egguy / addon-grott-beta

An HA addon base on the 2.8 branch + gott HA plugin
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shinelink forced reset? #51

Closed ELANDJEA closed 1 day ago

ELANDJEA commented 2 months ago

this could be a grott issue, but might aswell be a growatt thing....

I have been using this addon for several months working perfectly....however, since today the data stopped comming through grott. When I looked into the shinelink, it reverted back by sending the updates towards After setting the IP to "resolvdomain to off", adding my homeassistent IP and restarting the shinelink, one new update is recieved via GROTT......after which the shinelink reverts back again to the original server, with "resolvdomain to on".

does GROTT pass "reset" requests from growatt towards the shinelink, or does my shinelink get crappy.

(also tried to update the DNS on the shinelink to point from towards my own pihole internal DNS....but apparently the shinelink does not allow me to safe with an alternative dns)

does above sound familiar to someone? any idea's?

if the reset comes from growatt....(via grott) it possible to block those resets within grott?

1onord commented 2 months ago


i can confirm, that i have the same Problems, until today it works perfectly but now no Data comes to Grott anymore, you can look into the Addons Log / it started sucessfully but no Message arrives. I Have 3 Inverteres / alls Growatts, all have the same Problem. So i assume it is not you Stick that makes Problems but a "Growatt Thing". I will try to ivestigate it further.

rodrifo6 commented 2 months ago

Same problem. As soon as the sun rose and my inverter came on, something updated in the data logger and it immediately stopped sending data to Grott

-- EDIT -- I managed to work around it by setting DNS records for and to point to my local IP containing the Grott instance.

1onord commented 2 months ago

Okay, i reconfigured the Stick to my local Instance and it works.

You Can block external comands by going to the Addon, then show the hidden Options.

Here you can enable gblockcmd which Blocks Commands from Outside.


ELANDJEA commented 2 months ago

Okay, i reconfigured the Stick to my local Instance and it works.

You Can block external comands by going to the Addon, then show the hidden Options.

Here you can enable gblockcmd which Blocks Commands from Outside.


thanks @1onord this option I wouldn't have found myself. Reconfigured my shinelan (instead of shinelink I mentioned before) and reconfigured the addon with the indicated option.

now I at least recieved several updates via homeassistent by now.

ELANDJEA commented 2 months ago

Same problem. As soon as the sun rose and my inverter came on, something updated in the data logger and it immediately stopped sending data to Grott

-- EDIT -- I managed to work around it by setting DNS records for and to point to my local IP containing the Grott instance.

I also tried to update the settings in the shinelan to point to my local DNS, but it appears to be hardcoded towards Whatever I change that to in the gui of the shinelan....after pressing safe it reverts back to

the solution of @1onord works for me now

rodrifo6 commented 2 months ago

Same problem. As soon as the sun rose and my inverter came on, something updated in the data logger and it immediately stopped sending data to Grott -- EDIT -- I managed to work around it by setting DNS records for and to point to my local IP containing the Grott instance.

I also tried to update the settings in the shinelan to point to my local DNS, but it appears to be hardcoded towards Whatever I change that to in the gui of the shinelan....after pressing safe it reverts back to

the solution of @1onord works for me now

It uses whatever comes from DHCP if you have it enabled, that would be DHCP option 6 on your DHCP server.

I will try their workaround as well, as I think that would be best

Petorrr commented 2 months ago

Same problem here, both my Dataloggers stopped working this morning…. I tried to set the IP addresses back to my HA IP address but only one reported one time into Grott, and then nothing anymore…. Perhaps I was too late setting the gblockcmd to on. Now the sun is down and they’re out of power, so I will try again in the morning.

egguy commented 2 months ago


I found a solution, the problem seems to come from the use of a static IP address for the growatt server in grott.

Fortunately, the addon can be reconfigured easily. The solution is shown here:

To reconfigure the growatt server IP in grott addon

You are going to need to reconfigure your stick to use again grott as the configuration is reset by growatt.

