eggheadio-projects / progressive-web-apps-in-react-with-create-react-app

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Progressive Web Apps in React with create-react-app #1

Open lsminter opened 5 years ago

lsminter commented 5 years ago

Progressive Web Apps in React with create-react-app

⏲️ 45 Minutes

It seems like there have been some updates to the create-react-app that has broken some of the code. Reply from a user: "New versions of creat-react-app will have the funcrtions skipWaiting and clientsClaim in the core package so instead of workbox.skipWaiting() use workbox.core.skipWaiting()"

🛠 Setup

📖 The Review

🏆 Finished

💻 Copying the JSON

caydenakins commented 4 years ago

Lesson 12+13 are broken due to Chrome updates. I’m not finding the Add to homescreen button like in the lesson example (seen at 00:46 on lesson 12). I found there are now requirements for this button to appear, something that changed in the Chrome 68 update.

The documents for the update are here: but the problem I’m assuming is the PWA isn’t meeting all the requirements because the button isn’t showing.

Another user experienced the same thing 3 months ago and commented a few (seemingly correct) ideas. They believed the issue may be the fact that one of the requirements is - Served over HTTPS (required for service workers), which we aren’t meeting due to us using a local server. However, the user claimed to have tried to bug fix by using ngrok with HTTPS, but it still didn’t appear.