egirault / googleplay-api

Google Play Unofficial Python API - This project was a PoC and is not maintained anymore. Please feel free to fork it and improve it in any way.
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offset seems to be broken in #48

Open tbwolfe opened 9 years ago

tbwolfe commented 9 years ago

The offset seems to be broken in the functionality. See snippets below for example:

The first request should return results 1-5 of the app selling free apps in the business category:

The second request should return apps 6-10 of the same category, but the results are identical.

This query was constructed from the documentation presented in the project wiki (

anands commented 9 years ago

Hey @tbwolfe , Any Update on this? I've facing the same problem.

@egirault Any fix for this?

MikhailAOstapenko commented 9 years ago

Same problem here. Google changed API?

gowthamgts commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I'm also experiencing the same problem.

ycheng-sec commented 8 years ago

I'm also facing the same problem. I can see the URL with offset configured has a field "&o=xxx". But it won't work. Does anyone know what the parameter could be?

mylh commented 7 years ago

Looks like google added a new parameter named "ctntkn" into query string. But you shouldn't guess its value, just use nextPageUrl returned from top page request result and any subsequent result:

containerMetadata {
    browseUrl: "browse?bt=4&c=3&ctr=apps_topselling_free&cat=GAME"
    nextPageUrl: "list?bt=4&c=3&ctr=apps_topselling_free&cat=GAME&n=20&ctntkn=CBQ%3D&o=20"
    analyticsCookie: "578096662"
    ordered: true
p3r1c0 commented 6 years ago

someone fix this problem?

P-Sc commented 6 years ago

I have somehow figured out (through trial and error) how to get the correct "ctntkn" value without using nextPageUrl:

import string
import requests


def get_token(offset):
    if offset >= 254:
        offset += 1
    i = offset // 16
    j = offset % 16
    s = offset // 128
    if s > 0:
        i -= 8 * (s-1)
    key = string.ascii_uppercase[i] + code[j]
    token = "C" + key + requests.utils.quote(code_suffix[s])
    return token

So inserting the function in and appending path += "&ctntkn=" + get_token(int(offset)) after this line should make it work again.

sehring commented 6 years ago

@P-Sc This approach does not work anymore. It gets stuck at page 5. You have to call the value of "nextPageUrl:" and make sure to use this url as path.

P-Sc commented 6 years ago

You get stuck at page 5 either way because there is no "nextPageUrl" after 500 apps. Google simply doesn't allow more than that to be queried (per category).