eglia / ff-oc-passwords

A Firefox add-on to access passwords stored in an ownCloud.
MIT License
8 stars 3 forks source link

No logins found for this site #1

Closed d4ex closed 8 years ago

d4ex commented 8 years ago


for every Page i get the following message "No logins found for this site". Passwords show's the count of Logins in Database but it don't work. Passwords version is 17.

Greetings Matthias

eglia commented 8 years ago

Hi Are the URLs stored correctly in the ownCloud Passwords app? The addon uses the "Full URL" field which has to contain at least the domain name (e.g. ""). I just pushed a new version 0.2.6 that also looks in the "website or name" field for an URL (duh...), please let me know if that fixes your problem. It will take mozilla a day or two to sign the new version, in the meanwhile you can get the unsigned version from here.

d4ex commented 8 years ago

Hi again,

yes the Urls are correct stored in the "Full URL" field. I'hve tested Version 0.2.7 but still same Problem. If i have time this evening i debug it :) I am very interested in the project. Hope i can contribute.

d4ex commented 8 years ago

I've installed the app on my Samsung Galaxy SII with Cyanogenmod 13 (Android 6) too. Getting Message "Could not get passwords from the Server". I#m checking this too.

d4ex commented 8 years ago

Now with the new Version it work's :) But i get the following Button named 'null'. Is that normal?



d4ex commented 8 years ago

Nice Job :+1:

eglia commented 8 years ago

Yeah my mistake, the null entries are fixed in 0.2.10 which is currently waiting to be signed.

d4ex commented 8 years ago

I have installed the current Version (0.2.11). Now i get everytime error: "Could not getPasswords from the Server :/"

In the previous Version it works.

eglia commented 8 years ago

Hm that's strange... I built a version with some debug output. You can get it here. The package is not signed however, so you'll have to set xpinstall.signatures.required to false in about:config. With this new version, open the browser console (CTRL+SHIFT+J) and look for entries starting with ff-oc-passwords.

thefirstofthe300 commented 8 years ago

I am still getting an error in 0.2.11 of the plugin.

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad control character in string literal at line 1 column 257 of the JSON data
Stack trace:
processLoginList@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://ff-oc-passwords/index.js:175:39
pageLoaded@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://ff-oc-passwords/index.js:243:5
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:123:45
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
tabEmit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/tab-firefox.js:261:31
tabEventListener@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/tab-firefox.js:316:23
@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/tab-firefox.js:335:39
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:123:45
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
messageReceived@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/remote/parent.js:96:37
eglia commented 8 years ago

This is weird. The code lines referenced in the stack trace appear to be from an old version (0.2.8): See 0.2.8 vs 0.2.11 Are you sure you have the newest version installed? Maybe try to remove and add the extension again.

d4ex commented 8 years ago

I've installed the new version 0.2.12 alpha and get this error too.

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected property name or '}' at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data
processLoginList@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://ff-oc-passwords/index.js:297:23
pageLoaded@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://ff-oc-passwords/index.js:363:5
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:123:45
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
tabEmit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/tab-firefox.js:261:31
tabEventListener@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/tab-firefox.js:316:23
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:123:45
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
initialize/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/observer.js:50:11
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
handleEvent@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/observer.js:109:5
eglia commented 8 years ago

I built a new pre-release version here. Please check if this fixes your problem.

d4ex commented 8 years ago


          title: "Failed to get passwords",
          text: "Could not get passwords from the server :/"
        console.error(response.status, response.json);


ff-oc-passwords:500 null

eglia commented 8 years ago

Hm that looks like there's something wrong with your ownCloud instance or the passwords app, the server sends HTTP error 500 (internal server error) back. Can you try to access the API from a terminal: curl -iu [USER] https://[YOUR-OWNCLOUD]/index.php/apps/passwords/api/0.1/passwords

thefirstofthe300 commented 8 years ago

The new prerelease version didn't do anything. Looks like I am still getting the same error. 0.2.10 seemed to work for me as I was getting the null error.

