egomobile / vscode-powertools

A swiss army knife with lots of tools, extensions and (scriptable) enhancements for Visual Studio Code.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[Question] about executing powershell #7

Open kraabrsg opened 2 years ago

kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

Hi thank you for this amazing tool!

i have some questions(WIN 10):

1.) Applying a setting like this (settings.json):

    "ego.power-tools": {
        "buttons": [
                "text": "testtask2",
                "action": {
                    "type": "shell",
                    "command": "powershell.exe -noProfile -File C:\\_xxxx\\vscodefolder\\.vscode\\testpower2.ps1 ${activeFile}",
                    "cwd": "C:\\Windows\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\V1.0"
                    "silent": false

and running it, nothing is shown in the vscode terminal (the powershell is executed but i would like to start this powershell as task ). As opposed to when making a task like this in a task.json and running it(output is shown in the Terminal like expected)

    // See
    // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
    "version": "2.0.0",
    "windows": {
        "options": {
            "shell": {
                "executable": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe",
                "args": [
    "tasks": [
            "label": "testtask1",
            "type": "shell",
            "windows": {
                "options": {
                    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
                "command": "powershell -noProfile -File C:\\_xxxx\\vscodefolder\\.vscode\\testpower1.ps1 "
            "presentation": {
                "echo": false,
                "reveal": "silent",
                "focus": true,
                "panel": "shared",
                "showReuseMessage": false,
                "clear": false,
             //   "close": true
            "problemMatcher": []

2.) Can i start a powershell task via command ? (found nothing in the wiki about that), maybe somewhow via javascript or a workbench action ???

3.)Can i define more then 1 context menu entry per file ending (e.g. when ending is .txt "populate" 3 context menu entries to start different powershell tasks, ending .json "populate" 4 contextmenu entries to start different powershell tasks) Now you have to click "execute PowerCommand" and then you choose from the available commands(one click more)

4.) I can execute a powershell script on startup, like on 1.) can i run this as powershell task at startup too ?

5.) for events like "file created" "file.changed" "file.saved" and "file.deleted" i would like to trigger a powershell task (according to the documentation it is not possible) ...? Or would is there a possibility to trigger that from javascript ???

6.) I want some buttons to be shown only on defined endings. e.g. .xxx or .yyy , i tried various strings like

"ifFile": "xxx$" but that does not seem to work ???

Would you be so kind and provide examples for these questions?

Thank you!

ghost commented 2 years ago


1.) search for the OUTPUT tab next to TERMINAL in the bottom area and select Power Tools by e.GO ... results are shown there, because a process is executed, but not as virtial terminal

2.) Yes, with JavaScript: ... s. example below

3.) No, this is technically not possible ... the VS Code API does not support this

4.) Yes, this is possible:

5.) you can use JavaScript for this: ... s. example below

6.) your expression works for me ... when I create a file, it is only shown if this file is open (or any other file with .xxx) ... can you post your settings here? ... maybe check out, if there is a .log file in your ~/.vscode-powertools folder which might help

Example how to ex

const child_process = require('child_process');

exports.execute = async (args) => {
  // args =>

  const stdout = child_process.execFileSync('C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe', [
    "-NoProfile",  "-ExecutionPolicy",  "Bypass",  "-Command"

  // OUTPUT >> Power Tools by e.GO
  args.output.appendLine('PowerShell output: ' + String(stdout));
kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

Hi @mkloubertego thanks!

can confirm 6.) works like expected, my fault.

as of 2.) thanks, that might also help. Maybe easier / fits better here to do is run a task via javascript:


                "script": "mypower.js",
                "forFile": true,
                "forFolder": true,
                "button": {
                    "text": "$(extensions-install-count) command1"


exports.execute = async (args) => {
    // args =>

    // s.
    const vscode = args.require('vscode');

    // load task list
    var allTasks = await vscode.tasks.fetchTasks();

    for (var t of allTasks) {
        if ( === "MYPOWER") {
        `Hello, from '${ args.command }'!`

It should be done by passing in the taskname instead of hardcoding it, so i will use ${args-command} as identification.

Thank you very much for this awesome tools, now i can use one extension for automation instead of two, and it has way more functionality!!!


kraabrsg commented 2 years ago

Hi @mkloubertego

add as of 2.) in mypower.js

    for (var t of allTasks) {
        if ( === args.command) {

args.file is undefined in this script


            "label": "MYPOWER",
            "type": "shell",
            "windows": {
                "options": {
                    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
                "command": "powershell -noProfile -File  C:\\xxxxxx\\_VSCODE_TEST\\yyyyy\\data\\USER\\.vscode\\mypower.ps1 '${file}'"

settings.json unchanged like above

How can i pass in file and folder name (mypower.js) ?

according to last example of the wiki (last exapmple, it should work this way),

I also copied the settings.json in the .vscode folder (this is a portable installation, normally in data/user-data/User)

The links to api/interfaces give a 404...


ghost commented 2 years ago


But only, if you execute the command from file explorer:

let fileOrFolderUri;
if (args.file) {
  fileOrFolderUri = args.file;  // element is file
} else if (args.file) {
  fileOrFolderUri = args.folder;  // element is folder
ghost commented 2 years ago


and you have to set the settings forFile and/or forFolder to (true)

schoko11 commented 2 years ago

Hi @mkloubertego well i have to try that again. But how could i pass in the file(in js script) into the powershell task? Is there a property like t.args??? Because now i get an error that "-file" is missing.. (this is my other github user -> to avoid confusion)