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Find a utility css framework for things like margins and alignment #5

Open ehaughee opened 6 years ago

ehaughee commented 6 years ago

Update: Look into

The Bootstrap utility classes (for things like margins, padding, flexbox, etc) are dope but I don't want to pull bootstrap in on top of semantic ui. I'd like to be using react-bootstrap instead of semantic ui but they aren't done supporting bootstrap v4 yet. So I've been looking around for a simple utility class (ideally with similar classes to bootstrap for an easier upgrade path). However, I've yet to find one that is simple yet covers all the bases that bootstrap's utility classes do.

Frameworks I've looked at:

ehaughee commented 6 years ago

7 tracks a switch to react-bootstrap

rluiten commented 6 years ago

May I ask if you are on semantic ui already what makes you want to go to bootstrap 4 ? We are weighing up our choices and at the moment semantic ui and bootrap are front runners though I think bootstrap 3 isn't what some people want, and 4 is good ways off for react-bootstrap.

ehaughee commented 6 years ago

@rluiten My reasons are two fold really. One is my familiarity with bootstrap as I use it at work. The second, as demonstrated in this issue, is that I couldn't find a utility class css framework that didn't also do a bunch of other stuff or didn't do enough. Bring able to compose your styling out of utility classes based on uniform spacing units without writing any css has allowed me to accomplish a lot without writing much custom css. Semantic UI is nice but you'll find yourself writing things like margin-left: 15px all the time and thus maintaining a lot more css. And as of this issue, it appears they have no plans to add any.

A bonus benefit is broad web development community adoption and thus a lot of solved problems and tooling/library support (react-bootstrap being an obvious exception).

So, as with most things in the software world, both are good it just depends on your use case.

rluiten commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your info, and that makes a lot of sense. Also just in case you weren't aware exists and is bootstrap 4.

adrolli commented 6 years ago

Thanks a million for that hint @rluiten Came here struggling with the same problem, your tech stack sounds interesting @ehaughee

ehaughee commented 6 years ago

@rluiten Thanks for the heads up! I hadn't seen reactstrap. I will definitely check it out.

rluiten commented 6 years ago

@ehaughee I'd be interested in any positive/negative findings you may have on reactstrap, I have only played with it very briefly so know little of it.