ehelms / Tasks-Rollover-Chrome-Extension

The source code for a simple Chrome extension that will roll uncompleted tasks over to the current date for easier tracking and viewing within Google calendar.
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I do not have a rollover #2

Closed franzellin closed 12 years ago

franzellin commented 12 years ago

I downloaded the chrome version 1.1.6 but I do not notice any rollover of my tasks, I canceled and downladed again but the problem persists

I am surely making something wrong , I am using chrome 15.x on a Windows XP maschine

I cannot act because I cannot manually rollover , I reload google tasks and google calendar but nothing changes

thanks for help - renato

ehelms commented 12 years ago

When you installed the extension - did it open a tab requesting access to the Google tasks API?

franzellin commented 12 years ago

yes, I granted acces

I never receive a notification telling me that it rolled over

The only notification that I receive is when I am off line , telling me that it could not access my tasks ----- Original Message ----- From: Eric D Helms To: franzellin Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 3:19 PM Subject: Re: [Tasks-Rollover-Chrome-Extension] I do not have a rollover (#2)

When you installed the extension - did it open a tab requesting access to the Google tasks API?

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ehelms commented 12 years ago

All of the tasks you are expecting to rollover has or had a due date set on them?

Could you open Wrench -> Tools -> Extensions, put it in developer mode, expand the Rollover Tasks extensions and open the html file at: Inspect active views: background.html

And see what errors are appearing in the console?

franzellin commented 12 years ago

ad1) I have DUE Date tasks, and 1 with the date of yesterday 09/nov2011 I already tested a few days long

ad2) I am in developer mode , and looking at background.html I have 0 errors

I now selected select audits and reload page and audits on load (20 of 20) but still no errors ----- Original Message ----- From: Eric D Helms To: franzellin Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 3:36 PM Subject: Re: [Tasks-Rollover-Chrome-Extension] I do not have a rollover (#2)

All of the tasks you are expecting to rollover has or had a due date set on them?

Could you open Wrench -> Tools -> Extensions, put it in developer mode, expand the Rollover Tasks extensions and open the html file at: Inspect active views: background.html

And see what errors are appearing in the console?

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franzellin commented 12 years ago

in developer kit, under NETWORK I have a list with all positions as 200 OK, the only strange thing is that after the "rollover.js" position , there are 20 time TASKS always with 200 OK

franzellin commented 12 years ago

and only 1 of 20 has size of 3.8KB all the others are 0

ehelms commented 12 years ago

Let me work on getting some extra debugging output into a new version of the code to help us walk through it and figure out what might be the cause. I have had others use the extension with success so I am curious what might be different. Will probably take me a few days to find a little time to do that if you can bear with me.

franzellin commented 12 years ago

Surely, thanks for the time that you spend, but the product is so intelligent that we have to find the solution,

I have my calendar displaying on the right side the TASKS, and reloading the calendar the position 10-November 2011 should be transformed in 11/November 2011

and as already said, the only notification is when I am off-line, a rectangle bottom right telling that no tasks could be reached

----- Original Message ----- From: Eric D Helms To: franzellin Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 4:07 PM Subject: Re: [Tasks-Rollover-Chrome-Extension] I do not have a rollover (#2)

Let me work on getting some extra debugging output into a new version of the code to help us walk through it and figure out what might be the cause. I have had others use the extension with success so I am curious what might be different. Will probably take me a few days to find a little time to do that if you can bear with me.

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ehelms commented 12 years ago

If you take a task and move back its due date say - 5 days and then reload your calendar does it do anything?

franzellin commented 12 years ago

YES, Roll Over success

franzellin commented 12 years ago

I live in europe and the date here is DD/MM/YYYY , perhaps this could be als a problem..

ehelms commented 12 years ago

Yep... I wondered if this might happen. I tried my best to make the rollover timezone agnostic but working with dates in Javascript is a bit of a pain. I will look into this more and see if I can't get a fix pushed out in the next few days.

franzellin commented 12 years ago

I congratulate first for the simple and intelligent Roll Over idea

the problem of the timezone you found it and I am sure you are going to solve it - thanks - renato

ehelms commented 12 years ago


I pushed some changes to the date code that I hope will alleviate the timezone issues. The extension should auto-update itself but if you would take a look and play around with it for me to let me know if they worked. Thanks.

