eheikes / tts

Tools to convert text to speech :books::speech_balloon:
Apache License 2.0
92 stars 19 forks source link

Bump lerna to latest version #125

Closed eheikes closed 1 year ago

eheikes commented 1 year ago

Fixes parse-url security alert.

socket-security[bot] commented 1 year ago

Socket Security Pull Request Report

Dependency issues detected. If you merge this pull request, you will not be alerted to the instances of these issues again.

📜 Install scripts

Install scripts are run when the package is installed. The majority of malware in npm is hidden in install scripts.

Packages should not be running non-essential scripts during install and there are often solutions to problems people solve with install scripts that can be run at publish time instead.

Package Script field Location
@parcel/watcher@2.0.4 (added) binding.gyp package.json via nx@15.0.8
nx@15.0.8 (added) postinstall package.json
@parcel/watcher@2.0.4 (added) install package.json via nx@15.0.8
🫣 Native code

Contains native code which could be a vector to obscure malicious code, and generally decrease the likelihood of reproducible or reliable installs.

Ensure that native code bindings are expected. Consumers may consider pure JS and functionally similar alternatives to avoid the challenges and risks associated with native code bindings.

Package Location
@parcel/watcher@2.0.4 (added) package.json via nx@15.0.8
😵‍💫 Bin script confusion

This package has multiple bin scripts with the same name. This can cause non-deterministic behavior when installing or could be a sign of a supply chain attack

Consider removing one of the conflicting packages. Packages should only export bin scripts with their name

Package Bin script Location
@zkochan/js-yaml@0.0.6 (added) js-yaml package.json via nx@15.0.8
js-yaml@3.13.1 (added) js-yaml package.json via @istanbuljs/load-nyc-config@1.1.0,packages/tts-app/package.json via codecov@3.7.1,packages/tts-cli/package.json via codecov@3.7.1,packages/tts-lib/package.json via codecov@3.7.1,packages/web-tts/package.json via nyc@15.1.0, @istanbuljs/load-nyc-config@1.1.0
js-yaml@3.14.1 (added) js-yaml package.json via nx@15.0.8, @yarnpkg/parsers@3.0.0-rc.27,packages/web-tts/package.json
js-yaml@4.1.0 (added) js-yaml package.json,packages/web-tts/package.json via standard@14.3.4, eslint-config-standard@14.1.1, eslint@8.26.0
Pull request report summary
Issue Status
Install scripts ⚠️ 3 issues
Native code ⚠️ 1 issue
Bin script confusion ⚠️ 4 issues
Bin script shell injection ✅ 0 issues
Unresolved require ✅ 0 issues
Invalid package.json ✅ 0 issues
HTTP dependency ✅ 0 issues
Git dependency ✅ 0 issues
Non-existent author ✅ 0 issues
Potential typo squat ✅ 0 issues
Known Malware ✅ 0 issues
Telemetry ✅ 0 issues
Protestware/Troll package ✅ 0 issues
Bot Commands

To ignore an alert, reply with a comment starting with @SocketSecurity ignore followed by a space separated list of package-name@version specifiers. e.g. @SocketSecurity ignore foo@1.0.0 bar@2.4.2

  • @SocketSecurity ignore @parcel/watcher@2.0.4
  • @SocketSecurity ignore nx@15.0.8
  • @SocketSecurity ignore @zkochan/js-yaml@0.0.6
  • @SocketSecurity ignore js-yaml@3.13.1
  • @SocketSecurity ignore js-yaml@3.14.1

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