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Papers voting #1

Open hadyelsahar opened 4 years ago

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

In this issue you can either:

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Quantifying Exposure Bias for Neural Language Generation Withdrawn ICLR2020

"We develop a precise, quantifiable definition for exposure bias. Surprisingly, according to our measurements in controlled experiments, there’s only around 3% performance gain when the training-inference discrepancy is completely removed. Our results suggest the exposure bias problem could be much less serious than it is currently assumed to be."

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Name: Unsupervised Question Decomposition for Question Answering
Link: Twitter thread:

"We aim to improve question answering (QA) by decomposing hard questions into easier sub-questions that existing QA systems can answer. Since collecting labeled decompositions is cumbersome, we propose an unsupervised approach to produce sub-questions."

mahmoudSalim commented 4 years ago


A Primer in BERTology: What we know about how BERT works



Transformer-based models are now widely used in NLP, but we still do not understand a lot about their inner workings. This paper de- scribes what is known to date about the famous BERT model (Devlin et al., 2019), synthesiz- ing over 40 analysis studies. We also provide an overview of the proposed modifications to the model and its training regime. We then out- line the directions for further research.

islamelhosary commented 4 years ago

Name: A Stack-Propagation Framework with Token-Level Intent Detection for Spoken Language Understanding Link: Abstract:

Intent detection and slot filling are two main tasks for building a spoken language understanding (SLU) system. The two tasks are closely tied and the slots often highly depend on the intent. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for SLU to better incorporate the intent information, which further guides the slot filling. In our framework, we adopt a joint model with Stack-Propagation which can directly use the intent information as input for slot filling, thus to capture the intent semantic knowledge. In addition, to further alleviate the error propagation, we perform the token-level intent detection for the Stack-Propagation framework. Experiments on two publicly datasets show that our model achieves the state-of-the-art performance and outperforms other previous methods by a large margin. Finally, we use the Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT) model in our framework, which further boost our performance in SLU task.

Omarito2412 commented 4 years ago

Name BERT Rediscovers the Classical NLP Pipeline



Pre-trained text encoders have rapidly advanced the state of the art on many NLP tasks. We focus on one such model, BERT, and aim to quantify where linguistic information is captured within the network. We find that the model represents the steps of the traditional NLP pipeline in an interpretable and localizable way, and that the regions responsible for each step appear in the expected sequence: POS tagging, parsing, NER, semantic roles, then coreference. Qualitative analysis reveals that the model can and often does adjust this pipeline dynamically, revising lower-level decisions on the basis of disambiguating information from higher-level representations.

Omarito2412 commented 4 years ago

Name Reformer: The Efficient Transformer



Large Transformer models routinely achieve state-of-the-art results on a number of tasks but training these models can be prohibitively costly, especially on long sequences. We introduce two techniques to improve the efficiency of Transformers. For one, we replace dot-product attention by one that uses locality-sensitive hashing, changing its complexity from O(L2) to O(LlogL), where L is the length of the sequence. Furthermore, we use reversible residual layers instead of the standard residuals, which allows storing activations only once in the training process instead of N times, where N is the number of layers. The resulting model, the Reformer, performs on par with Transformer models while being much more memory-efficient and much faster on long sequences.

Omarito2412 commented 4 years ago

Name On the Measure of Intelligence



To make deliberate progress towards more intelligent and more human-like artificial systems, we need to be following an appropriate feedback signal: we need to be able to define and evaluate intelligence in a way that enables comparisons between two systems, as well as comparisons with humans. Over the past hundred years, there has been an abundance of attempts to define and measure intelligence, across both the fields of psychology and AI. We summarize and critically assess these definitions and evaluation approaches, while making apparent the two historical conceptions of intelligence that have implicitly guided them. We note that in practice, the contemporary AI community still gravitates towards benchmarking intelligence by comparing the skill exhibited by AIs and humans at specific tasks such as board games and video games. We argue that solely measuring skill at any given task falls short of measuring intelligence, because skill is heavily modulated by prior knowledge and experience: unlimited priors or unlimited training data allow experimenters to "buy" arbitrary levels of skills for a system, in a way that masks the system's own generalization power. We then articulate a new formal definition of intelligence based on Algorithmic Information Theory, describing intelligence as skill-acquisition efficiency and highlighting the concepts of scope, generalization difficulty, priors, and experience. Using this definition, we propose a set of guidelines for what a general AI benchmark should look like. Finally, we present a benchmark closely following these guidelines, the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC), built upon an explicit set of priors designed to be as close as possible to innate human priors. We argue that ARC can be used to measure a human-like form of general fluid intelligence and that it enables fair general intelligence comparisons between AI systems and humans.

