eguil / Density_bining

Density bining code
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Surface density transformation #18

Closed eguil closed 5 years ago

eguil commented 10 years ago

Compute density bined buoyancy flux, transformation and formation (a la Walin 1982) Create specific proc Will require E-P (wfo) and net downward heat flux over oceans (fields TBD) screen shot 2014-09-08 at 21 15 43

durack1 commented 10 years ago

Perfect, I had a placeholder I was filling out titled "Surface flux transformation to density (E-P, heat flux to density)" however, this is much more descriptive.. I haven't read the Walin contribution, so will do. This is very useful background to me:

This will be very insightful..

eguil commented 10 years ago

you may also want to read this one: Kevin Speer and Eli Tziperman, 1992: Rates of Water Mass Formation in the North Atlantic Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 22, 93–104. doi:;2

durack1 commented 10 years ago

Great, and this one will also be useful when we're considering the Southern Ocean:

Kevin Speer, Stephen R. Rintoul, and Bernadette Sloyan, 2000: The Diabatic Deacon Cell*. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 3212–3222. doi:;2

durack1 commented 10 years ago

Yeah, the git web submission for issues breaks the URL.. Trying this through the email parser (which seemed to work for you):;2

eguil commented 10 years ago

ok - I know this paper. We wrote a relate one with Kevin in 2000: I've also found a couple of papers by Groeskamp et al (JPO 2014) who extend this approach to the combined T and S space. More complex but quite interesting as well.

eguil commented 10 years ago

Hi Paul, From the CMIP5 CMOR table, I need the total downward heat flux: hfds which should be the sum of: rlds (LW), rsntds (net SW), hfls (LHF) and hfss (SHF) On /work/cmip5/historical/ocn/mo I only find 3 of them: rlds, hfls and hfss. There is a rsds (downwelling SW) but for one model and not usable as such.

Hence my question: do we have either hfds or rsntds on the ocean grid ? Or do we have to look for this on the atmosphere grid (but we will miss the heat flux underneath the ice) ? Cheers, Eric

durack1 commented 10 years ago

Good questions.. I'll probably have to add another variable to the xml creation list.. If indeed they exist.. Do these exist in the document: Not sure what the implications are if we need to mix and match atmos and ocean grid variables..? What will the regridding do to it?

durack1 commented 10 years ago

I'll poll what we have and what we need and append to the list for atmos and ocean vars.. The new run should kick off on Sunday, so we should know what exists by mid next week

durack1 commented 10 years ago

FYI, the listing of variables is at:

eguil commented 10 years ago

ok, let me know what you can find. Interpolating atmos fields is a pain as you have to remove any land value first (via some nearest neighbour extrapolation).

On 12/9/14 17:56, Paul J. Durack wrote:

I'll poll what we have and what we need and append to the list for atmos and ocean vars.. The new run should kick off on Sunday, so we should know what exists by mid next week

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eguil commented 10 years ago

The net heat flux requires: rlds, rlus, rsds, rsus, hfss, hfls which are all in your list of atm_vars. It would be quite something if the net heat flux on the ocean grid was not available ! Definitively something to add on the list asked by the WGOMD and Anna Pirani...

On 12/9/14 18:53, Paul J. Durack wrote:

FYI, the current listing of variables is at: current lines 390-400

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durack1 commented 10 years ago

The rsds variable generated by GFDL was duplicated as a downwelling radiation within the ocean itself (so both atmos and ocean variables), and is very weird.. Ok, so no edits required by me then.. If we have all the outputs being generated..

If you have suggestions for what should be on the CMIP6 ocean output list let me know, I'm contributing to the document which should be in a draft form by the end of the month

eguil commented 10 years ago

well, we have the output on the atmos grid if I understand correctly. Which creates 2 problems for us: interpolation on the ocean grid and sea-ice. For CMIP6 we definitively need the net heat flux entering the ocean...

durack1 commented 10 years ago

Ok so it does appear that water and heat fluxes on the ocean grid were provided from CMIP5, I just haven't been indexing them:

Flux long_name CMOR name XML status
Water rainfall_flux pr missing
Water water_evaporation_flux evs Indexed
Water water_flux_into_sea_water wfo Indexed
Heat surface_net_downward_longwave_flux rlds missing
Heat surface_downward_latent_heat_flux hfls missing
Heat surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux hfss missing
Heat surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water hfds missing

I'll add these all to the xml scour and we should see what we have in a week or so..

durack1 commented 10 years ago

Ok should be indexing with commit - These files should be on the machine mid-next week.. It'd be good to check and then see what we have

eguil commented 9 years ago

Commit 2324093cee9c140d506fbbdcd84b136ef1e7687d ok for global density flux and transformation - tested on MPI-ESM-LR historical CPU for 150 yrs = 600 sec screen shot 2014-10-09 at 11 56 25

eguil commented 9 years ago

Will need tauvo (183 xmls) and tauuo (183 xmls) for Ekman transport contribution - compared to hfds (150 xmls)

durack1 commented 9 years ago

@eguil ok so I have working, and have tested this with 1 input:

I've made edits to and some cleanup to (mostly cleaning up unused statements and replacing your path with mine) - the commit seems to work for me..

Give it a go and see how far you get.. There are a couple of to-dos but this should get us 86 files or so to start, obviously pending hitting problems with models..

Over to you..

durack1 commented 9 years ago

@eguil we'll likely need to add in some tests to make sure that these fields all line up temporally, as we're using 4 different variable inputs I'd be surprised if this doesn't trigger an issue at some point.. Oh and I didn't add in tauvo and tauuo but will do that once you've had a go and see how far you get..

eguil commented 6 years ago

Back to surface transformation with the arrival of Victor Estella-Perez (LOCEAN Post-doc). See related slack channel

durack1 commented 6 years ago

@eguil great!