eguil / Density_bining

Density bining code
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Check units in WOA file #80

Closed eguil closed 5 years ago

eguil commented 5 years ago

area unit wrong (km2 rather than m2), check scale factors

durack1 commented 5 years ago

@eguil yep, it seems there are mixed units, just need to change the order of magnitude of

durack1 commented 5 years ago


netcdf \190501_1007_WOD18_masks_0p25deg {
        depth = 137 ;
        bound = 2 ;
        latitude = 720 ;
        longitude = 1440 ;
        float basinmask3_area(latitude, longitude) ;
                basinmask3_area:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;
                basinmask3_area:missing_value = 1.e+20f ;
                basinmask3_area:earthLandAreaM2 = 148940000000000. ;
                basinmask3_area:oceanSurfaceAreaM2 = 352342040224260. ; <- 352.3 x 10^12 m^2
                basinmask3_area:earthWaterAreaM2 = 361132000000000. ;
                basinmask3_area:earthSurfaceAreaM2 = 510100000000000. ; <- 5.1 x 10^14 m^2
                basinmask3_area:units = "m^2" ;
durack1 commented 5 years ago

@eguil @ysilvy there should be two PRs (Pull Requests) ready for either of you to merge that resolves both issues - I've left them as unmerged PRs so you can double check this solves the two issues

durack1 commented 5 years ago

FYI they're at and respectively