This has been tested on a friend inverter, would you mind confirming it also works for you?

andrevza commented 1 month ago

@egguy I can confirm that the above does fix the problem. However take note that seems to return different ips depending on where you come from. Most places it is and However like in two other places it returns,, Used the following site to see this

Maybe the long term solution is to resolve on startup for the addon to resolve this and then use one of the ips.

martijntonies commented 1 month ago

For some reason, after clicking the button at the bottom, I can connect to the dongle Wifi, but I cannot connect to the ShineWifi-X dongle at in order to enter the IP to forward to Grott... you guys got any clue?

rodrifo6 commented 1 month ago

For some reason, after clicking the button at the bottom, I can connect to the dongle Wifi, but I cannot connect to the ShineWifi-X dongle at in order to enter the IP to forward to Grott... you guys got any clue?

I've never been able to do that via the browser. I don't know if it is a firmware thing, but for me it only worked via the app. For me what had worked was: Go on Shine App > Settings > Data Logger configuration > short press the button on the dongle > scan the bar code

It will then ask to connect to the dongle's hotspot.

After you connect, click on the option to change dongle's configuration and it will ask for a password which will be Growatt + the current date, as in for today: growatt20240717

Then it will let you change the server IP on the dongle.

However, at least for me, this is not working now either.

martijntonies commented 1 month ago

For some reason, after clicking the button at the bottom, I can connect to the dongle Wifi, but I cannot connect to the ShineWifi-X dongle at in order to enter the IP to forward to Grott... you guys got any clue?

I've never been able to do that via the browser. I don't know if it is a firmware thing, but for me it only worked via the app. For me what had worked was: Go on Shine App > Settings > Data Logger configuration > short press the button on the dongle > scan the bar code

It will then ask to connect to the dongle's hotspot.

After you connect, click on the option to change dongle's configuration and it will ask for a password which will be Growatt with capital G + the current date, as in for today: Growatt20240717

Then it will let you change the server IP on the dongle.

However, at least for me, this is not working now either.

Right, I totally forgot about being able to this in the app! Could not find a button anywhere... turns out you have to wipe the Data Logger entry to go to "Configuration" on it. Thanks for reminding me!

Password is lower 'g', by the way.

Right, the Grott add-on is receiving data again and its being forwarded to the Growatt servers too.

But, it also says "Data less then minimum record length, data not processed"

so nothing in HA sensors yet.

Edit: set inverter type to uppercase MIN (instead of lower) in configuration > sensor data seems to be back, although the log still includes these lines: `- Growatt packet received: <socket.socket fd=4, family=2, type=1, proto=0, laddr=('', 49780), raddr=('', 5279)>

87Vortex87 commented 1 month ago


I found a solution, the problem seems to come from the use of a static IP address for the growatt server in grott.

Fortunately, the addon can be reconfigured easily. The solution is shown here: johanmeijer/grott#563 (comment)

To reconfigure the growatt server IP in grott addon

* go to the addon

* configuration,

* check the `show unused optional configuration`

* in the option locate the `growattip` and put the new ip, e.g.

* Save and restart the addon

You are going to need to reconfigure your stick to use again grott as the configuration is reset by growatt.

This has been tested on a friend inverter, would you mind confirming it also works for you?

I've been putting in the settings suggested in the muppet3000 thread: gblockcmd = True gnoipf = True

checking if that works as well. BTW, can we change the update interval using the UI config from default 5 minutes to 1 minute? Since it seems like this was only possible straight from the local web-ui on the growatt stick, but seems to be unreachable..

87Vortex87 commented 1 month ago

For some reason, after clicking the button at the bottom, I can connect to the dongle Wifi, but I cannot connect to the ShineWifi-X dongle at in order to enter the IP to forward to Grott... you guys got any clue?

I've never been able to do that via the browser. I don't know if it is a firmware thing, but for me it only worked via the app. For me what had worked was: Go on Shine App > Settings > Data Logger configuration > short press the button on the dongle > scan the bar code

It will then ask to connect to the dongle's hotspot.

