efremidze / Haptica

Easy Haptic Feedback Generator 📳
MIT License
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Use Latest Haptic Feedback API #26

Open efremidze opened 3 months ago

efremidze commented 3 months ago


As the technology for haptic feedback evolves, new syntax and methods are introduced to improve performance and expand capabilities. It has come to my attention that this repository's implementation of haptic feedback may be outdated. Updating to the latest syntax can enhance the user experience, provide more precise control over feedback, and ensure compatibility with the newest devices.

Suggested Changes

I recommend updating the haptic feedback implementation to utilize the latest syntax introduced in [specific version or framework name, if applicable]. This update can bring several improvements:


Here are a few examples of the changes in syntax from the current implementation to the proposed one:

These examples illustrate how the new syntax can provide clearer, more concise code and better control over haptic feedback.