egaebel / lgtm

The code for my thesis project, Looks Good to Me (LGTM), Authentication for Augmented Reality. This is a full implementation of LGTM that localizes a wireless transmitter, and searches for a specific face at that location to authenticate two users trying to establish secure point to point communication.
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Some question about linear fit #9

Open Challenger1132 opened 6 years ago

Challenger1132 commented 6 years ago

@egaebel Hi, I have read your code about lgtm project, thank you for your efforts ! It helped me a lot. A lot of experiments have been carried out, unfortunately,when I use my data from Intel 5300 NIC, the precision of AOA estimtion is far from satisfactory. I noticed the process of phase sanitization algorithm which use spotfi_algorithm_1 algorithm. I have some ideas about that. I construct a model to quantify the time delay. τ = T_error + T_tof + T_antenna τ represent the total time delay. T_error represent the time delay induced by PDD、STO and other phase error. T_tof represent thre time consumed by signal propagation from transmitter to receiver. T_antenna represent the time consumed by signal propagation between two antennas, which can be expressed as T_antenna = (n-1)d*sinθ / c. d is the distance between two adjacent antennas and c is the speed of light. τ_fit represent the linear fit result. The aim of linear fit is to remove the effect of random time delay induced by PDD and STO. when τ_fit <= T_error + T_tof, the angle information is retained. when τ_fit fall in between T_error + T_tof and T_error + T_tof + T_antenna, I guess that the angle information will be destroy. and, when τ_fit fall >= T_error + T_tof + T_antenna, the angle information will alse be destroy. I want to know that whether my guess is right or not ? Will the process of liear fit will comeout such a situation ? I call it "over" liear fit. This question has pusseled me for a long time. I will be appreciated of you if you could give me a hand. thank you.

whubaichuan commented 6 years ago

@Challenger1132 Have you down this problem?welcome to communication