After you connect, click on the option to change dongle's configuration and it will ask for a password which will be Growatt + the current date, as in for today: growatt20240717

Then it will let you change the server IP on the dongle.

However, at least for me, this is not working now either.

password that works for me is only the date of today without growatt in front of it: 20240717

benhumphry commented 1 month ago

Something seems off with this for me....

I've put in a new IP address, but now the addon crashes:

    Pulled 'ggrottip=' from the environment
    Pulled 'ggrottport=5279' from the environment
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/", line 33, in <module>
    proxy = Proxy(conf)
  File "/app/", line 112, in __init__
    self.server.bind((conf.grottip, conf.grottport))
TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

Perhaps related...

Observation 1: I am seemingly able to update the ShineWIFI-S datalogger's target IP to Grott via the Growatt website, as I did when I first configured Grott a long time ago. After entering the IP and password and submitting, I am told that it was successfully updated, however I continue to get updates to the Growatt server, even through Grott isn't running.... this suggests the datalogger is still pushing directly.

Observation 2: It seems Growatt may be cycling the IP addresses; I pinged before and after this error above, and got diffferent IP addresses for;

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

These were no more than 5 minutes apart.

egguy commented 1 month ago

@benhumphry I think you have mixed growattip and ggrottip

grottip is the address where grott listen, for packets (often the ip address of your network card/docker interface)

benhumphry commented 1 month ago

@benhumphry I think you have mixed growattip and ggrottip

grottip is the address where grott listen, for packets (often the ip address of your network card/docker interface)

I'm an idiot. Thank you.

87Vortex87 commented 1 month ago

Something seems off with this for me....

I've put in a new IP address, but now the addon crashes:

  Pulled 'ggrottip=' from the environment
  Pulled 'ggrottport=5279' from the environment
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/", line 33, in <module>
    proxy = Proxy(conf)
  File "/app/", line 112, in __init__
    self.server.bind((conf.grottip, conf.grottport))
TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

Perhaps related...

Observation 1: I am seemingly able to update the ShineWIFI-S datalogger's target IP to Grott via the Growatt website, as I did when I first configured Grott a long time ago. After entering the IP and password and submitting, I am told that it was successfully updated, however I continue to get updates to the Growatt server, even through Grott isn't running.... this suggests the datalogger is still pushing directly.

Observation 2: It seems Growatt may be cycling the IP addresses; I pinged before and after this error above, and got diffferent IP addresses for;

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

These were no more than 5 minutes apart.

What seems to be working for others, and also me by now is to do this:

  1. update the IP through to make the stick point to your correct endpoint;
  2. within one minute of doing that setting both gblockcmd and gnoipf to true in HA -> add-on -> grott -> configuration
  3. restart add-on directly after configuration change.
egguy commented 1 month ago

Also the resolved address are interesting: is pointing to alibaba cloud a cloud computing provider. The NLB at the start or the address could refer to the network load balancer.

Interestingly, from where I am it is directed to Amazon cloud. (ELB in the domain is the amazon version Elastic Load Balancer) 60  IN  CNAME 60 IN A 60 IN A 60 IN A

This makes me think it is not a great thing to hard-code the IP as it seems Growatt is trying to move to the cloud. This could explain the sudden reconfiguration.

benhumphry commented 1 month ago

What seems to be working for others, and also me by now is to do this:

  1. update the IP through to make the stick point to your correct endpoint;
  2. within one minute of doing that setting both gblockcmd and gnoipf to true in HA -> add-on -> grott -> configuration
  3. restart add-on directly after configuration change.

I can't find documentation for gblockcmd - if, as I assume from the name, this is a block on proxying inbound commands, I assume this would need to be disabled every time I wanted to push changes to grid first/battery first settings. Currently I have automated these pushes based on peak/off-peak updates; my electricity supplier can extend my off peak timings if I've scheduled my car to be charged, for example.

