eggheads / eggdrop-docker

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Vhost set in config is not available on this machine / ident #30

Closed auwaerter closed 3 months ago

auwaerter commented 3 months ago

Hello together,

i'm having some questions about the eggdrop, as i quite had a long break within the whole configuration/installation part of it. I'm running a vps with four ipv4 IPs, where i'm now trying to migrate my existing eggdrop(s) (v1.8.4 to v1.9.5) by using docker compose. I'm facing some trouble using the set vhost <IP/DNS> option.

If activated, i'm receiving the following error message:

Failed connect to (Vhost set in config is not available on this machine)

Not using it, is causing that the default ens18:1 from the host is being used, not even ens18 what confuses me a little.

Anyway, i've tried to work with networks:

    image: eggdrop:latest
     - eggdrop_one:

Where i could specify the IP i want to assign to the service. That worked, but after that the DNS resolution did not. What can i do to use that specific IP: (just an example) to use to connect to the IRC Server?

Question two: Before i've used docker, i had only one binary/installation of eggdrop installed, using a specific user. From there i was using several eggdrop config files, what made it quite lightweight. Now using docker compose, what is the recommened way to have this multi instance setup? Having several services within the docker-compose.yaml?

Question three: How do i connect oidentd using the docker compose setup? What is the recommended way to get rid of the ~?

Thanks! :)

vanosg commented 3 months ago

Hi @auwaerter, thanks for checking in. We tend to use this section for bug reporting/tracking mores than general troubleshooting; for that we'd suggest joining #eggdrop on Libera and asking there. We can give you better/more personalized answers based on what you're seeing. but the quick answer to #1 is there isn't a variable called ipv4_address to set EDIT: sorry, read what you pasted too fast, thought you were trying to set an env variable. vhosts are set in the config via the vhost4/6 variables; #2 is yes, and #3 is going to be system dependent. Again, we can help more if you join the channel. Look forward to talking more with you there!