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More Diagramming in Markdown support #200

Open davidmoshal opened 5 years ago

davidmoshal commented 5 years ago

Would be great to have more diagramming tools e.g:

1) Dataflows:

2) UI mockups (Wireframes):

3) Network and other diagrams:

davidmoshal commented 5 years ago

Found a large list of online services. Perhaps some could linked to from markdown:

davidmoshal commented 5 years ago

Am wondering if docz concepts could be useful, or perhaps just the MDX

egoist commented 5 years ago

@davidmoshal mdx is just markdown with jsx support, why do you need that?

davidmoshal commented 5 years ago

@egoist I apologize for my vague feature request.

I'm using Docute to document a project, and it's really great, but I'm looking for a flexible way to include a variety of diagrams in markdown, eg:

My previous comments captured some potential candidates, which probably can be classified into:

a) diagram markup languages (dot, plantuml, salt, mermaid). b) embedded html-based components (actual html, Vue, mdx). c) calling out to a third party service (gravizo, lucidchart, various wireframing sites).

So far some have worked better than others, but none ideal. I'll do more research on this.

davidmoshal commented 5 years ago

More info on Diagramming in Markdown:

1) Looks like someone else has been exploring this recently too, compiled a nice list:

2) How Typora markdown editor supports diagrams: Draw Diagrams With Markdown

3) PlantUML:

4) Markdown Plus diagrams.

5) Online diagram editors: