efroemling / ballistica

The BombSquad Game Engine
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Update Bombsquad on Snap Store for Linux #532

Open vasilislam opened 2 years ago

vasilislam commented 2 years ago

Now it is 1.6.5 on snap store, please update it to the latest Also, how can i run or install bombsquad from the tar.gz archive in Ubuntu?

Dliwk commented 2 years ago

Hi! First off, this snap package is not 'official' and is maintained by someone else.

tar.gz is simply an archive with game binary and its assets; just unzip it somewhere and run ./bombsquad.

ixPost commented 2 years ago

I'm on Linux!

ixPost commented 2 years ago

Does my BS track me?

ixPost commented 2 years ago

Maybe Fromleng can ask that guy to update BS? Or ask to co-own the Linux BS?

ixPost commented 2 years ago

On Linux the Bomb Squad Pro isn't available & there where ads but I would disconnect from the internet. Now even with the internet on, there are no ads.

EraOSBeta commented 1 year ago

On Linux the Bomb Squad Pro isn't available & there where ads but I would disconnect from the internet. Now even with the internet on, there are no ads.

yeah, as far as i know bs pro can't be purchased on any platform other than android at the moment

efroemling commented 1 year ago

Right now purchases are limited to Android and Mac versions (and ads are limited to Android). So if you have access to either of those you can do some account linking and use those platforms to buy stuff. The plan is to launch on Steam with 2.0, and I'd hope this includes the Linux version, which should make purchases officially available there too.

I'd be happy to maintain an official Snap store version, though I don't think there's technically any way to support purchases. I just haven't had a chance to look into what it takes to set up a snap package. If anyone would like to help get that ball rolling I'd be happy to accept PRs/etc.