eggheads / eggdrop-docker

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Disable DCC simulation #7

Closed realies closed 6 years ago

realies commented 6 years ago

Running Docker in a detached mode with the current entry point causes Eggdrop to die with END OF FILE ON TERMINAL. This makes it difficult to use the container in environments where they can be automatically updated.

vanosg commented 6 years ago

Discussed a bit more in channel... this error is received when 'docker run' is specified without the '-t' flag that allocates a psuedo-tty to the container. Retaining the 't' flag in the eggdrop command gives users the ability to run eggdrop from in the foreground of a console window, in addition to the more normal use case of backgrounding it.

ZarTek-Creole commented 2 years ago

If you are using a docker-compose.yml, you can add to your file in the services tty: true

    tty: true

By personal choice, I preferred to use screen to get around this problem.

start eggdrop in a screen-> /usr/bin/screen -S DOCKER_EGGDROP -D -m ./eggdrop -mt ${INSTALLDIR}/eggdrop.conf

Connect to screen :

> docker-compose exec -u eggdrop eggdrop screen -x DOCKER_EGGDROP

-u eggdrop for run as user eggdrop