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Automate Daily Tasks with Bash #122

Closed zacjones93 closed 6 years ago

zacjones93 commented 6 years ago

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Whether it’s for npm install or some git commands, most front-end devs have used bash sometime. Bash has been around awhile (first released in 1989, so it’s as old as I am …and Taylor Swift) and it’s proven to be very efficient at automating tasks. Plus, bash is available on every commonly used operating system—it comes with macOS, is the default shell for many Linux distros, and is available on Windows via an emulator or the new Linux subsystem.

In this course, we’ll learn the essentials of what every front-end developer should know about bash. The topics we cover will give you confidence in doing things like creating build scripts that run on continuous integration servers or quickly testing and debugging an API with curl. We’ll go over:

MaggieAppleton commented 6 years ago