDOOR_OFF_MODE(0), ACCESSIBILITY_OFF(0)
<6>[    7.710228] mdss_dsi_panel_on: done
<6>[    7.793030] get_elvss_control_set for SMART_ACL
<6>[    7.793048] ELVSS for normal cd_idx=0, cmd_idx=0
<6>[    7.793065] [jc] [backlight]: bright_level = 0
<6>[    7.800665] [jc] [dsi event] 15: FRAME_UPDATE, wait_disp_on = 1 (sending PANEL_DISPLAY_ON + PANEL_BRIGHT_CTRL)
<6>[    7.801051] mdss_mdp_overlay_on: mdss_mdp_overlay_on: --
<6>[    7.801075] mdss_fb_blank_sub: done (fb_num = 0, blank_mode = MDSS_FB_UNBLANK)
<6>[    7.818620] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[    7.838484] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[    7.845068] mdss_fb_set_backlight: [BL1] bkl_lvl (255), bl_updated(0), power(1)
<6>[    7.970926] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[    7.993552] get_elvss_control_set for SMART_ACL
<6>[    7.993556] ELVSS for normal cd_idx=61, cmd_idx=11
<6>[    7.993561] [jc] [backlight]: bright_level = 255
<4>[    8.005361] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p14 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:boot = 22
<4>[    8.006342] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p15 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:recovery = 22
<4>[    8.008017] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 22
<3>[    8.021534] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    8.022137] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[    8.023117] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 22
<3>[    8.035377] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    8.048059] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[    8.048931] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 22
<4>[    8.049499] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 22
<4>[    8.050525] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 22
<3>[    8.062605] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    8.068093] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[    8.069424] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p24 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:cache = 22
<6>[    8.100319] EXT4-fs (loop254): recovery complete
<6>[    8.101448] EXT4-fs (loop254): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
<7>[    8.101464] SELinux: initialized (dev loop254, type ext4), uses xattr
<4>[    8.105096] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:firmware = 22
<4>[    8.106858] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[    8.131616] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    8.132226] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[    8.133377] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:system = 3
<6>[    8.150225] EXT4-fs (loop255): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts:
<7>[    8.150240] SELinux: initialized (dev loop255, type ext4), uses xattr
<4>[    8.151949] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[    8.163998] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    8.164590] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<6>[    8.188646] FAT-fs (mmcblk1p1[179:65]): trying to mount...
<6>[    8.193714] FAT-fs (mmcblk1p1[179:65]): mounted successfully!
<7>[    8.193740] SELinux: initialized (dev mmcblk1p1, type vfat), uses genfs_contexts
<6>[    8.488410] FAT-fs (mmcblk1p1[179:65]): trying to unmount...
<6>[    8.488455] FAT-fs (mmcblk1p1[179:65]): unmounted successfully!
<4>[    8.525456] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[    8.554987] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    8.568072] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[    8.580923] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[    8.592936] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    8.608087] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[    8.609038] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[    8.621045] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    8.621644] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[    9.126422] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[    9.150016] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    9.150610] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[    9.655354] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[    9.679788] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[    9.680380] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[   10.185032] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[   10.209003] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[   10.209550] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<6>[   10.607709] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_usb_detect info->muic_data->sw_path:0
<6>[   10.607765] max77803_muic_usb_cb: MUIC attached: 1
<6>[   10.607794] max77803_muic_set_safeout: MUIC safeout path=0
<6>[   10.610615] usb: support usb 3.0 (rev: 8)
<6>[   10.610645] usb: value of redrvEn: 1
<6>[   10.610666] usb: dwc3 power supply set(1)
<6>[   10.610708] msm-dwc3 msm_dwc3: dwc3_msm_power_set_property_usb: !mdwc->ext_inuse(1), mdwc->ext_xceiv.otg_capability(1), !init(1)
<6>[   10.610744] msm-dwc3 msm_dwc3: dwc3_msm_power_set_property_usb: queue_delayed_work mdwc->resume_work
<4>[   10.713717] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<6>[   10.727758] msm-dwc3 msm_dwc3: dwc3_resume_work
<6>[   10.727792] msm-dwc3 msm_dwc3: dwc3_resume_work: pm_runtime_get_sync entered
<6>[   10.736969] msm-dwc3 msm_dwc3: DWC3 exited from low power mode
<3>[   10.749875] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[   10.758382] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[   10.879202] dwc3 f9200000.dwc3: dwc3_gadget_restart: unsupported device speed
<6>[   10.879299] dwc3 f9200000.dwc3: gadget android_usb data soft-connect
<6>[   10.978738] android_work: android_work: did not send uevent (0 0   (null))
<6>[   11.085851] usb:: dwc3_gadget_reset_interrupt
<6>[   11.135853] usb:: dwc3_gadget_conndone_interrupt (HS)
<3>[   11.135897] usb: Super speed host not available
<6>[   11.136265] android_work: android_work: did not send uevent (0 0   (null))
<7>[   11.169479] usb: GET_DES
<6>[   11.169927] android_work: android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
<7>[   11.181214] usb: GET_DES
<7>[   11.183214] usb: set_config_number single config num=0
<7>[   11.183260] usb: set_interface_count next_interface_id=4
<6>[   11.195916] android_usb gadget: high-speed config #1: fe8050c8.android_usb
<7>[   11.196006] usb: SET_CON
<7>[   11.196011] usb: set_config_number single config num=0
<6>[   11.247541] android_work: android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED
<4>[   11.260039] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 3
<3>[   11.277964] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[   11.278907] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<6>[   11.891357] [SSP]: MSG From MCU - Init
<6>[   11.891361] Gyro Temp Init
<6>[   11.891364] CheckLightLux Init
<6>[   11.891366]
<6>[   11.891368] [INVN]ACCEL_MGMT2 : 63
<6>[   11.891370] =>GEP
<6>[   11.891372] =>PRP
<6>[   11.891374] =>LIGP
<6>[   11.891377] =>PRP
<6>[   11.891379] AD 8 1 0 1, 500
<6>[   11.891381] g_ptSh->cTimer = 500
<6>[   11.891384] SetRTC = 500
<6>[   12.047567] [SSP]: debug_work_func(6) - Sensor state: 0x3ffff, RC: 0, MS: 0 Santi: 0 Dump: 0
<6>[   12.053888] [SSP] Sensor Posision A : 6, G : 6, M: 3
<4>[   12.579937] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 28
<3>[   12.597672] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[   12.608511] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[   13.113512] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 28
<3>[   13.142345] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[   13.148307] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[   13.163779] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 28
<3>[   13.177506] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[   13.188309] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<6>[   13.214300] FAT-fs (mmcblk1p1[179:65]): trying to mount...
<6>[   13.219132] FAT-fs (mmcblk1p1[179:65]): mounted successfully!
<7>[   13.219148] SELinux: initialized (dev mmcblk1p1, type vfat), uses genfs_contexts
<6>[   13.557136] mdss_fb_set_backlight: [BL2] bkl_lvl (255), bl_updated(1)
<4>[   13.576049] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 28
<3>[   13.614603] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[   13.670822] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<4>[   13.686374] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:251): [250][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=271
<4>[   13.686510] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:251): new process pid=271 tid=271 ppid=250 cpid=250
<4>[   13.686703] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:251): [271] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   13.687080] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:272): [271] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   13.687153] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:272): got first sigstop
<4>[   13.690963] V/SYSCALLS(1:251): SYSC_openat: redirect /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 -> /multiboot/dev/block/loopdev:data = 28
<3>[   13.733107] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<3>[   13.739418] EXT4-fs (loop253): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem
<6>[   13.809640] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[   14.027501] Governor: enter mode 0x1
<6>[   14.407509] Governor: exit mode 0x0
<6>[   14.491095] mtp_open
<4>[   14.494953] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:272): [271][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE clone_pid=273
<4>[   14.495064] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:272): new process pid=271 tid=273 ppid=250 cpid=271
<4>[   14.495177] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:272): [273] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   14.495642] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:274): [273] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   14.495725] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:274): got first sigstop
<4>[   14.503549] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:274): [273][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE clone_pid=275
<4>[   14.503653] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:274): new process pid=271 tid=275 ppid=250 cpid=273
<4>[   14.503760] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:274): [275] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   14.504418] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:276): [275] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   14.504492] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:276): got first sigstop
<6>[   22.223814] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[   22.288222] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[   22.321471] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[   22.355912] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[   22.390039] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[   22.424506] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<7>[   22.425784] tspdrv: Enable time = 80 msec
<7>[   22.425798] tspdrv: ENABLE
<6>[   22.478055] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[   22.519719] [jc] [dsi event] 9: unknown panel event
<6>[   22.647510] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_dock_usb_detect info->muic_data->sw_path:0
<6>[   23.047519] [SSP]: debug_work_func(1) - Sensor state: 0x3ffff, RC: 0, MS: 0 Santi: 0 Dump: 0
<6>[   23.055820] [SSP] Sensor Posision A : 6, G : 6, M: 3
<6>[   25.607689] max77803-muic max77803-muic: func:max77803_muic_mhl_detect cable_type:1
<6>[   34.047681] [SSP]: debug_work_func(1) - Sensor state: 0x3ffff, RC: 0, MS: 0 Santi: 0 Dump: 0
<6>[   34.056669] [SSP] Sensor Posision A : 6, G : 6, M: 3
<4>[   37.056184] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [252][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=277
<4>[   37.056280] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): new process pid=277 tid=277 ppid=252 cpid=252
<4>[   37.056417] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [277] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   37.057097] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:278): [277] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   37.057182] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:278): got first sigstop
<4>[   37.060094] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [252][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE clone_pid=279
<4>[   37.060185] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): new process pid=252 tid=279 ppid=239 cpid=252
<4>[   37.060291] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:253): [279] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   37.060928] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:280): [279] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   37.061010] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:280): got first sigstop
<4>[   37.064161] V/SYSCALLS(1:278): SYSC_execve(/sbin/sh, 0xbeeb8880, 0xbeeb8e44)
<4>[   37.066064] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:278): [277][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=277
<4>[   37.066138] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:278): native execve
<4>[   39.100470] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:278): [277][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_FORK clone_pid=281
<4>[   39.100490] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:278): new process pid=281 tid=281 ppid=277 cpid=277
<4>[   39.100514] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:278): [281] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   39.100811] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:282): [281] stopped with SIGSTOP 0x00000013
<4>[   39.100869] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:282): got first sigstop
<4>[   39.101980] V/SYSCALLS(1:282): SYSC_execve(/sbin/dmesg, 0xb6c4e054, 0xb6c4e05c)
<4>[   39.103495] D/LIBSYSHOOK(1:282): [281][TRAP] event=PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC caller=281
<4>[   39.103551] V/LIBSYSHOOK(1:282): native execve
EvoPulseGaming commented 7 years ago

I am unable to reproduce this bug.