franzellin commented 12 years ago

I attached a screen shot of my calendar the 17 november at 10 a.m. Paris time. the version is 1.18 as you can see in the tasks lists (rightside) I have 3 positions due yesterday 16 Nov, they were implemented the 15 november with due date the 16 all others are either perfectly rolled over Theoretically these 3 positions should be also rolled over , but is not bad, because today I see also the positions that I had to do yesterday The only disadvantege is that these 3 positions do not appear in the 4 days view of my calendar but only in the tasks Tomorrow I resend you the same screen shot thanks

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 2:12 AM, Eric D Helms <



I pushed some changes to the date code that I hope will alleviate the timezone issues. The extension should auto-update itself but if you would take a look and play around with it for me to let me know if they worked. Thanks.

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ehelms commented 12 years ago

Will you take the tasks that are out of place - set the due dates back say 3 or 4 days and then see what happens?

franzellin commented 12 years ago

I send you 2 screen shots of my calendar in week form 1) first I added a new meeting tasks (lagrange telef) for the 7 december; The program brings back to the 16 November (I tried 4 times and each time was so) 2) I modified the 2 tasks of the 16 November with due date 12 and 13, after refresh I received the rollover confirmation but I have now 3 positions on the 16 November (and disturbing is that one due for the 7 december)

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Eric D Helms <


Will you take the tasks that are out of place - set the due dates back say 3 or 4 days and then see what happens?

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ehelms commented 12 years ago

Ahha! Good catch - that is an issue introduced with the changed code that I should be able to easily fix and push out - will post back once I do. For dates before the current date it appears to be rolling them over correctly now though by the sound of it? Will post back once I push changes to prevent future due dates from rolling backwards.

franzellin commented 12 years ago

I was looking at your file "rollover.js", and I would like to ask you 2 questions, I am not so good in java and I would like to understand: line 37: I suppose that you are asking if a duetask AND NOT completed THEN set the date as TODAY I am asking myself what happens if the duetask is scheduled in the future line 40: if the date +1 is less then today (17 nov) you make a rollover but if the date is the 16 of november (yesterday, you will never roll) why do you add 1, without adding, also the 16 november would be rolled over to the 17 I would ask: IF the duedate is NOT completed AND is less then today THEN I would update and all others not

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Eric D Helms <


Ahha! Good catch - that is an issue introduced with the changed code that I should be able to easily fix and push out - will post back once I do. For dates before the current date it appears to be rolling them over correctly now though by the sound of it? Will post back once I push changes to prevent future due dates from rolling backwards.

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ehelms commented 12 years ago

Pushed changes that should prevent future tasks from being rolled back. Let me know if you have any further issues. Thanks for the feedback.

franzellin commented 12 years ago

No future tasks rolled back => ok I send you a screen shot at saturday 08 a.m.19 November, where you can see that 3 positions of thursday 17, are still there, but it is not so terrible

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 1:59 AM, Eric D Helms <


Pushed changes that should prevent future tasks from being rolled back. Let me know if you have any further issues. Thanks for the feedback.

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franzellin commented 12 years ago

I send you the new screenshot at 5PM and I had a roll over, the 3 positions that this morning were with due date 17 november , are now with due date 18 november, it means that the roll over happened

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Renato F r a n z e l l i n <> wrote:

No future tasks rolled back => ok I send you a screen shot at saturday 08 a.m.19 November, where you can see that 3 positions of thursday 17, are still there, but it is not so terrible

  • R e n a t o F R A N Z E L L I N saluti - regards - mfg - salutations - (g)*

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 1:59 AM, Eric D Helms <


Pushed changes that should prevent future tasks from being rolled back. Let me know if you have any further issues. Thanks for the feedback.

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franzellin commented 12 years ago

as you can see today, sunday the 20 november at 6 PM european time, I have still 3 positions with due date friday 18 and I do not understand why...

franzellin commented 12 years ago

as you can see, today monday 21 november at 3pm europe time, I have still no rollover of 3 friday positions

ehelms commented 12 years ago

I am seeing some strange issues occurring with mine as well all of a sudden. Will look in to it more. I have an idea why you are seeing the behavior you are - will see if I can fix it in the next few days.

franzellin commented 12 years ago


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:16 PM, Eric D Helms <


I am seeing some strange issues occurring with mine as well all of a sudden. Will look in to it more. I have an idea why you are seeing the behavior you are - will see if I can fix it in the next few days.