87Vortex87 commented 1 month ago

What seems to be working for others, and also me by now is to do this:

  1. update the IP through to make the stick point to your correct endpoint;
  2. within one minute of doing that setting both gblockcmd and gnoipf to true in HA -> add-on -> grott -> configuration
  3. restart add-on directly after configuration change.

I can't find documentation for gblockcmd - if, as I assume from the name, this is a block on proxying inbound commands, I assume this would need to be disabled every time I wanted to push changes to grid first/battery first settings. Currently I have automated these pushes based on peak/off-peak updates; my electricity supplier can extend my off peak timings if I've scheduled my car to be charged, for example.

I don't have an answer for you about what it does, but it looks like inbound commands are being blocked.. whats in the name.. so far everything works for me again.

Partybob commented 1 month ago

I have the exact same problem. Running the add-on for months without issues and suddenly stopped working yesterday. Did som troubleshooting and also downgraded the add-on since i upgraded to latest a few days ago and thought it was related. It wasn't :). I changed the ip through growatts homepage and it started working for an hour or two. Then stopped wokring. Did it again later in the evening and it worked until this morning. I even blocked the Datalogger from accessing the internet but apperently that didn't help. Gonna try gblockcmd and gnoipf tomorrow and see if it sticks. Growatt must be pushing settings to the datalogger somehow since the app works just fine even though Grott stops getting data.

jeroen911 commented 1 month ago

I had the same problem.

I'm using docker container grott-server (ledidobe) Changed these settings, restarted the docker container, changed the ip address in shinelink to the grott-server and it seems to work again.

[Growatt] #Ip address and port of Growatt server (specify only if IP has changed) ip = #ip = #port = 5279

#To blocks commands from outside (to channge inverter and shine devices settings) specify blockcmd = True, #specify noipf = True if you still want be able to dest ip addres from growatt server #Specify noipf = True if you still want be able to dest ip addres from growatt server (advice only to use #this for a short time) blockcmd = True noipf = True


Partybob commented 1 month ago

I have the exact same problem. Running the add-on for months without issues and suddenly stopped working yesterday. Did som troubleshooting and also downgraded the add-on since i upgraded to latest a few days ago and thought it was related. It wasn't :). I changed the ip through growatts homepage and it started working for an hour or two. Then stopped wokring. Did it again later in the evening and it worked until this morning. I even blocked the Datalogger from accessing the internet but apperently that didn't help. Gonna try gblockcmd and gnoipf tomorrow and see if it sticks. Growatt must be pushing settings to the datalogger somehow since the app works just fine even though Grott stops getting data.

I have now changed the IP in growatts homepage again so it reports to HA/grott. I have also set gblockcmd and gnoipf to True and restarted the add-on. Heres hoping it continues to work.

Also thanks for the awesome work with Grott!

Swerfer commented 1 month ago

I did the steps of reconfiguring the dongle and the add-on, but still no updated data in HA. I get an error, but don't know if that's the issue:

[17:42:59] INFO: Preparing to start...

 - Grott - libscrc not installed, no CRC checking only record validation on length!

Grott Growatt logging monitor : 2.8.2

Grott process configuration file

Grott process environmental variables

Pulled 'ginvtype=tl3' from the environment

Pulled 'ggrowattip=' from the environment

Pulled 'ggrowattport=5279' from the environment

Pulled 'gnomqtt=True' from the environment

Pulled 'gextension=True' from the environment

Pulled 'gextname=grottext.ha' from the environment

Pulled 'gextvar={"ha_mqtt_host": "core-mosquitto", "ha_mqtt_port": "1883", "ha_mqtt_user": "addons", "ha_mqtt_password": "TiLeeph5ahHeiduu3Fae5Hoo5at7ushai5Ahgh3ohf7dooveizoqu2wei1aehaiG", "ha_mqtt_retain": True}' from the environment

Grott override settings if set in commandline

Grott process json layout files

Grott proxy mode started

 - Grott - libscrc not installed, no CRC checking only record validation on length!