ship-it-mind commented 4 years ago

Name AraBERT: Transformer-based Model for Arabic Language Understanding



The Arabic language is a morphologically rich and complex language with relatively little resources and a less explored syntax compared to English. Given these limitations, tasks like Sentiment Analysis (SA), Named Entity Recognition (NER), and Question Answering (QA), have proven to be very challenging to tackle. Recently, with the surge of transformers based models, language-specific BERT based models proved to have a very efficient understanding of languages, provided they are pre-trained on a very large corpus. Such models were able to set new standards and achieve state-of-the-art results for most NLP tasks. In this paper, we pre-trained BERT specifically for the Arabic language in the pursuit of achieving the same success that BERT did for the English language. We then compare the performance of AraBERT with multilingual BERT provided by Google and other state-of-the-art approaches. The results of the conducted experiments show that the newly developed AraBERT achieved state-of-the-art results on most tested tasks. The pretrained araBERT models are publicly available on hoping to encourage research and applications for Arabic NLP.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer with Meta Learning In this paper, we consider the setting of training models on multiple different languages at the same time, when little or no data is available for languages other than English. We show that this challenging setup can be approached using meta-learning, where, in addition to training a source language model, another model learns to select which training instances are the most beneficial. We experiment using standard supervised, zero-shot cross-lingual, as well as few-shot cross-lingual settings for different natural language understanding tasks (natural language inference, question answering).

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Language Models as Knowledge Bases?


Probing BERT for KB information: We find that (i) without fine-tuning, BERT contains relational knowledge competitive with traditional NLP methods that have some access to oracle knowledge, (ii) BERT also does remarkably well on open-domain question answering against a supervised baseline, and (iii) certain types of factual knowledge are learned much more readily than others by standard language model pretraining approaches.

follow up paper: BERT is Not a Knowledge Base (Yet): Factual Knowledge vs. Name-Based Reasoning in Unsupervised QA

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

ELECTRA: Pre-training Text Encoders as Discriminators Rather Than Generators

TL;DR: A text encoder trained to distinguish real input tokens from plausible fakes efficiently learns effective language representations.

Abstract: Masked language modeling (MLM) pre-training methods such as BERT corrupt the input by replacing some tokens with [MASK] and then train a model to reconstruct the original tokens. While they produce good results when transferred to downstream NLP tasks, they generally require large amounts of compute to be effective. As an alternative, we propose a more sample-efficient pre-training task called replaced token detection. Instead of masking the input, our approach corrupts it by replacing some tokens with plausible alternatives sampled from a small generator network. Then, instead of training a model that predicts the original identities of the corrupted tokens, we train a discriminative model that predicts whether each token in the corrupted input was replaced by a generator sample or not.


hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Simple and Effective Noisy Channel Modeling for Neural Machine Translation EMNLP2019

Previous work on neural noisy channel modeling relied on latent variable models that incrementally process the source and target sentence. This makes decoding decisions based on partial source prefixes even though the full source is available. We pursue an alternative approach based on standard sequence to sequence models which utilize the entire source. These models perform remarkably well as channel models, even though they have neither been trained on, nor designed to factor over incomplete target sentences.

Omarito2412 commented 4 years ago

A Survey of Cross-lingual Word Embedding Models

Cross-lingual representations of words enable us to reason about word meaning in multilingual contexts and are a key facilitator of cross-lingual transfer when developing natural language processing models for low-resource languages. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive typology of cross-lingual word embedding models. We compare their data requirements and objective functions. The recurring theme of the survey is that many of the models presented in the literature optimize for the same objectives, and that seemingly different models are often equivalent, modulo optimization strategies, hyper-parameters, and such. We also discuss the different ways cross-lingual word embeddings are evaluated, as well as future challenges and research horizons.

Omarito2412 commented 4 years ago

A Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning for Graphs

The adaptive processing of graph data is a long-standing research topic which has been lately consolidated as a theme of major interest in the deep learning community. The snap increase in the amount and breadth of related research has come at the price of little systematization of knowledge and attention to earlier literature. This work is designed as a tutorial introduction to the field of deep learning for graphs. It favours a consistent and progressive introduction of the main concepts and architectural aspects over an exposition of the most recent literature, for which the reader is referred to available surveys. The paper takes a top-down view to the problem, introducing a generalized formulation of graph representation learning based on a local and iterative approach to structured information processing. It introduces the basic building blocks that can be combined to design novel and effective neural models for graphs. The methodological exposition is complemented by a discussion of interesting research challenges and applications in the field.

Omarito2412 commented 4 years ago

The Curious Case of Neural Text Degeneration

Despite considerable advancements with deep neural language models, the enigma of neural text degeneration persists when these models are tested as text generators. The counter-intuitive empirical observation is that even though the use of likelihood as training objective leads to high quality models for a broad range of language understanding tasks, using likelihood as a decoding objective leads to text that is bland and strangely repetitive. In this paper, we reveal surprising distributional differences between human text and machine text. In addition, we find that decoding strategies alone can dramatically effect the quality of machine text, even when generated from exactly the same neural language model. Our findings motivate Nucleus Sampling, a simple but effective method to draw the best out of neural generation. By sampling text from the dynamic nucleus of the probability distribution, which allows for diversity while effectively truncating the less reliable tail of the distribution, the resulting text better demonstrates the quality of human text, yielding enhanced diversity without sacrificing fluency and coherence.

Ragabov commented 4 years ago

Adversarial NLI: A New Benchmark for Natural Language Understanding

We introduce a new large-scale NLI benchmark dataset, collected via an iterative, adversarial human-and-model-in-the-loop procedure. We show that training models on this new dataset leads to state-of-the-art performance on a variety of popular NLI benchmarks, while posing a more difficult challenge with its new test set. Our analysis sheds light on the shortcomings of current state-of-the-art models, and shows that non-expert annotators are successful at finding their weaknesses. The data collection method can be applied in a never-ending learning scenario, becoming a moving target for NLU, rather than a static benchmark that will quickly saturate.

Ragabov commented 4 years ago

Knowledge-Augmented Language Model and its Application to Unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition

Traditional language models are unable to efficiently model entity names observed in text. All but the most popular named entities appear infrequently in text providing insufficient context. Recent efforts have recognized that context can be generalized between entity names that share the same type (e.g., \emph{person} or \emph{location}) and have equipped language models with access to an external knowledge base (KB). Our Knowledge-Augmented Language Model (KALM) continues this line of work by augmenting a traditional model with a KB. Unlike previous methods, however, we train with an end-to-end predictive objective optimizing the perplexity of text. We do not require any additional information such as named entity tags. In addition to improving language modeling performance, KALM learns to recognize named entities in an entirely unsupervised way by using entity type information latent in the model. On a Named Entity Recognition (NER) task, KALM achieves performance comparable with state-of-the-art supervised models. Our work demonstrates that named entities (and possibly other types of world knowledge) can be modeled successfully using predictive learning and training on large corpora of text without any additional information.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Title: StructBERT: Incorporating Language Structures into Pre-training for Deep Language Understanding


Abstract: Recently, the pre-trained language model, BERT (and its robustly optimized version RoBERTa), has attracted a lot of attention in natural language understanding (NLU), and achieved state-of-the-art accuracy in various NLU tasks, such as sentiment classification, natural language inference, semantic textual similarity and question answering. Inspired by the linearization exploration work of Elman [8], we extend BERT to a new model, StructBERT, by incorporating language structures into pre-training. Specifically, we pre-train StructBERT with two auxiliary tasks to make the most of the sequential order of words and sentences, which leverage language structures at the word and sentence levels, respectively. As a result, the new model is adapted to different levels of language understanding required by downstream tasks. The StructBERT with structural pre-training gives surprisingly good empirical results on a variety of downstream tasks, including pushing the state-of-the-art on the GLUE benchmark to 89.0 (outperforming all published models), the F1 score on SQuAD v1.1 question answering to 93.0, the accuracy on SNLI to 91.7.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Model Cards for Model Reporting

knowing how models have been shared and reused (e.g. pytorch transformers ..etc) using model cards

mukhal commented 4 years ago

REALM: Retrieval-Augmented Language Model Pre-Training Link


Language model pre-training has been shown to capture a surprising amount of world knowledge, crucial for NLP tasks such as question answering. However, this knowledge is stored implicitly in the parameters of a neural network, requiring ever-larger networks to cover more facts. To capture knowledge in a more modular and interpretable way, we augment language model pre-training with a latent knowledge retriever, which allows the model to retrieve and attend over documents from a large corpus such as Wikipedia, used during pre-training, fine-tuning and inference. For the first time, we show how to pre-train such a knowledge retriever in an unsupervised manner, using masked language modeling as the learning signal and backpropagating through a retrieval step that considers millions of documents. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Retrieval-Augmented Language Model pre-training (REALM) by fine-tuning on the challenging task of Open-domain Question Answering (Open-QA). We compare against state-of-the-art models for both explicit and implicit knowledge storage on three popular Open-QA benchmarks, and find that we outperform all previous methods by a significant margin (4-16% absolute accuracy), while also providing qualitative benefits such as interpretability and modularity.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Calibration of Pre-trained Transformers

Pre-trained Transformers are now ubiquitous in natural language processing, but despite their high end-task performance, little is known empirically about whether they are calibrated. Specifically, do these models' posterior probabilities provide an accurate empirical measure of how likely the model is to be correct on a given example? We focus on BERT and RoBERTa in this work, and analyze their calibration across three tasks: natural language inference, paraphrase detection, and commonsense reasoning. For each task, we consider in-domain as well as challenging out-of-domain settings, where models face more examples they should be uncertain about. We show that: (1) when used out-of-the-box, pre-trained models are calibrated in-domain, and compared to baselines, their calibration error out-of-domain can be as much as 3.5x lower; (2) temperature scaling is effective at further reducing calibration error in-domain, and using label smoothing to deliberately increase empirical uncertainty helps calibrate posteriors out-of-domain.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Self-Distillation Amplifies Regularization in Hilbert Space

Self-Distillation loop (feeding predictions as new target values & retraining) improves test accuracy. But why? We show it induces a regularization that progressively limits # of basis functions used to represent the solution.

twitter summary:

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Information-Theoretic Probing with Minimum Description Length Elena Voita, Ivan Titov

Despite widespread adoption of probes, differences in their accuracy fail to adequately reflect differences in representations. Instead, we propose an alternative to the standard probes, information-theoretic probing with minimum description length (MDL). With MDL probing, training a probe to predict labels is recast as teaching it to effectively transmit the data. Therefore, the measure of interest changes from probe accuracy to the description length of labels given representations. In addition to probe quality, the description length evaluates "the amount of effort" needed to achieve the quality. This amount of effort characterizes either (i) size of a probing model, or (ii) the amount of data needed to achieve the high quality. We consider two methods for estimating MDL which can be easily implemented on top of the standard probing pipelines: variational coding and online coding. We show that these methods agree in results and are more informative and stable than the standard probes.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

On the Discrepancy between Density Estimation and Sequence Generation ICML'20 (In Submission(?)) Jason Lee | Dustin Tran | Orhan Firat | Kyunghyun Cho

Many sequence-to-sequence generation tasks, including machine translation and text-to-speech, can be posed as estimating the density of the output y given the input x: p(y|x). Given this interpretation, it is natural to evaluate sequence-to-sequence models using conditional log-likelihood on a test set. However, the goal of sequence-to-sequence generation (or structured prediction) is to find the best output yˆ given an input x, and each task has its own downstream metric R that scores a model output by comparing against a set of references y∗: R(ˆy, y∗|x). While we hope that a model that excels in density estimation also performs well on the downstream metric, the exact correlation has not been studied for sequence generation tasks. In this paper, by comparing several density estimators on five machine translation tasks, we find that the correlation between rankings of models based on log-likelihood and BLEU varies significantly depending on the range of the model families being compared. First, loglikelihood is highly correlated with BLEU when we consider models within the same family (e.g. autoregressive models, or latent variable models with the same parameterization of the prior). However, we observe no correlation between rankings of models across different families: (1) among non-autoregressive latent variable models, a flexible prior distribution is better at density estimation but gives worse generation quality than a simple prior, and (2) autoregressive models offer the best translation performance overall, while latent variable models with a normalizing flow prior give the highest held-out log-likelihood across all datasets. Therefore, we recommend using a simple prior for the latent variable non-autoregressive model when fast generation speed is desired.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Rethinking Exposure Bias in Adversarial Language Modeling

(1) We propose to evaluate exposure bias based on the quality of sentence generated in the sentence completion task. (2) We adopt two strategies, multi-range reinforcing and multientropy sampling, to stabilize adversarial training, and show an improvement over the competing models with regards to the sentence completion task and corpus BLEUs.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Designing and Interpreting Probes with Control Tasks

Authors: John Hewitt, Percy Liang (StanfordNLP)



Abstract: Probes, supervised models trained to predict properties (like parts-of-speech) from representations (like ELMo), have achieved high accuracy on a range of linguistic tasks. But does this mean that the representations encode linguistic structure or just that the probe has learned the linguistic task? In this paper, we propose control tasks, which associate word types with random outputs, to complement linguistic tasks. By construction, these tasks can only be learned by the probe itself.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

K-ADAPTER: Infusing Knowledge into Pre-Trained Models with Adapters (ICML'20 Submission?)

