efrainenc / project-3-fe

2 stars 1 forks source link

Reflection #52

Open efrainenc opened 1 year ago

efrainenc commented 1 year ago

What was the most difficult part of your project’s development? Authentication and handling the copious amounts of state being used throughout the entire front end. Cors errors can be the bane of a devs existence

What did you learn about developing in React? Learned how to make HTTP verb requests to our own backend as well as comparing different database collections in state. As well as learned how to implement Json Web Tokens for Bearer Authorization

Highlight 1-2 future features / approaches you will be investigating in future development work: Fixing the cors issues so we can be able to edit posts again Also fixing the conditional renders on the follow/unfollow buttons(they function but don't display buttons correctly) Time constraints limited CSS completion but would definitely love to go for Mobile compatibility and a more fleshed out CSS

Rancor38 commented 1 year ago

1 - does not meet expectations , 2 satisfactory, 3 exceeds expectations. 14+ is a pass.

User Centered / Feature Rich

Has three key features of original app (and may enhance /put a spin on the current behavior or appearance) 2

Database Complexity

DB has two models with some association (1:M is default) with full CRUD between 2 or more models. 3

API Architecture

RESTful Routes - Design the CRUD routes using RESTful convention. 2

API Integrations

React frontend consumes Express backend 2

Version Control:

Git 50+ commits between FE / BE repos. 3

Code Quality:

Proper indentation, variable naming conventions demonstrated in class are present throughout code. Where code is complex or idiosyncratic comments are provided to describe behavior 2

Clean Code:

Well organized application directories, very little repeated code, non-descriptive comments are removed 2

Visual Design:

Basic styling is present and provides an easy to use, visually appealing user experience. Custom CSS and layout tools provide a non-buggy desktop experience. 1


Both frontend and backend applications are deployed to production - Netlify / Heroku services are used and work appropriately. 2


A project readme is provided is included in one of the two repos. Planning materials are available and linked to. Documentation materials cover topics included in project notion. 1

Total = 20

cbowman422 commented 1 year ago

Would you have wanted the stuff in the planning put into the readme also? wondering what i missed in the readme

Rancor38 commented 1 year ago

Would you have wanted the stuff in the planning put into the readme also? wondering what i missed in the readme

The short answer about the grade specifically: Fold the user stories, wireframes, and ERD contents of the planning.md into the README.md to improve the readme. A descriptive link to the backend repository of the project is also helpful for learning the full scope of the project.

The long answer about improving readme files: Target your readme to your prospective audience, if it's for developers to use your site as a template, include installation instructions for fork/clone/npm installation; if your target is a user of the application then there's no need to include installation instructions like npm install, but you'll want to gear your readme toward those potential users as far as how to navigate the site, login, and utilize the app (with gifs or screenshots); if it's for potential employers than you'll want to gear your readme towards one of the above while also demonstrating your abilities to plan, structure, and deliver a project highlighting those steps of planning and features the site delivers.