egirault / googleplay-api

Google Play Unofficial Python API - This project was a PoC and is not maintained anymore. Please feel free to fork it and improve it in any way.
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Download errors #45

Open aress31 opened 9 years ago

aress31 commented 9 years ago


So I have two issues, the first one is on downloading apps, I have setup my android id, email and password properly I can login to the googleplay api but when I try to download an app I get this error message: File "/root/Desktop/ares-downloader/googleplay-api-master/", line 267, in download cookie = message.payload.buyResponse.purchaseStatusResponse.appDeliveryData.downloadAuthCookie[0] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/protobuf-2.6.1-py2.7.egg/google/protobuf/internal/", line 64, in getitem return self._values[key] IndexError: list index out of range When I printed the message that I got from googleplay server I got this which seems to be good I suppose: payload { buyResponse { CheckoutInfo { item { name: "Minecraft - Pocket Edition" amount { micros: 69000000 currencyCode: "SEK" formattedAmount: "SEK69.00" } } deprecatedCheckoutUrl: "" addInstrumentUrl: "" eligibleInstrumentFamily: 0 eligibleInstrument { instrumentFamily: 0 } } continueViaUrl: "" checkoutServiceId: "sierra" baseCheckoutUrl: "" purchaseCookie: "CAE" } } Where this error can come from?

shivang1989 commented 9 years ago

Any updates on your first query of downloading error ? I am facing the same issue. I am afraid that Google took some actions and blocked this API.

nguyenvulong commented 9 years ago

@shivang1989 it works perfectly. I just checked 1 minute ago

@AresS31 give me the whole commands

shivang1989 commented 9 years ago

@nguyenvulong : Today it worked fine at my end too. It's strange. I don't know what was the issue yesterday. Thanks for the response. :)