i'm trying to create a component library with sass for styling so i have src/scss/variables,mixins etc.
but when i run the build command i get this error message:
(plugin postcss) Error: Undefined variable: "$shady-lady"
and i have imported the main.scss file that has imports for all the partials at the top of my index.ts file
Hi there,
i'm trying to create a component library with sass for styling so i have src/scss/variables,mixins etc.
but when i run the build command i get this error message: (plugin postcss) Error: Undefined variable: "$shady-lady" and i have imported the main.scss file that has imports for all the partials at the top of my index.ts file
here's my config file
export default { input: "src/index.ts", output: [ { file: packageJson.main, format: "cjs", sourcemap: true, }, { file: packageJson.module, format: "esm", sourcemap: true, }, ], plugins: [ cleaner({ targets: ["./lib"], }), postcss({ plugins: [autoprefixer] }), peerDepsExternal(), resolve(), commonjs(), typescript({ exclude: ["**/*.stories.tsx", "**/*.test.tsx"], }), ], };
what am i missing?