egeldenhuys / black-fitch

[DEPRECATED] Black-box Unit Tests for Fitchfork practicals and assignments
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

[WIP] Assignment 1 #11

Closed egeldenhuys closed 8 years ago

egeldenhuys commented 8 years ago

Tests for Assignment 1 - Task 2. Please test your code using these tests and post your feedback on this Pull Request. You are encouraged to fork this repo, write your own tests or make fixes, and then sending a pull request to the assignment1 branch.

I have not yet uploaded my code to fitchfork, therefore the validity of these tests are not yet confirmed.


Fixes: #6, #10

devosray commented 8 years ago

What happens when the user has a makefile in the source directory already? Is is possible to have a separate "debug" makefile?

I know a lot of big projects have a ./configure script to generate the makefile. Maybe we can look into this to auto generate the $(BLACK-FITCH-SRC) variable?

egeldenhuys commented 8 years ago

I will write a script stored in the assignment 1 folder to generate a makefile that points to the black-fitch repo. It will have a name such as makefile_black-fitch

Which can then be copied to the user source directory and used with make -f <makefile> <target>

egeldenhuys commented 8 years ago


Hobbit.o: Hobbit.cpp Hobbit.h
    g++ -std=c++11 -static -c Hobbit.cpp

Wizard.o: Wizard.cpp Wizard.h
    g++ -std=c++11 -static -c Wizard.cpp

Spell.o: Spell.cpp Spell.h
    g++ -std=c++11 -static -c Spell.cpp

main: Spell.o Wizard.o Hobbit.o main.cpp
    g++ -std=c++11 -static Spell.o Wizard.o Hobbit.o main.cpp -o main

run: main

    rm -f *.o *.out main


Compile FAILURE => Cannot find executable 'main'

EXCEPTION raised trying to run assignment: Executable not set
This is due to the WARNINGS, ERRORS and/or FAILURES shown above, which you have to fix before continuing.

I suspect it is the clean target I forgot at the end.

Will submit without the clean rule once the tests have been run against other people's source

egeldenhuys commented 8 years ago

Task 3 (35/35):

Your ostream operator is working correctly.
Your pre-increment operator is working correctly.
Your post-increment operator is working correctly.
Your pre-decrement operator is working correctly.
Your post-decrement operator is working correctly.
Your -= operator is working correctly.
Your assignment operator is working correctly.
egeldenhuys commented 8 years ago

Task 2 (8/20):

Your addItem and getItem function is working correctly.
Your less than operator is incorrect.
Your less than operator is working correctly.
Your greater than operator is incorrect.
Your + operator is incorrect.
Your - operator is working correctly.
egeldenhuys commented 8 years ago

Task 4 (3/4):

Your hasBeenSummoned function is working correctly.
Your hasCompletedTraining function is working correctly.
Your dropWizardSpell function is incorrect. Are you dealing with spells in the correct way?