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franzellin commented 12 years ago

I imagine that shopping was the task of the weekend, but I remember you that the roll over is waiting for a 1.2.2 version...

franzellin commented 12 years ago

I updated chrome to 15.0.874.121 m and I have the sensation that your extension is blocked because inspecting the popup i cannot see your files anymore

ehelms commented 12 years ago

Been bogged down with the holidays - my tasks rollover is having issues as well so I will look in to this.

franzellin commented 12 years ago

no problem

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 17:17, Eric D Helms <


Been bogged down with the holidays - my tasks rollover is having issues as well so I will look in to this.

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ehelms commented 12 years ago

Renato - will you check to make sure your extension updates to 1.2.2 and let me know if you see any more abnormalities? I fixed a typo and issue that caused tasks off by a year to be rolled back.

franzellin commented 12 years ago


On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 16:51, Eric D Helms <


Renato - will you check to make sure your extension updates to 1.2.2 and let me know if you see any more abnormalities? I fixed a typo and issue that caused tasks off by a year to be rolled back.

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franzellin commented 12 years ago

1) The new version works again and it is a pleasure 2) the only "mistake" is as you can see in the attached screenshot that the "TEST" position was rolled over from monday to tuesday, and the tuesday positions (all the others) stayed on tuesday. I checked and the local time in California is already Wednesday, tomorrow we can see if the tuesday positions are rolled over either to Wednesday or Thursday My sensation is that probably the roll over date is "today -1" instead of "today", but tomorrow will know it exactly On a general point of view, is not bad to have all rolled over positions on the day before, because shows you exactly what you missed, the annoing point is that Google Calendar in the "Agenda view or Day View" does not show the "yesterday" and I am obliged to use the "week view" to see all of them Let us wait till tomorrow I resend you my calendar bravo

franzellin commented 12 years ago

Looking in rollover.js , I am asking myself what happens if you change the actual line 41

if( ((taskDate.getDate() + 1) < today.getDate() with =< today.getdate() because making an example a task with duedate "6" ==> 6+1 = 7 and 7 is not < than today(7) and automatically the "6" positions are not rolled over

franzellin commented 12 years ago

the roll over was successful the tuesday's events were rolled at wednesday, as I told you before, they are at "TODAY-1" as you can see I am using in google calendar the "week" view Please think about to test once in rollover .js the ( <= ) modification

franzellin commented 12 years ago

as you can see it rolls (today-1) more I think about, it is probably the best solution to have the rolled positions at -1, because we can identify them perfectly thanks

ehelms commented 12 years ago

I am starting to wonder if this is related to Greenwich meantime. The reason I have the -1 in the code when setting the day is that I noticed that was the only way to set the date properly and get tasks to appear on the correct date. I will have to dig in to this more to see if there is a mismatch there due to timezones and see if I can correct it depending on location.

franzellin commented 12 years ago

I am now, quite happy with the actual solution, because I know that all -1 positions are rolledover and the actuals are really "fresh"

also in this form your application is 5stars worth

----- Original Message ----- From: Eric D Helms To: franzellin Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 4:01 PM Subject: Re: [Tasks-Rollover-Chrome-Extension] I do not have a rollover (#2)

I am starting to wonder if this is related to Greenwich meantime. The reason I have the -1 in the code when setting the day is that I noticed that was the only way to set the date properly and get tasks to appear on the correct date. I will have to dig in to this more to see if there is a mismatch there due to timezones and see if I can correct it depending on location.

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franzellin commented 12 years ago

I found out that clicking on the small calendar in google calendar, I can display a range of days as I wish, for instance displaying also "yesterday".

the agenda or custom view begins always with "today"

with this trick your application is perfect as it is now and does not need any changement and all rolledover positions are under "yesterday"

franzellin commented 12 years ago


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R E N A T O F R A N Z E L L I N Salutations mfg Saluti Regards (mc)