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arrow style functions are missing comments #1131

Open darrenvechain opened 1 month ago

darrenvechain commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure if this is the expected behaviour, but arrow style functions are missing comments when building with tsup


 * Comment 1
function formatUnits(
    value: bigint | number | string,
    decimalsOrUnit: bigint | number | WEI_UNITS = VET_DECIMAL_EXPONENT
): string { ... }

 * Comment 2
const formatVET = (value: bigint | number | string): string => {
    return formatUnits(value, VET_DECIMAL_EXPONENT);

export const unitsUtils = {
    formatUnits, // function
    formatVET, // arrow function


 * Comment 1
declare function formatUnits(value: bigint | number | string, decimalsOrUnit?: bigint | number | WEI_UNITS): string;

declare const unitsUtils: {
    formatUnits: typeof formatUnits; // navigates to the type with original comments
    formatVET: (value: bigint | number | string) => string; // is missing the original comments

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