egoist / tailwindcss-icons

Use any icon (100,000+) from Iconify, for TailwindCSS
MIT License
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Can you consider using it with Play CDN? #11

Open u3u opened 1 year ago

u3u commented 1 year ago

My local development environment uses Play CDN to enhance the development experience, and I use the cjstoesm module to convert the tailwind.config.js configuration file into a native ESM to keep it the same as the production environment. However, because the plugin uses the fs module, it will not work in the browser. If there is a way to be compatible that would be great!

 * [Package Error] [Package Error] "fs" does not exist. (Imported by "@egoist/tailwindcss-icons").
 * The package "@egoist/tailwindcss-icons" depends on this Node.js built-in module.
 * Node.js built-in modules (like "fs", "http", etc.) are Node.js-specific, and do
 * not exist in non-Node environments like Deno or the web browser. Skypack CDN polyfills
 * most of these modules for you automatically, but this one could not be polyfilled.
 * How to fix:
 *   - Let the package author know that you'd like to run their package in the browser.
 *   - Use to find a web-friendly alternative to find another package.

Play CDN

<script src=""></script>
<script type="module">
  import tailwindConfig from '/js/esm/tailwind.config.js';
  tailwind.config = tailwindConfig;


const { transform } = require('cjstoesm')
const { writeFileSync } = require('fs')
const chalk = require('chalk').default

const esm = ''
const importRegex = /import (.+) from "((?!\.).+)"/g

const run = async () => {
  const result = await transform({
    input: 'tailwind.config.js',
    outDir: 'public/js/esm',
    write: false,

  for (const { fileName, text } of result.files) {
    const code = text.replaceAll(importRegex, `import $1 from "${esm}/$2"`)
    writeFileSync(fileName, code)
    console.log(`${'✔')} ${fileName}`)