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad control character in string literal at line 1 column 257 of the JSON data
Stack trace:
processLoginList@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://ff-oc-passwords/index.js:406:23
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:123:45
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
tabEmit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/tab-firefox.js:261:31
tabEventListener@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/tab-firefox.js:316:23
@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/tab-firefox.js:335:39
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:123:45
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
messageReceived@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/remote/parent.js:96:37
thefirstofthe300 commented 8 years ago

Just because I was curious, I blew away my password database (after backing it up of course) and started to readd some passwords. The plugin is working fine now. I will go ahead and post this problem in the fcturner's repo instead of yours as the app itself appears to be throwing bad JSON.

eglia commented 8 years ago

You probably had some special characters in one of your password entries. I suspect a tab. I modified my code to properly escape some additional control characters.

eglia commented 8 years ago

I built another unsigned package, could you check if this changes anything with your original passwords?

thefirstofthe300 commented 8 years ago

So that fixed my issues. I figured out that I had a note on a single password that had a tab, just like you said. Do you think this should be taken care of server-side? Or should I close my issue on @fcturner app?

thefirstofthe300 commented 8 years ago

The null value issue cropped up again.

TypeError: lower is undefined


Object { _errorType: "TypeError", message: "parentForm is not a function", fileName: "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/too…", lineNumber: 25, stack: "getLoginFields@resource://gre/modul…", name: "TypeError" }

are the errors I am getting in the console.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Aren't tabs saved as \t server-side? I'll look into this. It should, apparently.

thefirstofthe300 commented 8 years ago

The JSON output I am getting for this one not has the tab saved as a \t

Max connections: \t30
ghost commented 8 years ago

I don't get it. That's a tab as \t, isn't it?

ghost commented 8 years ago

TypeError: lower is undefined

No, it actually is: var lower = bool2class_str($row.attr('attr_lower')); (Line 2711 from script.js)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Might be an error of Passwords versions below v17, they are formatted differently and probably unsupported on your app.

eglia commented 8 years ago

I should test my "fixes" better :smile: Apparently escaping \b was a bad idea... New test version

eglia commented 8 years ago

The tabs are returned as \t but for JSON.parse control characters have to be double escaped, meaning I have to convert it to \\t.

d4ex commented 8 years ago

The Problem was a "/" add the end of my webadress:


But now i still get the error below. The returned Json is valid.

ff-oc-passwords:SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected property name or '}' at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data
processLoginList@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://ff-oc-passwords/index.js:409:23
fetchLoginList/passwordRequest<.onComplete@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://ff-oc-passwords/index.js:342:9
emitOnObject@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:112:9
emit@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/event/core.js:89:38
onreadystatechange@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/request.js:104:7
eglia commented 8 years ago

Please test with the new v0.2.12-alpha.5. It should print additional information to what went wrong. Please inspect the log carefully before posting here, it could contain sensitive information.

d4ex commented 8 years ago

I've debuged the function processLoginList() (line 548 in index.js).

The following line expected a 'properties' - tag in json: var entryProperties = "{" + loginList[i]["properties"] + "}";

But my loginList contains the following itemstructure:

        "id" : 16,
        "user_id" : "test",
        "loginname" : "test1",
        "website" : "",
        "address" : "",
        "pass" : "test123",
        "notes" : "hello",
        "creation_date" : "2016-01-04",
        "deleted" : "0"

Update: The extension now gets my passwords, but the fill-button remains 'null' and i get the exception above.

eglia commented 8 years ago

This looks like you're using an old version of the passwords app (pre 17)

ghost commented 8 years ago

@d4ex, you aren't using ownCloud Passwords v17 or later, are you? Your format (until Passwords v16.2) isn't suitable with this extension, I guess.

ghost commented 8 years ago


d4ex commented 8 years ago

ah ok then it was my fault :(

I do an update and keep trying :dash:

d4ex commented 8 years ago

i've updated now to 17.3 and it works nice. Nice work!
