Open ksalman opened 5 years ago
It seems to be the last line at When I remove this, first bit, of the last line
#[fg=colour237, bg=colour214, nobold, noitalics, nounderscore]#[fg=colour239, bg=colour214]
And activate the bell in another pane
sleep 2; echo -e '\a'
Then I do see it working (Window 0 had activity) Of course now it looks bad =)
This is how it looks with no changes. Window 0 had activity (bell) but it did not get highlighted
The problem is that window-status-format takes precedence over window-status-bell-style so that window-status-bell-style never gets applied. In fact, I think this is true generally for format vs. style variables.
I fixed this by using conditionals in the format -- it's a bit ugly though. Change the last line to:
set-window-option -g window-status-format "#[fg=colour237,bg=#{?window_bell_flag,colour167,colour239},noitalics]#[fg=#{?window_bell_flag,colour235,colour223},bg=#{?window_bell_flag,colour167,colour239} ] #I #[fg=#{?window_bell_flag,colour235,colour223}, bg=#{?window_bell_flag,colour167,colour239}] #W #[fg=#{?window_bell_flag,colour167,colour239}, bg=colour237, noitalics]"
and the colors will change according to the bell. This won't help with the activity style though.
Hey @ksalman, thank you for your report and you @pderichai for giving some brief solution. 🙌
I will try to look at it asap, but I can't promise when exactly. Stay tuned.
@ksalman, yesterday I've tried to reproduce your issue but without results. Would you send me all your configuration files for tmux (with all details about: OS, terminal you are using, version of tmux) with simple steps to reproduce it :)
Moreover would you precise your issue/request? What would you like to have as a final result? Description, with some additional images (or better video/gif) would be great, so I could understand your needs. Thanks 🙂
I've seen this problem too, and is very easy to reproduce. If you have a tmux config file with only the option set-option -g monitor-activity on
+ the gruvbox dark them, you can see it.
To reproduce it:
1) begin tmux
2) sleep 5 ; ls /
3) create a new window and switch to it before 5 seconds
On a configuration file without the gruvbox theme, the window tab running the sleep ; ls /
will become highlighted/change color. With the gruvbox dark theme, it does not.
I'm using tmux 3.1c, konsole, debian
@m-fonseca thank you for your feedback. I'll try it, and I will share the results.
I'm also hitting this issue. @pderichai's fix works for me.
I noticed that the window does not get highlighted when monitor-bell or activity-monitor is on in tmux. Is the highlighting being masked by something in the conf file?