However, when multiple kinds of knowledge are injected, they may suffer from catastrophic forgetting. To address this, we propose K-ADAPTER, which remains the original parameters of the pre-trained model fixed and supports continual knowledge infusion

Omarito2412 commented 4 years ago

Evaluating NLP Models via Contrast Sets

Standard test sets for supervised learning evaluate in-distribution generalization. Unfortunately, when a dataset has systematic gaps (e.g., annotation artifacts), these evaluations are misleading: a model can learn simple decision rules that perform well on the test set but do not capture a dataset's intended capabilities. We propose a new annotation paradigm for NLP that helps to close systematic gaps in the test data. In particular, after a dataset is constructed, we recommend that the dataset authors manually perturb the test instances in small but meaningful ways that (typically) change the gold label, creating contrast sets. Contrast sets provide a local view of a model's decision boundary, which can be used to more accurately evaluate a model's true linguistic capabilities. We demonstrate the efficacy of contrast sets by creating them for 10 diverse NLP datasets (e.g., DROP reading comprehension, UD parsing, IMDb sentiment analysis). Although our contrast sets are not explicitly adversarial, model performance is significantly lower on them than on the original test sets---up to 25\% in some cases. We release our contrast sets as new evaluation benchmarks and encourage future dataset construction efforts to follow similar annotation processes.


hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Negated LAMA: Birds cannot fly (short paper)

we extend the LAMA (Petroni et al., 2019) evaluation framework by a component that is focused on negation.

BERT is Not a Knowledge Base (Yet): Factual Knowledge vs. Name-Based Reasoning in Unsupervised QA (short paper)

We take issue with this interpretation and argue that the performance of BERT is partly due to reasoning about (the surface form of) entity names, e.g., guessing that a person with an Italian-sounding name speaks Italian. More specifically, we show that BERT’s precision drops dramatically when we filter certain easy-to-guess facts

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Commonsense Knowledge Mining from Pretrained Models

Authors: Joe Davison, Joshua Feldman, Alexander Rush (Harvard)



Inferring commonsense knowledge is a key challenge in machine learning. Due to the sparsity of training data, previous work has shown that supervised methods for commonsense knowledge mining underperform when evaluated on novel data. In this work, we develop a method for generating commonsense knowledge using a large, pre-trained bidirectional language model. By transforming relational triples into masked sentences, we can use this model to rank a triple’s validity by the estimated pointwise mutual information between the two entities. Since we do not update the weights of the bidirectional model, our approach is not biased by the coverage of any one commonsense knowledge base. Though we do worse on a held-out test set than models explicitly trained on a corresponding training set, our approach outperforms these methods when mining commonsense knowledge from new sources, suggesting that our unsupervised technique generalizes better than current supervised approaches.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Inducing Relational Knowledge from BERT

Authors: Zied Bouraoui, Jose Camacho-Collados, Steven Schockaert



One of the most remarkable properties of word embeddings is the fact that they capture certain types of semantic and syntactic relationships. Recently, pre-trained language models such as BERT have achieved groundbreaking results across a wide range of Natural Language Processing tasks. However, it is unclear to what extent such models capture relational knowledge beyond what is already captured by standard word embeddings. To explore this question, we propose a methodology for distilling relational knowledge from a pre-trained language model. Starting from a few seed instances of a given relation, we first use a large text corpus to find sentences that are likely to express this relation. We then use a subset of these extracted sentences as templates. Finally, we fine-tune a language model to predict whether a given word pair is likely to be an instance of some relation, when given an instantiated template for that relation as input.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

How Can We Know What Language Models Know?

