egeloen / IvoryCKEditorBundle

Provides a CKEditor integration for your Symfony project.
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contentsCss dont work. #331

Closed xorgxx closed 6 years ago

xorgxx commented 6 years ago

Hi i have smae probleme with contentsCss: it use to work well and das not anymore.

Sf3.3.10, Ck 6.0


#            extraPlugins :               'lineutils,widget,glyphicons' #
            filebrowserBrowseRoute: elfinder
                instance: ckeditor

            language:                   '%locale%'
            toolbar:                    basic               # Charger la toolbar (voir plus bas) full - standard - basic
#            stylesSet:                  my_styles           # Chargement des styles personnalisables my_styles (voir plus bas)
            uiColor:                    "#FCFCFC"           # Couleur de fond de l'interface
            height:                     '400px'             # Hauteur par défaut
            # Utiliser les styles css suivants dans le contenu de l'éditeur. Permet de voir le rendu en temps réeem
            contentsCss:                [ "dist/main-css.b8f207e098a5cd0ab2baba9207be7e47.css" ]
            htmlEncodeOutput:           false
            entities:                   false
            basicEntities:              false
            allowedContent:             true
            extraAllowedContent :       ['span(*) span body head footer container i *(*) *{*}']
            protectedSource:            [ '/<span[^>]*><\/span>/g' ]

Can you help?


xorgxx commented 6 years ago

Have find my probleme thank.

            htmlEncodeOutput:           false
            entities:                   false
            basicEntities:              false