egoist / tsup

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Is there a way to prepend plugins? #1085

Open Titou325 opened 4 months ago

Titou325 commented 4 months ago


We are looking into inlining some of our resources at react-print-pdf where we use tsup to bundle the resources. However, it seems that we can only append esbuild plugins and not prepend. In our case, we want to use but it needs to be passed first as the syntax can't be resolved by other plugins.

An example way we would use it is

import css from "inline:./index.css"

This causes an error as the file path matches the conditions for some of the earlier plugins, which should just be bypassed because of the inline: keyword.

We have also tried patching the esbuild config manually, using both esbuildOptions and a tsup plugin

import { defineConfig } from "tsup";
import { Plugin } from "esbuild";

const plugin: Plugin = {
  name: "inline",
  setup(build) {
    console.log("Setting up inline plugin");

export default defineConfig({
  entry: ["src/index.ts", "src/mdx.ts"],
  splitting: false,
  sourcemap: true,
  clean: true,
  format: ["cjs", "esm"],
  dts: true,
  plugins: [
      name: "inline",
      esbuildOptions(options) {
        options.plugins = [plugin, ...(options.plugins as Plugin[])];


But it seems that the plugins are being overwritten or not taken into account at a later stage.

What would be a way to deal with that? Thanks!

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