efskap / discord-notify

💬 Standalone notification program for Discord.
20 stars 3 forks source link

High CPU usage #4

Open efskap opened 3 years ago

efskap commented 3 years ago

When I sort by CPU Time in my task manager, discord-notify is invariably on top.

Not sure how much of this is on me vs the discord-go library but at the very least we should set max niceness on linux

ItsCubeTime commented 3 years ago

Sorry to say it but it makes the app kinda unuseable.

Not even sure if I feel like I can trust an app taking up multiple CPU cores to monitor Discord notifications lol, you must be polling without delay or something in that direction.

efskap commented 3 years ago

Nope, no polling. You register handlers with discordgo, and it listens on a websocket for incoming events.

ItsCubeTime commented 3 years ago

Well I tried it about now but it doesnt quite seem to be working?

Do you have to do anything special after running the .exe?

ItsCubeTime commented 3 years ago

Is it dependent on Ripcord? Im using regular Discord (of which notifications are broken for me)

efskap commented 3 years ago

Well I tried it about now but it doesnt quite seem to be working?

Console output might say why

Do you have to do anything special after running the .exe?

No but you have to provide a token beforehand.

Is it dependent on Ripcord?


ItsCubeTime commented 3 years ago

Well heres a screenshot of what Ive tried: image

(I realized a little late that I forgot to remove the token lol)

efskap commented 3 years ago

Huh, no idea sorry. If it's not printing ANY output (not even a "no token provided' message) then it seems like the program never launches to begin with. If you're set on getting it to work, you could try building from source in case it's a cross-compilation issue. I've never actually tested it on windows, only wine.

Then again if you say it worked before with unacceptable cpu usage, I have no idea what could be the issue.

ItsCubeTime commented 3 years ago

Then again if you say it worked before with unacceptable cpu usage, I have no idea what could be the issue.

Ah no I actually never tried the notifications the first time, so I havent seen it output anything so far