Authors: Zhengbao Jiang, Frank F. Xu, Jun Araki, Graham Neubig (CMU)



Recent work has presented intriguing results examining the knowledge contained in language models (LM) by having the LM fill in the blanks of prompts such as "Obama is a by profession". These prompts are usually manually created, and quite possibly sub-optimal; another prompt such as "Obama worked as a " may result in more accurately predicting the correct profession. Because of this, given an inappropriate prompt, we might fail to retrieve facts that the LM does know, and thus any given prompt only provides a lower bound estimate of the knowledge contained in an LM. In this paper, we attempt to more accurately estimate the knowledge contained in LMs by automatically discovering better prompts to use in this querying process. Specifically, we propose mining-based and paraphrasing-based methods to automatically generate high-quality and diverse prompts and ensemble methods to combine answers from different prompts. Extensive experiments on the LAMA benchmark for extracting relational knowledge from LMs demonstrate that our methods can improve accuracy from 31.1% to 38.1%, providing a tighter lower bound on what LMs know. We have released the code and the resulting LM Prompt And Query Archive (LPAQA)

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

BERT is Not a Knowledge Base (Yet): Factual Knowledge vs. Name-Based Reasoning in Unsupervised QA

Authors: Nina Poerner, Ulli Waltinger, Hinrich Schütze



The BERT language model (LM) (Devlin et al., 2019) is surprisingly good at answering cloze-style questions about relational facts. Petroni et al. (2019) take this as evidence that BERT memorizes factual knowledge during pre-training. We take issue with this interpretation and argue that the performance of BERT is partly due to reasoning about (the surface form of) entity names, e.g., guessing that a person with an Italian-sounding name speaks Italian. More specifically, we show that BERT's precision drops dramatically when we filter certain easy-to-guess facts. As a remedy, we propose E-BERT, an extension of BERT that replaces entity mentions with symbolic entity embeddings. E-BERT outperforms both BERT and ERNIE (Zhang et al., 2019) on hard-to-guess queries. We take this as evidence that E-BERT is richer in factual knowledge, and we show two ways of ensembling BERT and E-BERT.

Omarito2412 commented 4 years ago

Experience Grounds Language



Successful linguistic communication relies on a shared experience of the world, and it is this shared experience that makes utterances meaningful. Despite the incredible effectiveness of language processing models trained on text alone, today's best systems still make mistakes that arise from a failure to relate language to the physical world it describes and to the social interactions it facilitates. Natural Language Processing is a diverse field, and progress throughout its development has come from new representational theories, modeling techniques, data collection paradigms, and tasks. We posit that the present success of representation learning approaches trained on large text corpora can be deeply enriched from the parallel tradition of research on the contextual and social nature of language. In this article, we consider work on the contextual foundations of language: grounding, embodiment, and social interaction. We describe a brief history and possible progression of how contextual information can factor into our representations, with an eye towards how this integration can move the field forward and where it is currently being pioneered. We believe this framing will serve as a roadmap for truly contextual language understanding.

mukhal commented 4 years ago

Incorporating BERT into Neural Machine Translation

The recently proposed BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) has shown great power on a variety of natural language understanding tasks, such as text classification, reading comprehension, etc. However, how to effectively apply BERT to neural machine translation (NMT) lacks enough exploration. While BERT is more commonly used as fine-tuning instead of contextual embedding for downstream language understanding tasks, in NMT, our preliminary exploration of using BERT as contextual embedding is better than using for fine-tuning. This motivates us to think how to better leverage BERT for NMT along this direction. We propose a new algorithm named BERT-fused model, in which we first use BERT to extract representations for an input sequence, and then the representations are fused with each layer of the encoder and decoder of the NMT model through attention mechanisms. We conduct experiments on supervised (including sentence-level and document-level translations), semi-supervised and unsupervised machine translation, and achieve state-of-the-art results on seven benchmark datasets. Our code is available at

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Neural Module Networks for Reasoning over Text, ICLR 2020

Answering compositional questions that require multiple steps of reasoning against text is challenging, especially when they involve discrete, symbolic operations. Neural module networks (NMNs) learn to parse such questions as executable programs composed of learnable modules, performing well on synthetic visual QA domains. However, we find that it is challenging to learn these models for non-synthetic questions on open-domain text, where a model needs to deal with the diversity of natural language and perform a broader range of reasoning. We extend NMNs by: (a) introducing modules that reason over a paragraph of text, performing symbolic reasoning (such as arithmetic, sorting, counting) over numbers and dates in a probabilistic and differentiable manner; and (b) proposing an unsupervised auxiliary loss to help extract arguments associated with the events in text. Additionally, we show that a limited amount of heuristically-obtained question program and intermediate module output supervision provides sufficient inductive bias for accurate learning. Our proposed model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art models on a subset of the DROP dataset that poses a variety of reasoning challenges that are covered by our modules.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Logical Natural Language Generation from Open-Domain Tables, ACL 2020

