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Changelog generator #60

Open matheusrocha89 opened 7 years ago

matheusrocha89 commented 7 years ago

It will be great if we have a changelog generator to save us from doing this job. We could use github changelog generator

Perkovec commented 7 years ago

Good idea

matheusrocha89 commented 7 years ago

I already use it on my project es6-rest-boilerplate on other projects, it's simple, easy to use and help us a lot.

egoist commented 7 years ago

What about which uses , I prefer something written in JavaScript 😂

matheusrocha89 commented 7 years ago

For me no problem, we can use this one 😄 If it generates a changelog for me can be in any language, even Pascal 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