Get Declaration by ID - urgent.authentication_method_current block added to response
Legal Entitiy object - mis_verified and edr_verified removed from response
Verify Legal Entity by MIS - endpoint deprecated
Create and Update division changes: different legal entity types can register specific division types and address types accordingly
More details can be found here
Healthcare services group of endpoints added
Employee roles group of endpoints added
Get my user details endpoint added
Medical Programs Group of endpoints added
Get Services Dictionary endpoint added
Get Medication Request Requests List - encounter_id parameter added
Sign Medication Request Request - printout_form added to response
Get Medication requests List - encounter_idparameter added
Capitation Contract_request - contractor_employee_divisions and external_contractor_flag becomes optional
Contractor_payment_details - IBAN support added
Get Contract Employees - route path has been changed
block added to responsemis_verified
removed from responseencounter_id
parameter addedprintout_form
added to responseencounter_id
parameter addedcontractor_employee_divisions
becomes optionalprogram_medication_id
parameter addedtext
becomes required