egoist / vuepack

:package: A modern starter which uses Vue 2, Vuex, Vue-router and Webpack 2 (and even Electron)
MIT License
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VuePack 4.0 Plan #136

Open egoist opened 7 years ago

egoist commented 7 years ago

Abandon vue-cli

4.0 will use the SAO + template-vuepack pattern, it would look very similar to create-react-app: vuepack init my-project

Component/Directive/View/etc generator?

vuepack-generator: vuepack g List

Maybe use what @d-simon mentioned at plop

Improve PWA experience

Maybe use workbox-webpack-plugin

Composable webpack config

I need something like webpack-blocks but is built upon webpack-chain


egoist commented 7 years ago

Here's a work in progress for webpack-block+webpack-chain implementation:

shanoaice commented 4 years ago

Is VuePack abandoned @egoist? I am interested to maintain this project if possible.

egoist commented 4 years ago

@KsRyY awesome, you are now a collaborator