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Polish Loading component #96

Closed trevordmiller closed 7 years ago

trevordmiller commented 7 years ago

Vojta has proposed some changes to the Loading component in his latest styleguide mocks:


This is used as a stand-alone component, and also as the default fallback in Request when a request is running but data hasn't yet been returned.

Proposed changes


joelhooks commented 7 years ago

trevordmiller commented 7 years ago

@joelhooks Thanks for the link - that would work well maybe for a separate LoadingProgress component, but this is just a Loading component to indicate something is happening (maily for the Request fallback, where there isn't specific progress). @vojtaholik designs link to a Codepen which is just a spinning version, not a progressing status:

This can easily be done with a CSS transform of a static SVG with what I am already doing with the Loading icon currently.

Later, if the need arises to promote a LoadingProgress component, we could reuse the SVG, and just increase it's stroke with the logic you linked to, but I don't think that should be promoted yet and is a separate thing.

trevordmiller commented 7 years ago

@vojtaholik Can I get an SVG of the ring? I can animate it to spin from there; it would be good if the ring itself was translucent so it will work over both dark and light backgrounds - is that possible?

vojtaholik commented 7 years ago

Sure thing @trevordmiller; this should do it:

svg - hint -

trevordmiller commented 7 years ago

Thanks Vojta