I might be stating the problem poorly, but when downloading Japanese comments (or non-latin) they're not readable at all. Well, they are in utf-16 format (/uXXXX/uYYYYY/uZZZZ). I can convert them using a utf-16 decode site, but I'd love it if the output can be properly formatted.
You can use the youtube-id ZlyBnfiYJL0 for example to try it for yourself.
I might be stating the problem poorly, but when downloading Japanese comments (or non-latin) they're not readable at all. Well, they are in utf-16 format (/uXXXX/uYYYYY/uZZZZ). I can convert them using a utf-16 decode site, but I'd love it if the output can be properly formatted.
You can use the youtube-id ZlyBnfiYJL0 for example to try it for yourself.