egueli / TraCI4J

A high-level Java library to communicate with SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) through its TraCI protocol.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Upload Maven artifacts to Maven Central #22

Closed pfisterer closed 5 years ago

pfisterer commented 8 years ago

It would be very helpful if you could upload your maven artifacts to Maven Central ( so that others can easily use your library in other projects.

egueli commented 8 years ago

Thanks! I've never uploaded anything to Central, I'm reading some documentation now, may I ask to you if there's something unclear?

pfisterer commented 8 years ago


I can try to help. Just send me a message.

egueli commented 8 years ago

I tried to follow the guide at; the main command seems to be mvn release:clean release:prepare release:perform -B -e After some edits to pom.xml the build is now successful, but when I log in to Sonatype/Nexus/OSSRH/whatever-that-is ( I don't see my repository, therefore there's nothing to release to Maven Central. But I see the artifact in;quick~traci4j

I'm not a DevOps expert so I don't understand where is the error here, or what I'm supposed to do now. Any clue?

For reference, I've committed the changes to pom.xml to master.

pfisterer commented 8 years ago

Thank you for picking this up. As far as I know, you cannot upload Snapshots to Maven Central.

Timkor commented 8 years ago

What's the current status on this?

pfisterer commented 8 years ago

Maybe this is helpful, too:

pfisterer commented 8 years ago

Are you still working on this issue? If not, I can try to upload the artifacts (temporarily) to jcenter.

pfisterer commented 8 years ago

I've manually uploaded the binaries to Bintray in order to allow my students to use the current version. However, this is really just a quick and dirty hack.

To use it, add


to you pom.xml and use the following dependecy:

egueli commented 8 years ago

Hi, sorry for not having picked it up for all this time. Do you think jcenter is easier to upload than Maven Central? I may try there. Honestly I felt discouraged to upload to MC after all the time spent with no avail. Thanks for the guide, I'll try to follow it this weekend.

pfisterer commented 8 years ago

The easiest way I'm aware of is this: It will auto-sync the stuff to Maven Central.

Thanks for still investing time for this issue!

egueli commented 8 years ago

@pfisterer Ok, I'm attempting to deploy to Bintray. I'm putting my changes to the bintray branch. I'm at the step "Deploy: Deploy files to Bintray by running your build tool*.". I've ran mvn release:prepare and mvn deploy as explained here, but Maven stops with the message

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy) on project TraCI4J: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact com.github.egueli:TraCI4J:jar:2.6-20160710.102743-1 from/to bintray-egueli-e_gueli (;publish=1): Failed to transfer file:;publish=1/com/github/egueli/TraCI4J/2.6-SNAPSHOT/TraCI4J-2.6-20160710.102743-1.jar. Return code is: 400, ReasonPhrase: Bad Request. -> [Help 1]

Seems like Bintray refuses the upload with a 400 Bad Request, but I have no further info. Any clue?

egueli commented 8 years ago

After trying to reproduce the upload with cURL, I see that the error is in the response body (and discarded by Maven): {"message":"Provided artifact path does not comply with Maven's convention"}

The command I used is somewhat like curl -v -X PUT -T target/TraCI4J-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar -u egueli ';publish=1/com/github/egueli/TraCI4J/2.6-SNAPSHOT/TraCI4J-2.6-20160711.201256-1.jar'.

I thought it was strange that the URL contains a snapshot version, so I tried modifying to curl -v -X PUT -T target/TraCI4J-2.5.jar -u egueli ';publish=1/com/github/egueli/TraCI4J/2.5/TraCI4J-2.5.jar'

and the upload went fine!

Previously I got the approval from Bintray to include the TraCI4J package. Now I see the version 2.5 published in the package's Bintray page, but not in JCenter ( Are there more steps to do?

pfisterer commented 8 years ago

Regarding your first comment: I guess it's because bintray does not accept SNAPSHOT versions.

Getting it included in JCenter seems to require just a few clicks:

stefanobortoli commented 6 years ago


halegreen commented 5 years ago