Neural natural language generation (NLG) models have recently shown remarkable progress in fluency and coherence. However, existing studies on neural NLG are primarily focused on surface-level realizations with limited emphasis on logical inference, an important aspect of human thinking and language. In this paper, we suggest a new NLG task where a model is tasked with generating natural language statements that can be logically entailed by the facts in an open-domain semi-structured table.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Practical Tips for 1-GPU, Multi-GPU & Distributed setups

A bit old but thought can be a practical topic to refresh the theme a bit. A Blogpost by Thomas wolf about how multiple gpu-training and distributed training work in practice.

mukhal commented 4 years ago

Longformer: The Long-Document Transformer

Transformer-based models are unable to process long sequences due to their self-attention operation, which scales quadratically with the sequence length. To address this limitation, we introduce the Longformer with an attention mechanism that scales linearly with sequence length, making it easy to process documents of thousands of tokens or longer. Longformer's attention mechanism is a drop-in replacement for the standard self-attention and combines a local windowed attention with a task motivated global attention. Following prior work on long-sequence transformers, we evaluate Longformer on character-level language modeling and achieve state-of-the-art results on text8 and enwik8. In contrast to most prior work, we also pretrain Longformer and finetune it on a variety of downstream tasks. Our pretrained Longformer consistently outperforms RoBERTa on long document tasks and sets new state-of-the-art results on WikiHop and TriviaQA.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Zero-shot Entity Linking with Dense Entity Retrieval (FAIR)

We consider the zero-shot entity-linking challenge where each entity is defined by a short textual description, and the model must read these descriptions together with the mention context to make the final linking decisions. In this setting, retrieving entity candidates can be particularly challenging, since many of the common linking cues such as entity alias tables and link popularity are not available. In this paper, we introduce a simple and effective two stage approach for zero-shot linking, based on fine-tuned BERT architectures. In the first stage, we do retrieval in a dense space defined by a bi-encoder that independently embeds the mention context and the entity descriptions. Each candidate is then examined more carefully with a cross-encoder, that concatenates the mention and entity text. Our approach achieves a nearly 5 point absolute gain on a recently introduced zero-shot entity linking benchmark, driven largely by improvements over previous IR-based candidate retrieval. We also show that it performs well in the non-zero-shot setting, obtaining the state-of-the-art result on TACKBP-2010.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Simple Introduction to Active Learning

Let's discuss few papers / techniques about active learning (an interesting topic for low-resourced setups)

Active Learning Tutorial (blog post) Simple inro: Detailed intro:

Practical Obstacles to Deploying Active Learning

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Obtaining Faithful Interpretations from Compositional Neural Networks

twitter thread: image

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms ((Blogpost))

Back to basics

Gradient descent is the preferred way to optimize neural networks and many other machine learning algorithms but is often used as a black box. This post explores how many of the most popular gradient-based optimization algorithms such as Momentum, Adagrad, and Adam actually work.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

Calibration of Pre-trained Transformers

Pre-trained Transformers are now ubiquitous in natural language processing, but despite their high end-task performance, little is known empirically about whether they are calibrated. Specifically, do these models' posterior probabilities provide an accurate empirical measure of how likely the model is to be correct on a given example? We focus on BERT and RoBERTa in this work, and analyze their calibration across three tasks: natural language inference, paraphrase detection, and commonsense reasoning. For each task, we consider in-domain as well as challenging out-of-domain settings, where models face more examples they should be uncertain about. We show that: (1) when used out-of-the-box, pre-trained models are calibrated in-domain, and compared to baselines, their calibration error out-of-domain can be as much as 3.5x lower; (2) temperature scaling is effective at further reducing calibration error in-domain, and using label smoothing to deliberately increase empirical uncertainty helps calibrate posteriors out-of-domain.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

No Training Required: Exploring Random Encoders for Sentence Classification (ICLR 2019)

We explore various methods for computing sentence representations from pre-trained word embeddings without any training, i.e., using nothing but random parameterizations. Our aim is to put sentence embeddings on more solid footing by 1) looking at how much modern sentence embeddings gain over random methods---as it turns out, surprisingly little; and by 2) providing the field with more appropriate baselines going forward---which are, as it turns out, quite strong. We also make important observations about proper experimental protocol for sentence classification evaluation, together with recommendations for future research.

hadyelsahar commented 4 years ago

A Controllable Model of Grounded Response Generation

Summary Attempts to boost informativeness alone come at the expense of factual accuracy, as attested by GPT-2’s propensity to “hallucinate” facts. While this may be mitigated by access to background knowledge, there is scant guarantee of relevance and informativeness in generated responses. We propose a framework that we call controllable grounded response generation (CGRG), in which lexical control phrases are either provided by an user or automatically extracted by a content planner from dialogue context and grounding knowledge.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Investigating Transferability in Pretrained Language Models (Stanford)

While probing is a common technique for identifying knowledge in the representations of pretrained models, it is unclear whether this technique can explain the downstream success of models like BERT which are trained end-to-end during finetuning. To address this question, we compare probing with a different measure of transferability: the decrease in finetuning performance of a partially-reinitialized model. This technique reveals that in BERT, layers with high probing accuracy on downstream GLUE tasks are neither necessary nor sufficient for high accuracy on those tasks. In addition, dataset size impacts layer transferability: the less finetuning data one has, the more important the middle and later layers of BERT become. Furthermore, BERT does not simply find a better initializer for individual layers; instead, interactions between layers matter and reordering BERT's layers prior to finetuning significantly harms evaluation metrics. These results provide a way of understanding the transferability of parameters in pretrained language models, revealing the fluidity and complexity of transfer learning in these models.

islamelhosary commented 4 years ago

What is the Effect of Importance Weighting in Deep Learning? (Published in ICML 2019)

Importance-weighted risk minimization is a key ingredient in many machine learning algorithms for causal inference, domain adaptation, class imbalance, and off-policy reinforcement learning. While the effect of importance weighting is well-characterized for low-capacity misspecified models, little is known about how it impacts over-parameterized, deep neural networks. This work is inspired by recent theoretical results showing that on (linearly) separable data, deep linear networks optimized by SGD learn weight-agnostic solutions, prompting us to ask, for realistic deep networks, for which many practical datasets are separable, what is the effect of importance weighting? We present the surprising finding that while importance weighting impacts models early in training, its effect diminishes over successive epochs. Moreover, while L2 regularization and batch normalization (but not dropout), restore some of the impact of importance weighting, they express the effect via (seemingly) the wrong abstraction: why should practitioners tweak the L2 regularization, and by how much, to produce the correct weighting effect? Our experiments confirm these findings across a range of architectures and datasets.

EngSalem commented 4 years ago

Few-Shot Learning for Abstractive Multi-Document Opinon Summarization

(ACL 2020)

Opinion summarization is an automatic creation of text reflecting subjective information expressed in multiple documents, such as user reviews of a product. The task is practically important and has attracted a lot of attention. However, due to a high cost of summary production, datasets large enough for training supervised models are lacking. Instead, the task has been traditionally approached with extractive methods that learn to select text fragments in an unsupervised or weakly-supervised way. Recently, it has been shown that abstractive summaries, potentially more fluent and better at reflecting conflicting information, can also be produced in an unsupervised fashion. However, these models, not being exposed to the actual summaries, fail to capture their essential properties. In this work, we show that even a handful of summaries is sufficient to bootstrap generation of the summary text with all expected properties, such as writing style, informativeness, fluency, and sentiment preservation. We start by training a language model to generate a new product review given available reviews of the product. The model is aware of the properties: it proceeds with first generating property values and then producing a review conditioned on them. We do not use any summaries in this stage and the property values are derived from reviews with no manual effort. In the second stage, we fine-tune the module predicting the property values on a few available summaries. This lets us switch the generator to the summarization mode. Our approach substantially outperforms previous extractive and abstractive methods in automatic and human evaluation.

ibrahimsharaf commented 4 years ago

Dense Passage Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering (FAIR)

Open-domain question answering relies on efficient passage retrieval to select candidate contexts, where traditional sparse vector space models, such as TF-IDF or BM25, are the de facto method. In this work, we show that retrieval can be practically implemented using dense representations alone, where embeddings are learned from a small number of questions and passages by a simple dual-encoder framework. When evaluated on a wide range of open-domain QA datasets, our dense retriever outperforms a strong Lucene-BM25 system largely by 9%-19% absolute in terms of top-20 passage retrieval accuracy, and helps our end-to-end QA system establish new state-of-the-art on multiple open-domain QA benchmarks.