egguy / grott-home-assistant-add-on

Grott Home Assistant add-on - Native MQTT plugin
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no updates on shinephone shows offline #11

Closed bschofield425 closed 1 year ago

bschofield425 commented 1 year ago

I'm use the Proxy mode. so I'm able to get some data, many errors with it's implementation into the energy panel, will need to customize the raw data I think ( or wait for some future updates) I utilize the energy panel for logic control for other functions, so without it working correctly it definitely puts me at a disadvantage. but the biggest problem I've got right now is that I can't compare data with the shinephone app as it shows offline, and I get these errors:

I'm not sure if this is related with the proxy not working correctly to show me values in the app.

Thank you


Freekers commented 1 year ago

This is normal behavior. I think those are keep-alive packets, I also have many of those in my logging.

Data packets are sent every 5 minutes (by default) from the inverter to Growatt. If a data packet is intercepted, it will show up in the logging as follows (verbose):

     - Growatt packet received:
          <socket.socket fd=4, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 45410), raddr=('', 5279)>
     - Growatt original Data:
     - Grott automatic protocol detection
     - Grott data record length 585
     - layout   :  T060104X
     - no matching record layout found, try generic
     - Record layout used :  T06NNNNX
     - Growatt data decrypted V2
     - Grott Growatt data decrypted
     - Growatt plain data:
     - Possible Inverter serial TEG2B0XXXX
     - Inverter serial not recognised - using inverter type default
     - Growatt new layout processing
         - decrypt       :  True
         - offset        :  6
         - record layout :  T06NNNNX
     - Grott data record date/time processing started
     - date-time:  2023-02-15T20:43:33
     - Grott values retrieved:
         -  datalogserial        :  XGD4A4XXX
         -  pvserial             :  TEG2B0XXX
         -  pvstatus             :  0
         -  pvpowerin            :  0.0
         -  pv1voltage           :  64.7
         -  pv1current           :  0.0
         -  pv1watt              :  0.0
         -  pv2voltage           :  65.0
         -  pv2current           :  0.0
         -  pv2watt              :  0.0
         -  pvpowerout           :  0.0
         -  pvfrequentie         :  50.0
         -  pvgridvoltage        :  236.2
         -  pvgridcurrent        :  0.0
         -  pvgridpower          :  0.0
         -  pvgridvoltage2       :  0.0
         -  pvgridcurrent2       :  0.0
         -  pvgridpower2         :  0.0
         -  pvgridvoltage3       :  0.0
         -  pvgridcurrent3       :  0.0
         -  pvgridpower3         :  0.0
         -  totworktime          :  6223.5
         -  pvenergytoday        :  8.5
         -  pvenergytotal        :  4629.0
         -  epvtotal             :  4777.9
         -  epv1today            :  4.3
         -  epv1total            :  1889.0
         -  epv2today            :  4.4
         -  epv2total            :  2888.9
         -  pvtemperature        :  24.3
         -  pvipmtemperature     :  25.3
     - MQTT jsonmsg: 
             {"device": "TEG2B02XXXX", "time": "2023-02-15T20:43:33", "buffered": "no",
             "values": {"datalogserial": "XGD4A4XXX", "pvserial": "TEG2B0XXXX",
             "pvstatus": 0, "pvpowerin": 0, "pv1voltage": 647, "pv1current": 0,
             "pv1watt": 0, "pv2voltage": 650, "pv2current": 0, "pv2watt": 0,
             "pvpowerout": 0, "pvfrequentie": 4999, "pvgridvoltage": 2362,
             "pvgridcurrent": 0, "pvgridpower": 0, "pvgridvoltage2": 0, "pvgridcurrent2":
             0, "pvgridpower2": 0, "pvgridvoltage3": 0, "pvgridcurrent3": 0,
             "pvgridpower3": 0, "totworktime": 44808891, "pvenergytoday": 85,
             "pvenergytotal": 46290, "epvtotal": 47779, "epv1today": 43, "epv1total":
             18890, "epv2today": 44, "epv2total": 28889, "pvtemperature": 243,
             "pvipmtemperature": 253}}
     - Grott Send data to PVOutput disabled 
     - Grott Send data to Influx disabled 
     - Grott extension processing started :  grott_ha
    Grott HA 0.0.7-rc4 - creating TEG2B0XXX config in HA, 32 to push
    Pushing 33 configurations payload to HA
    Configurations pushed
bschofield425 commented 1 year ago

ok. I'm getting that output, but still no updates on the shinephone app, shows offline. is there anything else in the proxy that needs to change ?


Freekers commented 1 year ago

For me the inverter also shows offline in ShinePhone if there is no sun. I'm not sure where you are located, but if it's already evening at your place, I suggest to check again tomorrow.

bschofield425 commented 1 year ago

I have sun, in AZ. but it always showed online, with battery info, grid info, load % etc. now I'm not getting any data at all passing into it.

Freekers commented 1 year ago

Ah, I see. I'm no expert in this, but what does it say in the logging for "_Growatt server" just after you enable the add-on? For example, for me it says:

_Growatt server:
    growattport:             5279

This means the add-on was able to resolve the Growatt server. Your IP might be different as you're in the US and Growatt has multiple servers.

bschofield425 commented 1 year ago

yes that is the ip address it shows. interesting, I know when i log into the web interface I need to log into any way I can put that dns entry in? I will see if I can resolve what this ip is. if so, where would I enter that?

bschofield425 commented 1 year ago

yeah when I ping i get

Freekers commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I wish I knew more troubleshooting steps but sadly I don't. @egguy might be able to help :)

bschofield425 commented 1 year ago

by putting the IP in the configuration ggrowattip it has now redirected to the correct server and I see data on the shinephone app.

egguy commented 1 year ago

@bschofield425 You can also use a DNS in the configuration. This is automagically resolved and this should save you from having to reconfigure the software when the IP change.

As for the ignored packets, when the logger connects, it sends it's actual configuration to the platform, those packets are just forwarded.

bschofield425 commented 1 year ago

right in that same field? I wasn't sure whether it would resolve. Thank you.

egguy commented 1 year ago

Yep, it's confusing this is still called grottip, but the python connect() call does the resolving.