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RVSDG translation error #619

Closed Alex-Fischman closed 3 months ago

Alex-Fischman commented 3 months ago

On fix-state-passthrough, the following code

# Compute the 10th element in the catalan sequence, which is given by:
#   c0 = 0; c(n+1) = sum(ci * c(n-i) for i = 0..n)
@main(loop_bound: int) {
  loop_incr: int = const 1;
  loop_counter: int = const 10;
  final_output: int = const 0;
  loop_cond: bool = lt loop_counter loop_bound;
  br loop_cond .loop_body .loop_done;
  output: int = call @orig_main loop_counter;
  final_output: int = add final_output output;
  loop_counter: int = add loop_counter loop_incr;
  jmp .loop_cond;
  print final_output;

@orig_main(input : int): int {
  catn: int = call @catalan input;
  ret catn;
# Compute the nth term in the catalan sequence
@catalan(n: int):int{
  one: int = const 1;
  zero: int = const 0;
  guard0: bool = eq n zero;
  br guard0 .if .else;
  ret one;
  sum: int = id zero;
  idx: int = id zero;
  n: int = sub n one;
  guard1: bool = le idx n;
  n2: int = sub n idx;
  v1: int = call @catalan idx;
  v2: int = call @catalan n2;
  elti: int = mul v1 v2;
  sum: int = add sum elti;
  idx: int = add idx one;
  jmp .while;
  ret sum;

errors out with

thread 'main' panicked at src/rvsdg/
No join point for block NodeIndex(0)

And the following code

# ARGS: 18

# Compute the 10th element in the catalan sequence, which is given by:
#   c0 = 0; c(n+1) = sum(ci * c(n-i) for i = 0..n)
@main(loop_bound: int) {
  catn: int = call @catalan loop_bound;
  print catn;

@orig_main(input : int): int {
  catn: int = call @catalan input;
  ret catn;
# Compute the nth term in the catalan sequence
@catalan(n: int):int{
  one: int = const 1;
  zero: int = const 0;
  guard0: bool = eq n zero;
  br guard0 .if .else;
#  ret one;
  sum: int = id zero;
  idx: int = id zero;
  n: int = sub n one;
  sum: int = call @catalan idx;
  idx: int = add idx one;
  guard1: bool = le idx n;
  br guard1 .while.body .while.end;
  ret sum;

errors out with

thread 'main' panicked at dag_in_context/src/
assertion `left == right` failed: Expected argument type to be TupleT([IntT, StateT]). Got TupleT([StateT, IntT])
  left: TupleT([StateT, IntT])
 right: TupleT([IntT, StateT])
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace