A website I've been getting ideas from is enplug.com
I want to adopt a similar format as this for the bottom of the about page. The section WHY I DO WHAT I DO can be retitled as "My Story"
Then underneath a banner saying "Discover where piano lessons will take you" and a button saying "Study with Brennan" underneath that links to the contact page.
I'm also thinking about colour schemes for the headers and different sections of the webpage. Any suggestions? I've noticed a lot of websites using a calming blue colour. What do you think of these colours:
A website I've been getting ideas from is enplug.com
I want to adopt a similar format as this for the bottom of the about page. The section WHY I DO WHAT I DO can be retitled as "My Story"
Then underneath a banner saying "Discover where piano lessons will take you" and a button saying "Study with Brennan" underneath that links to the contact page.
I'm also thinking about colour schemes for the headers and different sections of the webpage. Any suggestions? I've noticed a lot of websites using a calming blue colour. What do you think of these colours: