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EFIDroid Project Management
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add LOKI support #77

Open M1cha opened 7 years ago

M1cha commented 7 years ago

LOKI sourcecode: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_jfltevzw

xakep666 commented 7 years ago

Actual LOKI sourcecode https://github.com/djrbliss/loki

npjohnson commented 7 years ago

@M1cha This is becoming more and more important as more device porters pop up. This method is used by more than 20 devices across many OEM's.

ex. jfltevzw: https://github.com/efidroid/projectmanagement/issues/85

"No LOKI'd boot or recovery image will boot through EFI droid... due to the fact that every ROM for jfltevzw is built with LOKI'd boot and recovery images, this needs to be fixed in UEFI. It is as simple as discerning a LOKI'd image (they're pretty easy to tell apart, they have a ton of garbage at the end, and a ridiculously weird set of loading addresses), and then dynamically changing the kernel and ram-disk offsets based on the device. @M1cha may be able to help me with this goal."

npjohnson commented 7 years ago

RE: - add loki support to efidroid's boot.img loader so the patch can be reverted when trying to boot a loki image using efidroid

This doesn't look necessary anymore, as EFI Droid is capable of booting LOKI'd images now.

EDIT: This is so touch and go, it works sometimes, and others we get TAGLOADER RETURN: RAW -1, not sure honestly.

M1cha commented 7 years ago

@npjohnson these images may be able to boot but I guess that it heavily modifies bootloader memory. this can lead to a lot of random problems. (it currently doesn't because UEFI usually only uses very high memory addresses)