ehealthplatformstandards / laboResultVisualization

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Thymeleaf problems with HAPIFHIR 6.6.1 #28

Closed bdc-ehealth closed 1 year ago

bdc-ehealth commented 1 year ago

Bart Decuypere: Hi, we are implementing automatic narrative generation, and after an upgrade from 6.2.5 to a later version (6.4.4 and also 6.6.1), we see that the automatic narrative generation is no longer functioning for R4. (

This line, which should be generating the narrative, is only returning an empty Narrative:

We have set our narrative generator on the context, as indicated on (

Bart Decuypere: If you need more information from me to be able to help me, please say so! Additional info can be found here:

Bart Decuypere: I further debugged this issue, and the problem is here:

It is no longer possible to assign a template to a resource only, if that resource has a profile assigned to it. The code should be changed to:

.filter(t -> theProfiles.isEmpty() || t.getAppliesToProfiles().isEmpty() || t.getAppliesToProfiles().stream().anyMatch(theProfiles::contains)) In that way, if the properties file does not contain a profile, and the resource does, the template will still apply for the resource. This is the intended behaviour, I think.

Bart Decuypere: And the bug was introduced by @James Agnew on Jan 24 of this year: .

bdc-ehealth commented 1 year ago

As a workaround, I updated, but the functionality is not completely identical: see remark above.