Recently updated my PostCSS depends, most of them have been updated for v8 support, the internals of poi has not updated the depends yet so it throws a lot of complaints, and the build fails.
I tried forcing resolutions to update the versions included through Poi but than received config errors along the lines of:
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js):
ValidationError: Invalid options object. PostCSS Loader has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
- options has an unknown property 'config'. These properties are valid:
object { postcssOptions?, execute?, sourceMap? }
Looks like the syntax needs to be updated for loading the config files for the newest version of postcss-loader.
I've downgraded for now but will dig for where this is being configured when I get a chance.
Looks like the config, is actually coming from my loaderOptions in the poi config, which I was able to update. Would still need to get the dependencies updated as to not need to override with resolutions.
Recently updated my PostCSS depends, most of them have been updated for v8 support, the internals of poi has not updated the depends yet so it throws a lot of complaints, and the build fails.
I tried forcing resolutions to update the versions included through Poi but than received config errors along the lines of:
Looks like the syntax needs to be updated for loading the config files for the newest version of postcss-loader.
I've downgraded for now but will dig for where this is being configured when I get a chance.
Update: Looks like the config, is actually coming from my loaderOptions in the poi config, which I was able to update. Would still need to get the dependencies updated as to not need to override with resolutions.