Hostname : 8ce4abae-grott-current IP : , port : 5279

Mappenhei commented 1 month ago

I did the steps of reconfiguring the dongle and the add-on, but still no updated data in HA. I get an error, but don't know if that's the issue: .... Grott proxy mode started ********************************************************************************** - Grott - libscrc not installed, no CRC checking only record validation on length! ********************************************************************************** Hostname : 8ce4abae-grott-current IP : , port : 5279

^^ Same for me.

My grott config (egguy Grott 2.8.x with grott-ha-plugin plugin 0.1.10) : data_path: /config/grott gmode: proxy grott_mqtt: true ginvtype: default ginvtypemap: "" retain: false verbose: false ha_plugin: false mqtt: {} ggrowattip: blockcmd: true noipf: true ggrowattport: 5279

Growatt stick was changed to "Set IP" 'MY HOME ASSISTANT IP'

Mosquitto broker 6.4.1 is installed

Grott Home Assistant Custom Component V1.1.0 from Muppet3000 is also installed

Edit: Meanwhile, Grott is receiving data from the logger. I don’t know the reason; I didn’t change anything after my origin post above. It just appeared in the morning.

kineci commented 1 month ago

As edguy suggested in issue #51, I set ggrowattip to "" and ggrowattport to "5279" in the addon configuration. Additionally, I enabled blockcmd and noipf.

After that, I went to and changed the IP of the Datalogger to my HomeAssistant's IP address.

I restarted the addon, and voila, it works! Hopefully, it will keep working until tomorrow. I will report back.

Petorrr commented 1 month ago

As edguy suggested in issue #51, I set ggrowattip to "" and ggrowattport to "5279" in the addon configuration. Additionally, I enabled blockcmd and noipf.

After that, I went to and changed the IP of the Datalogger to my HomeAssistant's IP address.

I restarted the addon, and voila, it works! Hopefully, it will keep working until tomorrow. I will report back.

Followed the same procedure a couple of days ago. It is now running fine again for those few days in a row. So the workaround is working.

floristotle commented 1 month ago

This has been tested on a friend inverter, would you mind confirming it also works for you?

Followed the steps. Unfortunately this does not seem to resolve the issue for me. Haven't tried gblockcmd = True, gnoipf = True Also seeing this notice in log: "libscrc not installed"

(Shinelink firmware I also see these settings in Shinelink: Reboot Able: No, update the software: no. Should I turn these to on?

kineci commented 1 month ago

As edguy suggested in issue #51, I set ggrowattip to "" and ggrowattport to "5279" in the addon configuration. Additionally, I enabled blockcmd and noipf.

After that, I went to and changed the IP of the Datalogger to my HomeAssistant's IP address.

I restarted the addon, and voila, it works! Hopefully, it will keep working until tomorrow. I will report back.

I can indeed confirm that this workaround has been working for a couple of days now.

LightMoon commented 1 month ago

I am sharing my experience, hardcoding the Growatt IP address and port ( - 5279 ) stopped the Growatt cloud from receiving updates. The trick that works for me on Grott 2.8.3 Stable version was blocking Growatt cloud to over write the configuration by enabling, gblockcmd = True, gnoipf = True

Yaml config - You may need to change the Inverter type based on yours

data_path: /config/grott
gmode: proxy
grott_mqtt: true
ginvtype: min
ginvtypemap: ""
retain: false
verbose: true
ha_plugin: false
mqtt: {}
gnoipf: true
gblockcmd: true
gpvoutput: true
gpvsystemid: XXXX
gpvapikey: XXXXX
gpvdisv1: false
github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

There hasn't been any activity on this issue recently, so we clean up some of the older and inactive issues. Please make sure to update to the latest version and check if that solves the issue. Let us know if that works for you by leaving a comment 👍 This issue has now been marked as stale and will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thanks!

mr-mmc commented 15 hours ago

hello! i have issues too, I try everything tips what I find this topic.

my setup :Haos, Grott stable branch (2.8) Grott 1.1.0 and growatt mid 17ktl3-x shine app working, all data coming out

gblockcmd = True gnoipf = True ggrowattip = ggrowattport =5279

shine x wifi dongle keeps ip address and settings... but : Grott is no device... grott stable branch log = " ('', 5279)>

mr-mmc commented 15 hours ago

hello! i have issues too, I try everything tips what I find this topic.

my setup :Haos, Grott stable branch (2.8) Grott 1.1.0 and growatt mid 17ktl3-x shine app working, all data coming out

gblockcmd = True gnoipf = True ggrowattip = ggrowattport =5279

shine x wifi dongle keeps ip address and settings... but : Grott is no device... grott stable branch log = " ('', 5279)> - Growatt command block checking started - Growatt original Data: \x00\x42\x00\x06\x02\x41\x01\x04\x1f\x35\x2b\x41\x22\x3c\x32\x77\x22\x3e\x77 \x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72 \x2a\x21\x27\x3c\x37\x0c\x45\x5f\x34\x39\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74 \x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x79\x7d\x7a\x48\x51\x6d\x75\x61 \x74\x74\x3b\x72\x6e\x77\x61\x5e\xa6\x59\xe4\x6f\x79\x61\x74\x5e\x95\x73\x62 \x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47 \x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74 \x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x5d \xe4\x67\xf3\x4e\x33\x6f\x63\x61\x74\x66\xc5\x7b\x31\x77\x74\x74\x74\x54\xd9 \x66\x38\x61\x60\x74\x47\x60\xf1\x67\x5c\x64\x54\x48\x99\x6f\x77\x61\x87\x74 \x47\x94\xf9\x77\xbb\x5f\xdb\x47\x72\x6f\x86\x61\x74\x97\x57\x72\x6f\x77\x61 \x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f \x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47 \x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x94\x71\x75 \x85\x46\xca\x6e\xd4\x61\x74\x74\x47\x7d\xb4\x78\xab\x3a\x54\x47\x72\x6f\x75 \xf9\x64\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72 \x6f\x77\x67\x74\x48\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74 \x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x3a\x72\x96\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61 \x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f \x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47 \x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74 \x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77 \x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72 \x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74 \x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x6f\x61\x7d\x74\x4a\x72\x77\x77\x68 \x74\x7a\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x8b\xbd\x72\x6f\x77\x66\x8b\x8d\x47\x72\x6f \xe1\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47 \x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74 \x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x47\xfc\x47\x72\x6f\x77 \x61\x75\x35\xe0\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72 \x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x72\x6f\x77\x61\x74\x74\x47\x56\x16 - Grott automatic protocol detection - Grott data record length 585 - layout : T060104XINVERTER - no matching record layout found, try generic - no matching record layout found, standard processing performed - Record layout used : none - Growatt data decrypted V2 - Grott Growatt data decrypted - Growatt plain data: 00420006024101045847443643484630505100000000000000000000000000000000000000004 5564648434b37304358000000000000000000000000000000000000000018090e0f2302020000 007c000100002ad21e96000e00002ad2010d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002a8513 870941001400001282095e0015000013ab094f00140000129e103d10200feb000000f30000e69 600da2baf000000f10000e3100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e31001f101b80 1a3000000000fdb0fca4e20000000029810000000000000000000000000000000000000000600 3c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000007d00f9000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000180009000d00180009000e000000000000fffa00000007fff90000009600000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000338800000000000141a7000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000002479 - Grott data ack record or data record not defined no processing done

 - Growatt packet received:
    <socket.socket fd=5, family=2, type=1, proto=0, laddr=('', 5279), raddr=('', 294)>
 - Growatt command block checking started
 - Data less then minimum record length, data not processed


now I get it!

need change inverter type = "inverter" to tl3