eggheads / eggdrop-docker

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Added tcl-lib package #18

Closed Ninja-FSE closed 2 years ago

Ninja-FSE commented 3 years ago

tcl-lib is needed for json package

vanosg commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out... we had a conversation on how to properly add something like this- I think in the spirit of keeping the base image size small, we would recommend you create your own Dockerfile that starts with a FROM for eggdrop, and then RUN an additional install package command. If there is more interest in something like this, we could probably look into a 'bloated' image version that adds all the extra bells and whistles third party scripts might require. Thanks for bringing this up!

vanosg commented 2 years ago

This will be handled either with a different image, or a new environment variable. Thanks

vanosg commented 2 years ago

To anyone interested in another approach to this, you can so something similar to docker run -i eggdrop sh -c 'apk add tcl-lib && exec /home/eggdrop/eggdrop/ eggdrop.conf' and that would install tcl-lib at the first run.